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Sort thumbs do not generate

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:13 am
by treif

I searched for help on this and I could not find any posts related. When I run the sort to clean the images everything works perfect with no errors. When the process completes there are no thumbs showing in the preview pane. How do I fix that?

Second question, in the event I cannot get the preview to work, how do I manually delete the extracted images that are obviously junk and then clean the alignment file?

keywords so the next guy finds this post. Sort missing preview thumbs thumbnails don't appear.

Re: Sort thumbs do not generate

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:17 am
by torzdf

The preview pane in the Faceswap GUI?

If so, it is only used for showing output of Extract/Train/Convert.

The sorted images will have been sorted in place in the folder you specified.

See here for more information:

Re: Sort thumbs do not generate

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:05 am
by treif

I was following the tutorial, and after sort, there are two screen shots of two sets of thumbs.
That was what mislead me to believe there was a preview of the thumbs.

To summarize, after I sort, I just browse the local folder and delete the pictures that are not relevant.
Then I update the alignment file.

Thank you