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Maunal tool - alignments vs masked area

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 4:23 pm
by Fubared

When editing masks to cut out anything covering the face, i notice the masked area can overspill the face, so something that isnt a face is masked in red. part of a neck below the chin for example.

If the alignment is correctly matching the outline of the face, and chin, in this example, will any masked area outside of this alignment be ignored when training & converting?

Be useful to know if these "extra" masked areas can be ignored and don't need cleaning up, as they are outside of the alignment area.


Re: Maunal tool - alignments vs masked area

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 10:41 am
by torzdf

Generally, if the mask overspills the face, then you want to remove the overspill.

Not so important for training, but in convert, anything which is "red" will be swapped.