Default MaxPoolingOp only supports NHWC on device type CPU

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Re: Default MaxPoolingOp only supports NHWC on device type CPU

Post by helpimbeing »

Ah that's too bad. Thank you for your help regardless (and for fixing the S3FD error). Extract and Convert don't usually take that long anyways so it's not a huge inconvenience as long as that error is gone.

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ERROR Got Exception on main handler

Post by lordaccess »

Can I get some help with this?

Code: Select all

11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      components      init_model                DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                INFO     Initialized Components (Mask) with batchsize of 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_input'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_input_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_components_input_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_input')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_input': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_predict'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_predict_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_components_predict_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_predict': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_output'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_output_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_components_output_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_output')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_output': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    Launched mask_0 plugin
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    Launching mask_1 plugin
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_1_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_2_in
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506100>, 'out_queue': <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506490>})
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                INFO     Initializing Extended (Mask)...
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_extended'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended', maxsize: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_extended'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_extended'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_extended', maxsize: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_extended')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_extended'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _compile_threads          DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_input, function: <bound method Mask.process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224D30>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506100>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84442E80>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_input', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_input'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_input
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224D30>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84442E80>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A844480A0>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_predict', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_predict'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_predict
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_output, function: <bound method Mask.process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224D30>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A844480A0>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506490>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_output', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_output'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_output
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _compile_threads          DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A844426D0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A84448220>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A84448250>]
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      extended        init_model                DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                INFO     Initialized Extended (Mask) with batchsize of 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_input'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_input_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_extended_input_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_input')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_input': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_predict'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_predict_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_extended_predict_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_predict': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_output'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_output_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     mask_extended_output_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_output')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_output': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    Launched mask_1 plugin
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    Launching mask_2 plugin
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_2_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_2_out
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506490>, 'out_queue': <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506610>})
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                INFO     Initializing VGG Obstructed (Mask)...
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_vgg_obstructed'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_vgg_obstructed', maxsize: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_vgg_obstructed')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_vgg_obstructed'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_vgg_obstructed'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_vgg_obstructed', maxsize: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   add_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_vgg_obstructed')
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      queue_manager   get_queue                 DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_vgg_obstructed'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _compile_threads          DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_vgg_obstructed_input, function: <bound method Mask.process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224DC0>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506490>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84448A30>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_input', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_input'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_vgg_obstructed_input
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_vgg_obstructed_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224DC0>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84448A30>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84448C10>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_predict', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_predict'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_vgg_obstructed_predict
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_vgg_obstructed_output, function: <bound method Mask.process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed.Mask object at 0x0000020AF1224DC0>>, in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020A84448C10>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x0000020AF1506610>)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_output', thread_count: 1)
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  __init__                  DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_output'
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _add_thread               DEBUG    Added thread: mask_vgg_obstructed_output
11/14/2020 21:49:03 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           _compile_threads          DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A84448280>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A84448D90>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x0000020A84448DC0>]
11/14/2020 21:49:05 MainProcess     MainThread      session         load_model_weights        VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: VGG Obstructed
11/14/2020 21:49:07 MainProcess     MainThread      session         append_softmax_activation DEBUG    Appending Softmax Activation to model: (layer_index: -1)
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      _base           initialize                INFO     Initialized VGG Obstructed (Mask) with batchsize of 1
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_vgg_obstructed_input'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_input_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     mask_vgg_obstructed_input_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_input')
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_vgg_obstructed_input': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_vgg_obstructed_predict'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_predict_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     mask_vgg_obstructed_predict_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_vgg_obstructed_predict': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_vgg_obstructed_output'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_vgg_obstructed_output_0'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     mask_vgg_obstructed_output_0 _base           _thread_process           DEBUG    threading: (function: 'process_output')
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  start                     DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_vgg_obstructed_output': 1
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        _launch_plugin            DEBUG    Launched mask_2 plugin
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      pipeline        detected_faces            DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['detect', 'align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1', 'mask_2']'
11/14/2020 21:49:08 MainProcess     MainThread      multithreading  check_and_raise_error     DEBUG    Thread error caught: [(<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError'>, InvalidArgumentError(), <traceback object at 0x0000020AF816EEC0>)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\lib\cli\", line 182, in execute_script
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\scripts\", line 117, in process
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\scripts\", line 213, in _run_extraction
    for idx, extract_media in enumerate(status_bar):
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tqdm\", line 1165, in __iter__
    for obj in iterable:
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\", line 233, in detected_faces
    if self._check_and_raise_error():
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\", line 655, in _check_and_raise_error
    if plugin.check_and_raise_error():
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\", line 303, in check_and_raise_error
    err = thread.check_and_raise_error()
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\lib\", line 84, in check_and_raise_error
    raise error[1].with_traceback(error[2])
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\lib\", line 37, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\", line 421, in _thread_process
    batch = function(batch)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\detect\", line 208, in _predict
    batch = self.predict(batch)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\plugins\extract\detect\", line 54, in predict
    predictions = self.model.predict(batch["feed"])
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\lib\model\", line 77, in predict
    return self._model.predict(feed, batch_size=batch_size)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\engine\", line 88, in _method_wrapper
    return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\keras\engine\", line 1268, in predict
    tmp_batch_outputs = predict_function(iterator)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 580, in __call__
    result = self._call(*args, **kwds)
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 650, in _call
    return self._concrete_stateful_fn._filtered_call(canon_args, canon_kwds)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 1661, in _filtered_call
    return self._call_flat(
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 1745, in _call_flat
    return self._build_call_outputs(
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 593, in call
    outputs = execute.execute(
  File "C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\", line 59, in quick_execute
    tensors = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name, op_name,
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError:  Default MaxPoolingOp only supports NHWC on device type CPU
	 [[node model_1/LAYER_4/MaxPool (defined at \faceswap\lib\model\ ]] [Op:__inference_predict_function_2375]

Function call stack:

============ System Information ============
encoding:            cp1252
git_branch:          master
git_commits:         edc3b96 GUI Bugfix - Convert preview
gpu_cuda:            9.0
gpu_cudnn:           7.0.5
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: GeForce GTX 980M
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          385.54
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 8192MB
os_machine:          AMD64
os_platform:         Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0
os_release:          10
py_command:          C:\Users\Silverghost980m\faceswap\ extract -i C:/Users/Silverghost980m/Desktop/photos/gt -o C:/Users/Silverghost980m/Desktop/photos/gt/extract -D s3fd -A fan -M vgg-obstructed -nm none -min 20 -l 0.4 -een 1 -sz 256 -si 0 -L INFO -gui
py_conda_version:    conda 4.8.5
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.8.5
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           8
sys_processor:       Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
sys_ram:             Total: 32706MB, Available: 17280MB, Used: 15426MB, Free: 17280MB

=============== Pip Packages ===============
imageio @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/imageio_1594161405741/work
imageio-ffmpeg @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/imageio-ffmpeg_1589202782679/work
joblib @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/joblib_1601912903842/work
matplotlib @ file:///C:/ci/matplotlib-base_1592837548929/work
nvidia-ml-py3 @ git+
Pillow @ file:///C:/ci/pillow_1602770972588/work
psutil @ file:///C:/ci/psutil_1598370330503/work
scikit-learn @ file:///C:/ci/scikit-learn_1598377018496/work
scipy @ file:///C:/ci/scipy_1592916963468/work
threadpoolctl @ file:///tmp/tmp9twdgx9k/threadpoolctl-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
tqdm @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tqdm_1602185206534/work

============== Conda Packages ==============
# packages in environment at C:\Users\Silverghost980m\MiniConda3\envs\faceswap:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
absl-py                   0.10.0                   pypi_0    pypi
astunparse                1.6.3                    pypi_0    pypi
blas                      1.0                         mkl  
ca-certificates 2020.10.14 0
cachetools 4.1.1 pypi_0 pypi certifi 2020.6.20 py38_0
chardet 3.0.4 pypi_0 pypi cudatoolkit 9.0 1
cudnn 7.6.5 cuda9.0_0
cycler 0.10.0 py38_0
fastcluster 1.1.26 py38h251f6bf_2 conda-forge ffmpeg 4.3.1 ha925a31_0 conda-forge ffmpy 0.2.3 pypi_0 pypi freetype 2.10.3 hd328e21_0
gast 0.3.3 pypi_0 pypi git 2.23.0 h6bb4b03_0
google-auth 1.22.1 pypi_0 pypi google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1 pypi_0 pypi google-pasta 0.2.0 pypi_0 pypi grpcio 1.32.0 pypi_0 pypi h5py 2.10.0 pypi_0 pypi icc_rt 2019.0.0 h0cc432a_1
icu 58.2 ha925a31_3
idna 2.10 pypi_0 pypi imageio 2.9.0 py_0
imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.2 py_0 conda-forge intel-openmp 2020.2 254
joblib 0.17.0 py_0
jpeg 9b hb83a4c4_2
keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 pypi_0 pypi kiwisolver 1.2.0 py38h74a9793_0
libpng 1.6.37 h2a8f88b_0
libtiff 4.1.0 h56a325e_1
lz4-c 1.9.2 hf4a77e7_3
markdown 3.3.1 pypi_0 pypi matplotlib 3.2.2 0
matplotlib-base 3.2.2 py38h64f37c6_0
mkl 2020.2 256
mkl-service 2.3.0 py38hb782905_0
mkl_fft 1.2.0 py38h45dec08_0
mkl_random 1.1.1 py38h47e9c7a_0
numpy 1.18.5 pypi_0 pypi nvidia-ml-py3 7.352.1 pypi_0 pypi oauthlib 3.1.0 pypi_0 pypi olefile 0.46 py_0
opencv-python pypi_0 pypi openssl 1.1.1h he774522_0
opt-einsum 3.3.0 pypi_0 pypi pathlib 1.0.1 py_1
pillow 8.0.0 py38hca74424_0
pip 20.2.3 py38_0
protobuf 3.13.0 pypi_0 pypi psutil 5.7.2 py38he774522_0
pyasn1 0.4.8 pypi_0 pypi pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 pypi_0 pypi pyparsing 2.4.7 py_0
pyqt 5.9.2 py38ha925a31_4
python 3.8.5 h5fd99cc_1
python-dateutil 2.8.1 py_0
python_abi 3.8 1_cp38 conda-forge pywin32 227 py38he774522_1
qt 5.9.7 vc14h73c81de_0
requests 2.24.0 pypi_0 pypi requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 pypi_0 pypi rsa 4.6 pypi_0 pypi scikit-learn 0.23.2 py38h47e9c7a_0
scipy 1.5.0 py38h9439919_0
setuptools 50.3.0 py38h9490d1a_1
sip 4.19.13 py38ha925a31_0
six 1.15.0 py_0
sqlite 3.33.0 h2a8f88b_0
tensorboard 2.2.2 pypi_0 pypi tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.7.0 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-gpu 2.2.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-gpu-estimator 2.2.0 pypi_0 pypi termcolor 1.1.0 pypi_0 pypi threadpoolctl 2.1.0 pyh5ca1d4c_0
tk 8.6.10 he774522_0
tornado 6.0.4 py38he774522_1
tqdm 4.50.2 py_0
urllib3 1.25.10 pypi_0 pypi vc 14.1 h0510ff6_4
vs2015_runtime 14.16.27012 hf0eaf9b_3
werkzeug 1.0.1 pypi_0 pypi wheel 0.35.1 py_0
wincertstore 0.2 py38_0
wrapt 1.12.1 pypi_0 pypi xz 5.2.5 h62dcd97_0
zlib 1.2.11 h62dcd97_4
zstd 1.4.5 h04227a9_0 ================= Configs ================== --------- .faceswap --------- backend: nvidia --------- convert.ini --------- [color.color_transfer] clip: True preserve_paper: True [color.manual_balance] colorspace: HSV balance_1: 0.0 balance_2: 0.0 balance_3: 0.0 contrast: 0.0 brightness: 0.0 [color.match_hist] threshold: 99.0 [mask.box_blend] type: gaussian distance: 11.0 radius: 5.0 passes: 1 [mask.mask_blend] type: normalized kernel_size: 3 passes: 4 threshold: 4 erosion: 0.0 [scaling.sharpen] method: unsharp_mask amount: 150 radius: 0.3 threshold: 5.0 [writer.ffmpeg] container: mp4 codec: libx264 crf: 23 preset: medium tune: none profile: auto level: auto skip_mux: False [writer.gif] fps: 25 loop: 0 palettesize: 256 subrectangles: False [writer.opencv] format: png draw_transparent: False jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 [writer.pillow] format: png draw_transparent: False optimize: False gif_interlace: True jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 tif_compression: tiff_deflate --------- extract.ini --------- [global] allow_growth: False [] batch-size: 12 [detect.cv2_dnn] confidence: 50 [detect.mtcnn] minsize: 20 threshold_1: 0.6 threshold_2: 0.7 threshold_3: 0.7 scalefactor: 0.709 batch-size: 8 [detect.s3fd] confidence: 70 batch-size: 4 [mask.unet_dfl] batch-size: 8 [mask.vgg_clear] batch-size: 6 [mask.vgg_obstructed] batch-size: 2 --------- gui.ini --------- [global] fullscreen: False tab: extract options_panel_width: 30 console_panel_height: 20 icon_size: 14 font: default font_size: 9 autosave_last_session: prompt timeout: 120 auto_load_model_stats: True --------- train.ini --------- [global] coverage: 68.75 icnr_init: False conv_aware_init: False optimizer: adam learning_rate: 5e-05 reflect_padding: False allow_growth: False mixed_precision: False convert_batchsize: 16 [global.loss] loss_function: ssim mask_loss_function: mse l2_reg_term: 100 eye_multiplier: 3 mouth_multiplier: 2 penalized_mask_loss: True mask_type: extended mask_blur_kernel: 3 mask_threshold: 4 learn_mask: False [model.dfl_h128] lowmem: False [model.dfl_sae] input_size: 128 clipnorm: True architecture: df autoencoder_dims: 0 encoder_dims: 42 decoder_dims: 21 multiscale_decoder: False [model.dlight] features: best details: good output_size: 256 [model.original] lowmem: False [model.realface] input_size: 64 output_size: 128 dense_nodes: 1536 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder: 512 [model.unbalanced] input_size: 128 lowmem: False clipnorm: True nodes: 1024 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder_a: 384 complexity_decoder_b: 512 [model.villain] lowmem: False [trainer.original] preview_images: 14 zoom_amount: 5 rotation_range: 10 shift_range: 5 flip_chance: 50 disable_warp: False color_lightness: 30 color_ab: 8 color_clahe_chance: 50 color_clahe_max_size: 4
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Re: ERROR Got Exception on main handler

Post by torzdf »

Update Faceswap and try again

My word is final
