The single most common problem I encounter: Conversion previews freezing with a PermissionError: [WinError 32]

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The single most common problem I encounter: Conversion previews freezing with a PermissionError: [WinError 32]

Post by cosmico »

So I will convert a video, and the previews will show me converted thumbnails every 5 seconds, and it will get to about 33%-50% done when I'll get hit with the

Code: Select all

PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'D:/Nueral Network programs/FaceswapProject/products\\.gui_preview.jpg'

And what happens is the previews freeze on the last 4,6,8 previews they displayed.
I know it has something to do with that gui.preview or temporary file being in the output folder,
it almost never happens if the folder is empty.

Any idea what causes this?
This is like the tiniest of all problems because it doesn't affect my converted product, it always comes out fine . I just can't watch the preview updates. Rather interestingly, not only is the tiniest problem, its the most consistent. I have had this issue maybe every other conversion over the past year and a half of faceswap. I'm starting to think its either something caused by my computer specifically or something deep in the code of faceswap.

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Re: The single most common problem I encounter: Conversion previews freezing with a PermissionError: [WinError 32]

Post by torzdf »

Because WIndows....

There are a few GUI bugs, but they are not prioritized because, as you say, they are merely cosmetic issues.

I have tagged this with 'bug' though to try to remind myself to look at it one day.

Otherwise, I am always open to pull requests.

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Re: The single most common problem I encounter: Conversion previews freezing with a PermissionError: [WinError 32]

Post by torzdf »

My hope is that this bug is fixed in latest commit.

My word is final
