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Status after 900k + Iterations

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 10:47 am
by sniperpike

Hi there,

Im fairly new to this, it is my 5. attempt, but I hope I can get some feedback.
This time I think I have some good image sources. I've got 3000+ images of face B, that I would like to swap to Face A.
Face B has a lot of different expressions, from different angles, and are all sharp with no blur.

I've just passed 900K Iterations in training, but some (Not all) of face B images are still very blurry. Please see below:


Could I expect theese images to get better, if I continue training beyond 1000K of iterations or should they already been better due to the high amount of Iterations?

I use "Original" trainer and have set Batch Size to 16.


Re: Status after 900k + Iterations

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:52 pm
by torzdf

I would say your B data is not varied enough. Ultimately the angles/expressions in the swap are not matching up, which tends to be a sign of not having enough variety of data for the NN to be able to resolve the differences.