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Can the 'roll' filter be bypassed?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:09 am
by martinf

I am missing a lot of faces that are frontal but tilted quite a bit. I have tried 0 (thinking it might defeat the filter) and all the way up to 90 and I see no difference in the output at all. I have also typed in a higher value and get the exact same results. Maybe I am misunderstanding what this filter is doing. All I know is, if a face is pretty much frontal and rolls past about 1:30 on the clock dial... no detection takes place and it is SO clearly a dang face.

Re: Can the 'roll' filter be bypassed?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:23 am
by torzdf

Roll filter is roll of the aligned face, not the face in the frame. This should always be close to zero, because we align the face across the central landmark points. Most likely the landmarks are incorrect.

It falls apart a bit on extreme angles when some of the landmarks are obscured so it miscalculates the roll.

You can use the debug-landmark option to get roll (and landmarks) displayed on each extracted face.

Setting to zero should disable any of the filters.

Re: Can the 'roll' filter be bypassed?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:50 am
by torzdf

To illustrate what I mean. This image (taken for the re-align option in the extract guide), shows a face 'rolling' in the source from upright to ~90 degrees. The 'roll' value (green text) print on the output always stays close to zero.


Re: Can the 'roll' filter be bypassed?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:41 am
by MaxHunter


Humph I thought the filter determined the amount the head turns, that's why I've been leaving the filter at 90 (90degrees being a profile) This makes sense too.

Thanks for the illustration.