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A way to limit the load?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:13 am
by Fed

It's pretty hot where I am.
I'm already sitting in my underwear and I don't like how the coolers on my video card sound. )
And they say it'll get even hotter.
So I began thinking that maybe I need to take a break for a couple of months with training the model. Which I don't really want to do.
And a better alternative - as I see it - would be a way to limit the load. Either "manually" by setting the maximum percentage the program is allowed to load the gpu or by setting the goal temperature.

I mean, I understand that this kind of functionality is nowhere near critical for this software and I'm not asking to add it. Just saying I think it would be nice to have.

Re: A way to limit the load?

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 8:33 am
by Andentze

The only way I could see "limiting" the load on your GPU is either by undervolting it or underclocking it. But I'm not sure it'll have a good effect on the training process...