Putting Words in Someone's mouth (literally)

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Putting Words in Someone's mouth (literally)

Post by MikeTersar »

Hello! I'm working on a project about deep fakes and for my presentation I'd like to make to a video of my professor telling everyone they will receive 100's for the rest of the semester. From what I understand this software normally does A > B, but can I do A > A' ? (A' being an altered version of source A). I've searched the forum/FAQ for anywhere that references this but couldn't find anything. If someone could point me in the right direction I'd great appreciate it. :D

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Re: Putting Words in Someone's mouth (literally)

Post by torzdf »

You can't do that with Faceswap, no. The video A drives the swapped face, so you would need a video of your professor saying those words already, which would undermine the whole point.

To do what you want, you would need an "actor" to say the words you want and then swap the faces.

Look into wav2lip.

My word is final

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