Alignment question

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Alignment question

Post by dingdong420 »

I am wondering if it is important to follow the alignment points as shown in the extraction guide exactly? For example,

Screenshot 2024-06-03 171122.png
Screenshot 2024-06-03 171122.png (17.03 KiB) Viewed 1989 times

the left eye brow line starts far left at 17, arches to the right, and ends at 21. If that line was reversed, starting far left at 21, ending right at 17, would that have an adverse effect?

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Re: Alignment question

Post by torzdf »

Yes. it would impact alignment. To what amount, I could not say.

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Re: Alignment question

Post by dingdong420 »

Interesting. I assume that would apply to something like if the points on the eye were upside down? Left eye with 37 &38 on top and 41 & 40 on bottom in the reference picture. If I were to reverse those, that would have an adverse effect, yes?

Reason I am asking is I am fixing my alignments and sometimes they get all bunched up. As I started stretching them out, I started thinking about the numbers and how vital the placement might be.

Okay, another question. The inner mouth points, 61-65, should they line the inside of the lips or teeth? Also for eyes, just the white part of the eyes, or do I include eye lids too?

I thank you taking the time to answer questions, and very much appreciate all the work you do.

Last edited by dingdong420 on Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Alignment question

Post by torzdf »

You don't need to overthink/overdo it. If the extracted face looks aligned, call it correct and move on. The model has a certain amount of augmentation built in to deal with minor misaligns.

For training sets I just delete any misaligned faces. For convert, I will fix obvious misaligns, and then run a convert. If there are issues in convert, then I will go back and fix those faces that are causing issues.

Landmarks don't need to be exact. They just need to be 'good enough' to produce a correctly aligned face.

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Re: Alignment question

Post by dingdong420 »

Haha. Yes, I am overthinking it. I will heed your advice. Thanks again!

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