I am trying to train a model with dlight, I am very early in the iterations, around 20k.
I am noticing that the box containing the mask get this weird blending/black aura with the background and countours of the face. Is this normal? Why is that area affected?
I am training without augmentation, I changed the output of Dlight to 256 and the Loss on the training configuration I set mask to bisenet-Fp Face.
I have 35k Images for B and 6k for A.
For the extract I left everything at default, but selected bisenet-Fp, Hist as normalization and re-feed = 5.
Could it be that since it is a Dfaker variant I had to select the Warp To Landmarks when training?
Is there anything that I missed or messed up or I just need to wait?
Dlight train black aura on mask
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Dlight train black aura on mask
Last edited by Skyzzo on Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Dlight train black aura on mask
Oh yes you are right, it's not visible when converting.Thanks!
I also just noticed that the original video that I wanted to convert is 4k, and training at 256 might be too much of a stretch.