Conversion time increased suddenly

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Conversion time increased suddenly

Post by JTcgs »

Not sure what happened but I noticed that any time I do a conversion, it is taking 2-4x longer than it ever took before. I do not recall making any changes at all to settings related to conversion settings. On average, on conversions I made previously, they would take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the length of what I was using as a base. All the "videos" being used are all the same resolution as before and all average around 9 to 11 minutes in length. Mask type, color, writer, frame and face processing as well as jobs all have the exact same settings as well.

Now having said that. This is a "different" model set thatI am converting. I did not do any masking or extracting changes from the previous models so the size of the resources is the same as before. It has only been trained about 33% as the previous models, but I am getting far far better results and do not feel it needs to be trained longer (yes I also trained with no warp).

As for my system, I am not running anything sucking up more resources than when it was running faster.

Is there something I am missing here? What other factors could be causing a slower conversion rate?

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Re: Conversion time increased suddenly

Post by torzdf »

Nothing has changed in conversion for a while... The most likely causes is that you are using an h265 video as the source (when you have previously used h264 sources in the past). h265 takes longer to decode.

Also, if you are training a more complex model, this will also take longer to convert.

Last edited by torzdf on Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Conversion time increased suddenly

Post by JTcgs »

The devil is always in the details...I did not even think of this. Thank you.

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