Reface only uses 1 photo - how?

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Reface only uses 1 photo - how?

Post by jamiroguy »

Hi there faceswap-community,

title says it already. I am total noob in regards to AI, deepfakes and faceswap but have been playing around with it a little bit. But only because I had gotten curious about it after trying out an app called Reface.

My question is: How is it possible that Reface achieves really good results with just one photo and 15seconds of processing while I get unsatisfactory results with 1000s of photos after 48h of training with faceswap?

Is reface's code so much better? Is the AI so much smarter? Sorry, I really have no idea about programming and any stuff that is too technical. It took me two days to fight through the faceswap-guide :D But I made it and now I am trying to improve. But yeah, I really want to understand what is the big difference here? Any experts who can explain that to me?

Thank you!


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Re: Reface only uses 1 photo - how?

Post by torzdf »

Asked an answered.

Please search:

My word is final

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Re: Reface only uses 1 photo - how?

Post by jamiroguy »

Thank you! Okay, they use a different technique but I would have hoped for a little more insights ;) For example, why don't they need 5000 faces? Or why don't they need to train? Do we even know which technique they use?

