crash: Error in thread - System cant find the file

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crash: Error in thread - System cant find the file

Post by Rattlor »

After a couple of hours training, I tired to convert, and got this crash log:

Code: Select all

05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'str'>, value: None)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'amount')
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 150)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'radius')
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.3)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'scaling.sharpen', option: 'threshold')
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 5.0)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           set_config                     DEBUG    Config: {'method': None, 'amount': 150, 'radius': 0.3, 'threshold': 5.0}
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    config: {'method': None, 'amount': 150, 'radius': 0.3, 'threshold': 5.0}
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Scaling
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _load_plugins                  DEBUG    Loaded plugins: {'box': <plugins.convert.mask.box_blend.Mask object at 0x000002B4A59B7CA0>, 'mask': <plugins.convert.mask.mask_blend.Mask object at 0x000002B4A5A770D0>, 'color': <plugins.convert.color.avg_color.Color object at 0x000002B4A5A83CD0>, 'seamless': None, 'sharpening': None}
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Converter
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Convert
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting Conversion
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _convert_images                DEBUG    Converting images
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'convert_out'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'convert_out'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'patch'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'patch'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     convert         _pool_processes                DEBUG    6
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'patch', thread_count: 6)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'patch'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'patch'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 6: 'patch_0'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 2 of 6: 'patch_1'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_1                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 3 of 6: 'patch_2'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_2                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 4 of 6: 'patch_3'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_3                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 5 of 6: 'patch_4'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_4                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 6 of 6: 'patch_5'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     patch_5                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Starting convert process. (in_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669610>, out_queue: <queue.Queue object at 0x000002B4A5669310>)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'patch': 6
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        convert         _save                          DEBUG    Writing GUI Preview image: 'D:\convert\output\.gui_preview.jpg'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_file                     DEBUG    D:\convert\output\1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          write                          INFO     Outputting to: 'D:\convert\output\1621007581912_converted.mp4'
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          set_dimensions                 DEBUG    input dimensions: (512, 512)
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          set_dimensions                 DEBUG    Set dimensions: 512:512
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          get_writer                     DEBUG    writer config: {'container': 'mp4', 'codec': 'libx264', 'crf': 23, 'preset': 'medium', 'tune': None, 'profile': 'auto', 'level': 'auto', 'skip_mux': True}
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_file                     DEBUG    D:\convert\output\1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:38 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_tmp_file                 DEBUG    D:\convert\output\__tmp_1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:39 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_fps                      DEBUG    30.0
05/18/2021 23:30:39 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          output_params                  DEBUG    ['-vf', 'scale=512:512', '-c:v', 'libx264', '-crf', '23', '-preset', 'medium']
05/18/2021 23:30:39 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:40 MainProcess     _save_0                        convert         _save                          DEBUG    Writing GUI Preview image: 'D:\convert\output\.gui_preview.jpg'
05/18/2021 23:30:40 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:41 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:42 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:43 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:44 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:45 MainProcess     _save_0                        convert         _save                          DEBUG    Writing GUI Preview image: 'D:\convert\output\.gui_preview.jpg'
05/18/2021 23:30:45 MainProcess     _save_0                        convert         _save                          DEBUG    Writing GUI Preview image: 'D:\convert\output\.gui_preview.jpg'
05/18/2021 23:30:45 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        convert         _load                          DEBUG    Putting EOF
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _load_0                        convert         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Complete
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 DEBUG    Putting EOF
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     _predict_faces_0               convert         _predict_faces                 DEBUG    Load queue complete
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     patch_5                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     patch_5                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     patch_5                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:46 MainProcess     patch_5                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_2                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_2                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_2                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_2                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_0                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  completed                      DEBUG    False
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_4                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_4                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_4                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_4                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_3                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_3                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_3                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_3                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_1                        convert         process                        DEBUG    EOF Received
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_1                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Patch queue finished
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_1                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Putting EOF back to in_queue
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     patch_1                        convert         process                        DEBUG    Completed convert process
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          mux_audio                      INFO     Skipping audio muxing due to configuration settings.
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_file                     DEBUG    D:\convert\output\1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_tmp_file                 DEBUG    D:\convert\output\__tmp_1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     _save_0                        ffmpeg          video_file                     DEBUG    D:\convert\output\1621007581912_converted.mp4
05/18/2021 23:30:47 MainProcess     _save_0                        multithreading  run                            DEBUG    Error in thread (_save_0): [WinError 2] Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden: 'D:\\convert\\output\\__tmp_1621007581912_converted.mp4' -> 'D:\\convert\\output\\1621007581912_converted.mp4'
05/18/2021 23:30:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  check_and_raise_error          DEBUG    Thread error caught: [(<class 'FileNotFoundError'>, FileNotFoundError(2, 'Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden'), <traceback object at 0x000002B4A5A84FC0>)]

last thing in german means "the system cant find the given file" what?
btw, I skipped muxing audio, because there was an error with that before, but that doesnt seem to be the cause of this crash.

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Re: crash: Error in thread - System cant find the file

Post by torzdf »

Please provide the crash report from your Faceswap folder (if one was created)

My word is final

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Re: crash: Error in thread - System cant find the file

Post by Rattlor »

I got it to convert now. It seems the problem was, that I used the alignment file that I created at first for training also as the alignment file for the source video. After I extracted another alignment file from the source video, and used that for converting, it worked.
What somewhat confuses me, is, that those both files should be identical? I neither needed to delete junk, nor had I to fix anything else in the manual tool, alignments where fine. So I thought, The first alignment file and the final one for converting would be the same.

Also I didnt do the extra step of extracting a training set from the alignment file. Since there was no junk and basically all was fine, I just used the folder as training set, that was created when first extracting faces from the source. Shouldnt that also work in theory?
maybe Im totally missing something here and Im confused, but it seems like its the same thing.
