GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

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GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

Background: I run in the cloud, and my super old image stopped working recently due to s3fd models being moved around. This forces my hand, so I'm trying to set up nVidia drivers from scratch on a GCE instance with a T4.

It's actually pretty easy to bring up an instance and install the basic nVidia stuff. I can't find any global "cuda" libraries anywhere, and if I look for the uninstaller (or run the apt commands to uninstall it), nothing happens.

When I run nvidia-smi, it clearly shows that it sees the T4.

When I get around to running faceswap, it says "Setting Faceswap backend to NVIDIA" which is a good start.

... but when I start training, it outputs the following, and processes incredibly slowly:

Code: Select all

WARNING  Mixed precision compatibility check (mixed_float16): WARNING
The dtype policy mixed_float16 may run slowly because this machine does not have a GPU. Only Nvidia GPUs with compute capability of at least 7.0 run quickly with mixed_float16.
If you will use compatible GPU(s) not attached to this host, e.g. by running a multi-worker model, you can ignore this warning. This message will only be logged once

Here's my sysinfo, since that's what the cool kids are posting:

Note there's no global cuda found, which I think is the thing that most people get tripped up by. Also, in the sysinfo, it has no problem seeing that there IS a GPU, so... help?

Code: Select all

============ System Information ============
encoding:            UTF-8
git_branch:          Not Found
git_commits:         Not Found
gpu_cuda:            No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda Cuda
gpu_cudnn:           No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda cuDNN
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: Tesla T4
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          495.46
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 15109MB
os_machine:          x86_64
os_platform:         Linux-5.13.0-1033-gcp-x86_64-with-glibc2.31
os_release:          5.13.0-1033-gcp
py_command:          /home/(((redacted_username)))/faceswap/
py_conda_version:    conda 4.12.0
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.9.12
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           4
sys_processor:       x86_64
sys_ram:             Total: 14992MB, Available: 14411MB, Used: 280MB, Free: 11950MB

=============== Pip Packages ===============
cycler @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cycler_1637851556182/work
fastcluster @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/fastcluster_1649783242764/work
imageio @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/imageio_1617700267927/work
imageio-ffmpeg @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/imageio-ffmpeg_1649960641006/work
joblib @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/joblib_1635411271373/work
kiwisolver @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/kiwisolver_1653292039266/work
matplotlib @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/matplotlib-suite_1647441664166/work
mkl-random @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/mkl_random_1626186066731/work
numpy @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/numpy_and_numpy_base_1652801679809/work
packaging @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/packaging_1637314298585/work
psutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/psutil_1612297992929/work
pyparsing @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pyparsing_1635766073266/work
python-dateutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-dateutil_1626374649649/work
scikit-learn @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/scikit-learn_1642617106979/work
scipy @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/scipy_1641555004408/work
six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work
threadpoolctl @ file:///Users/ktietz/demo/mc3/conda-bld/threadpoolctl_1629802263681/work
tornado @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tornado_1606942317143/work
tqdm @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/tqdm_1650891076910/work
typing_extensions @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/typing_extensions_1647553014482/work

============== Conda Packages ==============
# packages in environment at /home/(((redacted_username)))/miniconda3:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                        main  
_openmp_mutex 4.5 1_gnu
brotlipy 0.7.0 py39h27cfd23_1003
ca-certificates 2022.3.29 h06a4308_1
certifi 2021.10.8 py39h06a4308_2
cffi 1.15.0 py39hd667e15_1
charset-normalizer 2.0.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
colorama 0.4.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda 4.12.0 py39h06a4308_0
conda-content-trust 0.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda-package-handling 1.8.1 py39h7f8727e_0
cryptography 36.0.0 py39h9ce1e76_0
idna 3.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
ld_impl_linux-64 2.35.1 h7274673_9
libffi 3.3 he6710b0_2
libgcc-ng 9.3.0 h5101ec6_17
libgomp 9.3.0 h5101ec6_17
libstdcxx-ng 9.3.0 hd4cf53a_17
ncurses 6.3 h7f8727e_2
openssl 1.1.1n h7f8727e_0
pip 21.2.4 py39h06a4308_0
pycosat 0.6.3 py39h27cfd23_0
pycparser 2.21 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pyopenssl 22.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pysocks 1.7.1 py39h06a4308_0
python 3.9.12 h12debd9_0
readline 8.1.2 h7f8727e_1
requests 2.27.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
ruamel_yaml 0.15.100 py39h27cfd23_0
setuptools 61.2.0 py39h06a4308_0
six 1.16.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
sqlite 3.38.2 hc218d9a_0
tk 8.6.11 h1ccaba5_0
tqdm 4.63.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tzdata 2022a hda174b7_0
urllib3 1.26.8 pyhd3eb1b0_0
wheel 0.37.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
xz 5.2.5 h7b6447c_0
yaml 0.2.5 h7b6447c_0
zlib 1.2.12 h7f8727e_1 ================= Configs ================== --------- convert.ini --------- [color.manual_balance] colorspace: HSV balance_1: 0.0 balance_2: 0.0 balance_3: 0.0 contrast: 0.0 brightness: 0.0 [color.color_transfer] clip: True preserve_paper: True [color.match_hist] threshold: 99.0 [writer.ffmpeg] container: mp4 codec: libx264 crf: 23 preset: medium tune: none profile: auto level: auto skip_mux: False [writer.gif] fps: 25 loop: 0 palettesize: 256 subrectangles: False [writer.opencv] format: png draw_transparent: False jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 [writer.pillow] format: png draw_transparent: False optimize: False gif_interlace: True jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 tif_compression: tiff_deflate [mask.mask_blend] type: normalized kernel_size: 3 passes: 4 threshold: 4 erosion: 0.0 erosion_top: 0.0 erosion_bottom: 0.0 erosion_left: 0.0 erosion_right: 0.0 [scaling.sharpen] method: gaussian amount: 150 radius: 0.3 threshold: 5.0 --------- train.ini --------- [global] centering: face coverage: 87.5 icnr_init: False conv_aware_init: False optimizer: adam learning_rate: 5e-05 epsilon_exponent: -7 autoclip: False reflect_padding: False allow_growth: False mixed_precision: False nan_protection: True convert_batchsize: 16 [global.loss] loss_function: ssim loss_function_2: mse loss_weight_2: 100 loss_function_3: none loss_weight_3: 0 loss_function_4: none loss_weight_4: 0 mask_loss_function: mse eye_multiplier: 3 mouth_multiplier: 2 penalized_mask_loss: True mask_type: extended mask_blur_kernel: 3 mask_threshold: 4 learn_mask: False [model.villain] lowmem: False [model.dlight] features: best details: good output_size: 256 [model.original] lowmem: False [model.dfl_sae] input_size: 128 architecture: df autoencoder_dims: 0 encoder_dims: 42 decoder_dims: 21 multiscale_decoder: False [model.unbalanced] input_size: 128 lowmem: False nodes: 1024 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder_a: 384 complexity_decoder_b: 512 [model.phaze_a] output_size: 128 shared_fc: none enable_gblock: True split_fc: True split_gblock: False split_decoders: False enc_architecture: fs_original enc_scaling: 7 enc_load_weights: True bottleneck_type: dense bottleneck_norm: none bottleneck_size: 1024 bottleneck_in_encoder: True fc_depth: 1 fc_min_filters: 1024 fc_max_filters: 1024 fc_dimensions: 4 fc_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_dropout: 0.0 fc_upsampler: upsample2d fc_upsamples: 1 fc_upsample_filters: 512 fc_gblock_depth: 3 fc_gblock_min_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_max_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_gblock_dropout: 0.0 dec_upscale_method: subpixel dec_upscales_in_fc: 0 dec_norm: none dec_min_filters: 64 dec_max_filters: 512 dec_slope_mode: full dec_filter_slope: -0.45 dec_res_blocks: 1 dec_output_kernel: 5 dec_gaussian: True dec_skip_last_residual: True freeze_layers: keras_encoder load_layers: encoder fs_original_depth: 4 fs_original_min_filters: 128 fs_original_max_filters: 1024 fs_original_use_alt: False mobilenet_width: 1.0 mobilenet_depth: 1 mobilenet_dropout: 0.001 mobilenet_minimalistic: False [model.dfl_h128] lowmem: False [model.dfaker] output_size: 128 [model.realface] input_size: 64 output_size: 128 dense_nodes: 1536 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder: 512 [trainer.original] preview_images: 14 zoom_amount: 5 rotation_range: 10 shift_range: 5 flip_chance: 50 color_lightness: 30 color_ab: 8 color_clahe_chance: 50 color_clahe_max_size: 4 --------- .faceswap --------- backend: nvidia --------- extract.ini --------- [global] allow_growth: False [detect.s3fd] confidence: 70 batch-size: 4 [detect.mtcnn] minsize: 20 scalefactor: 0.709 batch-size: 8 threshold_1: 0.6 threshold_2: 0.7 threshold_3: 0.7 [detect.cv2_dnn] confidence: 50 [mask.vgg_obstructed] batch-size: 2 [mask.unet_dfl] batch-size: 8 [mask.vgg_clear] batch-size: 6 [mask.bisenet_fp] batch-size: 8 weights: faceswap include_ears: False include_hair: False include_glasses: True [] batch-size: 12

One thing that's really strange is when I run "sudo nvidia-smi", it does display a CUDA version, and it's not the version installed by faceswap (which is 11.2 iirc)... But I can't find any other cuda installs, and apparently neither can faceswap sysinfo.

Code: Select all

Sat Jun 25 21:28:54 2022       
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 495.46 Driver Version: 495.46 CUDA Version: 11.5 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 Tesla T4 Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 66C P8 12W / 70W | 3MiB / 15109MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by torzdf »

Replicon wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:51 pm

Note there's no global cuda found, which I think is the thing that most people get tripped up by. Also, in the sysinfo, it has no problem seeing that there IS a GPU, so... help?

Yes, that's what you want. However, there should be a cudatoolkit and cudnn installed locally in your conda environment, but they are not there. Check for any install errors after running the install script

One thing that's really strange is when I run "sudo nvidia-smi", it does display a CUDA version, and it's not the version installed by faceswap (which is 11.2 iirc)... But I can't find any other cuda installs, and apparently neither can faceswap sysinfo.

Code: Select all

Sat Jun 25 21:28:54 2022       
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 495.46 Driver Version: 495.46 CUDA Version: 11.5 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 Tesla T4 Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off | 0 | | N/A 66C P8 12W / 70W | 3MiB / 15109MiB | 0% Default | | | | N/A | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

This is normal. It's a bit misleading, but the version shown in Nvidia-SMI is the maximum supported Cuda version for the installed driver. It's not an indication of whether you have Cuda installed, nor which version it might be.

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

torzdf wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:16 am

Yes, that's what you want. However, there should be a cudatoolkit and cudnn installed locally in your conda environment, but they are not there. Check for any install errors after running the install script

How can you tell from the sysinfo that they are not there? The top level system info for my old environment (which still works for training, just not for extract) shows basically the same info.

(just the top level stuff from my old working environment)

Code: Select all

============ System Information ============
encoding:            UTF-8
git_branch:          Not Found
git_commits:         Not Found
gpu_cuda:            No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda Cuda
gpu_cudnn:           No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda cuDNN
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: Tesla T4
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          440.100
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 15109MB
os_machine:          x86_64
os_platform:         Linux-5.4.0-1021-gcp-x86_64-with-glibc2.17
os_release:          5.4.0-1021-gcp
py_command:          /home/(((REDACT)))/faceswap/ extract -i /home/(((REDACT)))/data_root/sources/x.mp4 -o /home/(((REDACT)))/data_root/extract/x -D s3fd -A fan -nm hist -rf 8 -min 0 -l 0.4 -sz 512 -een 1 -si 0 -L INFO
py_conda_version:    conda 4.10.3
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.8.11
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           4
sys_processor:       x86_64
sys_ram:             Total: 15005MB, Available: 14490MB, Used: 244MB, Free: 14468MB

I don't see any install errors. It unpacks cudatoolkit and cudnn and happily installs them.

Looking for the libraries locally, and comparing the two environments yields:

Old, working environment:

Code: Select all

$ find . -type d | egrep -e 'cuda|cudnn'

New, broken environment:

Code: Select all

$ find . -type d | egrep -e 'cuda|cudnn'

The only notable difference I am spotting is that "tensorflow-base" isn't there in the newer environment, but it definitely has tensorflow, if I add that to the search.

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

Actually, I take some of that back, if I look in the miniconda3/pkgs directory, the old environment has several packages with tensorflow in their names, but the new one has none.

Looking at the install, it DID error out when trying to install tensorflow via conda, but then it succeeded when it fell back to using pip.

Is this expected? Could it be the root cause?

Code: Select all

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - tensorflow_probability[version='<0.17']

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

INFO    "tensorflow_probability<0.17" not available in Conda. Installing with pip
INFO    Installing tensorflow_probability<0.17
Collecting tensorflow_probability<0.17
  Downloading tensorflow_probability-0.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (6.3 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 6.3 MB 7.7 MB/s 
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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by torzdf »

Replicon wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:14 am

How can you tell from the sysinfo that they are not there? The top level system info for my old environment (which still works for training, just not for extract) shows basically the same info.

I don't see any install errors. It unpacks cudatoolkit and cudnn and happily installs them.

They are not listed in your conda environment in your output system info. If they are not listed there then they are not installed. It should appear like so:

Code: Select all

charset-normalizer        2.0.12                   pypi_0    pypi
cloudpickle               2.0.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0  
cudatoolkit 11.2.2 he111cf0_8 conda-forge cudnn h90431f1_0 conda-forge cycler 0.11.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
cytoolz 0.11.0 py39h27cfd23_0

The tensorflow-probability thing is fine. That package is only available in pip

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

torzdf wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:04 am

They are not listed in your conda environment in your output system info. If they are not listed there then they are not installed. It should appear like so:

That is so strange, they are not listed in ANY of my environments, even the working one, or if I just run "conda list" on my personal desktop.

I know for a fact I saw those packages get installed while running the installer, progress bar and all.

I went into my environment and manually installed those versions of cudatoolkit and cudnn (had to add channel conda-forge, which it looks like is already accounting for when installing them).

I don't know much about conda, but it doesn't make sense to me that they wouldn't show up in the listing after faceswap installer installs them.

... Regardless, even after manually installing those two packages, I still get the "Mixed precision compatibility check" warning, and definitely no GPU usage. :( Where else can I look? Should I try slightly older versions of the nvidia driver? In my latest experiments, I was on 510.

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

I might be circling in on the issue, but I don't have any expertise with the libraries in play to know where to look next.

If I hack up to have:

Code: Select all

import tensorflow as tf

on the broken install, I can see: "Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

I can also see it's failing to load libraries like "", so definitely a cuda issue of sorts.

The file versions don't seem to match:

  • Example error message: Could not load dynamic library '';
  • File I have: ~/miniconda3/envs/faceswap/lib/

In the working environment, the major and minor versions match:

  • Message: Successfully opened dynamic library
  • File: miniconda3/envs/faceswap/lib/

I wonder if there's a bug somewhere that's making it see the wrong version, since I know there's some hackery in the code to override it based on tensorflow version.

My broken environment seems to have "tensorflow 2.8" packages, so cuda 11.2 is correct, but I'm not finding where it decides to look for 11.0. Maybe there's a rogue broken dependency somewhere.

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by torzdf »

Unfortunately this is as about as far as I can help. The fact that you are installing cudatoolkit and it isn't showing up suggests something weird with the setup on the cloud image, which is outside of anything I can help with. The fact that it does find cuda but reports linking to the wrong version backs this up, imho.

At this point, I would be checking which cuda/cudnn versions the installed tensorflow version supports and look to install the correct versions globally

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Re: GPU not being recognized though it's definitely there (even visible in sysinfo)

Post by Replicon »

Thanks for the help, I figured it out!

All this time, I wasn't properly activating the conda environment. I was running python within the environment. I'm pretty sure I was doing that because I looked it up and it used to work.

Anyway, through some combination of the move to python 3.9 changing how it loads stuff, and/or the library dependencies happening to match some default thing, it used to work.

I just had to add the following to my own tooling:

Code: Select all

source "${fs_conda_root}/etc/profile.d/" activate && conda activate 'faceswap'

I can now get an image going from scratch (starting with a clean ubuntu 20.04 GCE instance). No old base image required!
