Extraction Hangs Linux

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Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by bluesilent9 »


I started using Faceswap on my old Xubuntu LTS setup a while ago and it was correctly detecting faces and extracting them into a directory with the alignments file. I don't know why, but suddenly one day about a week or so ago this stopped working. What happens is if there are photos with faces on it, it will simply stop at step 1 of 2 at what appears to be the first face it encounters and it will just hang there. It appears like it isn't using the CPU or GPU anymore at that point as I can hear the fan wind down shortly after this occurs. I then thought that I would reinstall Faceswap by deleting the Faceswap and Miniconda directory and installing again, but this did not fix the issue. I checked the Trace log, but I couldn't find anything that I thought would cause it not to work in there (Although I really need a second opinion as I'm a noob with Faceswap).

I then decided that I needed to rebuild my computer anyways and installed Kubuntu LTS. I then verified that it was running off the latest 530 Nvidia Tested drivers and installed Faceswap but still had the same problem. Lately I have been testing it with the photos it had previously successfully run extraction on but only a small sample, however it still no longer works. I have run it with the default extraction settings, but also used Single Process, CPU only, different detector plugins, etc to see if I could isolate the issue but nothing works.

My System Information Output is as follows:

Code: Select all

============ System Information ============
backend:             nvidia
encoding:            UTF-8
git_branch:          Not Found
git_commits:         Not Found
gpu_cuda:            11.5
gpu_cudnn:           No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda cuDNN
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          530.41.03
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 4096MB (2811MB free)
os_machine:          x86_64
os_platform:         Linux-5.19.0-45-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
os_release:          5.19.0-45-generic
py_command:          /home/dave/faceswap/faceswap.py gui
py_conda_version:    conda 23.3.1
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.9.16
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           16
sys_processor:       x86_64
sys_ram:             Total: 15401MB, Available: 11526MB, Used: 3406MB, Free: 4430MB

=============== Pip Packages ===============
absl-py @ file:///croot/absl-py_1686852429912/work
charset-normalizer @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/charset-normalizer_1678108872112/work
cloudpickle @ file:///croot/cloudpickle_1683040006038/work
cycler @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cycler_1637851556182/work
decorator @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/decorator_1643638310831/work
dm-tree @ file:///croot/dm-tree_1671027432897/work
fastcluster @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/fastcluster_1667858905653/work
idna @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/idna_1663625384323/work
imageio @ file:///croot/imageio_1687264943895/work
imageio-ffmpeg @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/imageio-ffmpeg_1673483481485/work
joblib @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/joblib_1663332044897/work
kiwisolver @ file:///croot/kiwisolver_1672387140495/work
matplotlib @ file:///croot/matplotlib-suite_1667356714455/work
mkl-random @ file:///work/mkl/mkl_random_1682950433854/work
numexpr @ file:///croot/numexpr_1683221822650/work
numpy @ file:///work/mkl/numpy_and_numpy_base_1682952636358/work
packaging @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/packaging_1681337016113/work
pexpect @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pexpect_1605563209008/work
platformdirs @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/platformdirs_1687097136512/work
pooch @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pooch_1679580333621/work
psutil @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/psutil_1656431268089/work
ptyprocess @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/ptyprocess_1609355006118/work/dist/ptyprocess-0.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
pyparsing @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/pyparsing_1661452539315/work
PySocks @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pysocks_1661604839144/work
python-dateutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-dateutil_1626374649649/work
requests @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/requests_1684774241324/work
scikit-learn @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/scikit-learn_1685023709438/work
sip @ file:///tmp/abs_44cd77b_pu/croots/recipe/sip_1659012365470/work
six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work
tensorflow-probability @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tensorflow-probability_1633017132682/work
threadpoolctl @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/threadpoolctl_1643647933166/work
toml @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/toml_1616166611790/work
tornado @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/tornado_1662061693373/work
tqdm @ file:///croot/tqdm_1679561862951/work
typing_extensions @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/typing_extensions_1685704949284/work

============== Conda Packages ==============
# packages in environment at /home/dave/miniconda3/envs/faceswap:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
absl-py                   1.4.0            py39h06a4308_0  
astunparse 1.6.3 pypi_0 pypi binutils_impl_linux-64 2.38 h2a08ee3_1
blas 1.0 mkl
brotli 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge brotli-bin 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge bzip2 1.0.8 h7b6447c_0
c-ares 1.19.0 h5eee18b_0
ca-certificates 2023.5.7 hbcca054_0 conda-forge cachetools 5.3.1 pypi_0 pypi certifi 2023.5.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge charset-normalizer 3.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge cloudpickle 2.2.1 py39h06a4308_0
cudatoolkit 11.2.2 hbe64b41_11 conda-forge cudnn h90431f1_0 conda-forge curl 7.88.1 h5eee18b_1
cycler 0.11.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dbus 1.13.18 hb2f20db_0
decorator 5.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dm-tree 0.1.7 py39h6a678d5_1
expat 2.4.9 h6a678d5_0
fastcluster 1.2.6 py39h4661b88_2 conda-forge ffmpeg 4.2.2 h20bf706_0
ffmpy 0.3.0 pypi_0 pypi flatbuffers 23.5.26 pypi_0 pypi fontconfig 2.14.1 h52c9d5c_1
fonttools 4.25.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
freetype 2.12.1 h4a9f257_0
gast 0.4.0 pypi_0 pypi gcc 12.1.0 h9ea6d83_10 conda-forge gcc_impl_linux-64 12.1.0 hea43390_17 conda-forge gdbm 1.18 hd4cb3f1_4
gettext 0.21.0 hf68c758_0
giflib 5.2.1 h5eee18b_3
git 2.40.1 pl5340h36fbf9e_1
glib 2.69.1 he621ea3_2
gmp 6.2.1 h58526e2_0 conda-forge gnutls 3.6.13 h85f3911_1 conda-forge google-auth 2.20.0 pypi_0 pypi google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 pypi_0 pypi google-pasta 0.2.0 pypi_0 pypi grpcio 1.54.2 pypi_0 pypi gst-plugins-base 1.14.1 h6a678d5_1
gstreamer 1.14.1 h5eee18b_1
h5py 3.9.0 pypi_0 pypi icu 58.2 he6710b0_3
idna 3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge imageio 2.31.1 py39h06a4308_0
imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge importlib-metadata 6.7.0 pypi_0 pypi intel-openmp 2023.1.0 hdb19cb5_46305
joblib 1.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jpeg 9e h5eee18b_1
keras 2.10.0 pypi_0 pypi keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 pypi_0 pypi kernel-headers_linux-64 2.6.32 he073ed8_15 conda-forge kiwisolver 1.4.4 py39h6a678d5_0
krb5 1.20.1 h143b758_1
lame 3.100 h166bdaf_1003 conda-forge lcms2 2.12 h3be6417_0
ld_impl_linux-64 2.38 h1181459_1
lerc 3.0 h295c915_0
libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libbrotlidec 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libbrotlienc 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libclang 16.0.0 pypi_0 pypi libcurl 7.88.1 h251f7ec_1
libdeflate 1.17 h5eee18b_0
libedit 3.1.20221030 h5eee18b_0
libev 4.33 h7f8727e_1
libevent 2.1.12 hdbd6064_1
libffi 3.4.4 h6a678d5_0
libgcc-devel_linux-64 12.1.0 h1ec3361_17 conda-forge libgcc-ng 13.1.0 he5830b7_0 conda-forge libgfortran-ng 13.1.0 h69a702a_0 conda-forge libgfortran5 13.1.0 h15d22d2_0 conda-forge libgomp 13.1.0 he5830b7_0 conda-forge libllvm10 10.0.1 hbcb73fb_5
libnghttp2 1.52.0 h2d74bed_1
libopus 1.3.1 h7f98852_1 conda-forge libpng 1.6.39 h5eee18b_0
libpq 12.15 h251f7ec_0
libsanitizer 12.1.0 ha89aaad_17 conda-forge libssh2 1.10.0 hdbd6064_2
libstdcxx-ng 13.1.0 hfd8a6a1_0 conda-forge libtiff 4.5.0 h6a678d5_2
libuuid 1.41.5 h5eee18b_0
libvpx 1.7.0 h439df22_0
libwebp 1.2.4 h11a3e52_1
libwebp-base 1.2.4 h5eee18b_1
libxcb 1.15 h7f8727e_0
libxkbcommon 1.0.1 hfa300c1_0
libxml2 2.9.14 h74e7548_0
libxslt 1.1.35 h4e12654_0
lz4-c 1.9.4 h6a678d5_0
markdown 3.4.3 pypi_0 pypi markupsafe 2.1.3 pypi_0 pypi matplotlib 3.5.3 py39h06a4308_0
matplotlib-base 3.5.3 py39hf590b9c_0
mkl 2023.1.0 h6d00ec8_46342
mkl-service 2.4.0 py39h5eee18b_1
mkl_fft 1.3.6 py39h417a72b_1
mkl_random 1.2.2 py39h417a72b_1
munkres 1.1.4 py_0
ncurses 6.4 h6a678d5_0
nettle 3.6 he412f7d_0 conda-forge nspr 4.35 h6a678d5_0
nss 3.89.1 h6a678d5_0
numexpr 2.8.4 py39hc78ab66_1
numpy 1.23.5 py39hf6e8229_1
numpy-base 1.23.5 py39h060ed82_1
nvidia-ml-py 11.525.112 pypi_0 pypi oauthlib 3.2.2 pypi_0 pypi opencv-python pypi_0 pypi openh264 2.1.1 h4ff587b_0
openssl 3.1.1 hd590300_1 conda-forge opt-einsum 3.3.0 pypi_0 pypi packaging 23.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pcre 8.45 h295c915_0
pcre2 10.42 hebb0a14_0
perl 5.34.0 h5eee18b_2
pexpect 4.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
pillow 9.4.0 py39h6a678d5_0
pip 23.1.2 py39h06a4308_0
platformdirs 3.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ply 3.11 py39h06a4308_0
pooch 1.7.0 pyha770c72_3 conda-forge protobuf 3.19.6 pypi_0 pypi psutil 5.9.0 py39h5eee18b_0
ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_2
pyasn1 0.5.0 pypi_0 pypi pyasn1-modules 0.3.0 pypi_0 pypi pyparsing 3.0.9 py39h06a4308_0
pyqt 5.15.7 py39h6a678d5_1
pyqt5-sip 12.11.0 py39h6a678d5_1
pysocks 1.7.1 pyha2e5f31_6 conda-forge python 3.9.16 h955ad1f_3
python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
python_abi 3.9 2_cp39 conda-forge qt-main 5.15.2 h327a75a_7
qt-webengine 5.15.9 hd2b0992_4
qtwebkit 5.212 h4eab89a_4
readline 8.2 h5eee18b_0
requests 2.31.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 pypi_0 pypi rsa 4.9 pypi_0 pypi scikit-learn 1.2.2 py39hc236052_2 conda-forge scipy 1.10.1 py39hf6e8229_1
setuptools 67.8.0 py39h06a4308_0
sip 6.6.2 py39h6a678d5_0
six 1.16.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
sqlite 3.41.2 h5eee18b_0
sysroot_linux-64 2.12 he073ed8_15 conda-forge tbb 2021.8.0 hdb19cb5_0
tensorboard 2.10.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-estimator 2.10.0 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-gpu 2.10.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.32.0 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-probability 0.14.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
termcolor 2.3.0 pypi_0 pypi threadpoolctl 3.1.0 pyh8a188c0_0 conda-forge tk 8.6.12 h1ccaba5_0
toml 0.10.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tornado 6.2 py39h5eee18b_0
tqdm 4.65.0 py39hb070fc8_0
typing-extensions 4.6.3 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing_extensions 4.6.3 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge tzdata 2023c h04d1e81_0
urllib3 1.26.16 pypi_0 pypi werkzeug 2.3.6 pypi_0 pypi wheel 0.38.4 py39h06a4308_0
wrapt 1.15.0 pypi_0 pypi x264 1!157.20191217 h7b6447c_0
xz 5.4.2 h5eee18b_0
zipp 3.15.0 pypi_0 pypi zlib 1.2.13 h5eee18b_0
zstd 1.5.5 hc292b87_0 ================= Configs ================== --------- train.ini --------- [global] centering: face coverage: 87.5 icnr_init: False conv_aware_init: False optimizer: adam learning_rate: 5e-05 epsilon_exponent: -7 autoclip: False reflect_padding: False allow_growth: False mixed_precision: False nan_protection: True convert_batchsize: 16 [global.loss] loss_function: ssim loss_function_2: mse loss_weight_2: 100 loss_function_3: none loss_weight_3: 0 loss_function_4: none loss_weight_4: 0 mask_loss_function: mse eye_multiplier: 3 mouth_multiplier: 2 penalized_mask_loss: True mask_type: extended mask_blur_kernel: 3 mask_threshold: 4 learn_mask: False [model.villain] lowmem: False [model.phaze_a] output_size: 128 shared_fc: none enable_gblock: True split_fc: True split_gblock: False split_decoders: False enc_architecture: fs_original enc_scaling: 7 enc_load_weights: True bottleneck_type: dense bottleneck_norm: none bottleneck_size: 1024 bottleneck_in_encoder: True fc_depth: 1 fc_min_filters: 1024 fc_max_filters: 1024 fc_dimensions: 4 fc_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_dropout: 0.0 fc_upsampler: upsample2d fc_upsamples: 1 fc_upsample_filters: 512 fc_gblock_depth: 3 fc_gblock_min_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_max_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_gblock_dropout: 0.0 dec_upscale_method: subpixel dec_upscales_in_fc: 0 dec_norm: none dec_min_filters: 64 dec_max_filters: 512 dec_slope_mode: full dec_filter_slope: -0.45 dec_res_blocks: 1 dec_output_kernel: 5 dec_gaussian: True dec_skip_last_residual: True freeze_layers: keras_encoder load_layers: encoder fs_original_depth: 4 fs_original_min_filters: 128 fs_original_max_filters: 1024 fs_original_use_alt: False mobilenet_width: 1.0 mobilenet_depth: 1 mobilenet_dropout: 0.001 mobilenet_minimalistic: False [model.unbalanced] input_size: 128 lowmem: False nodes: 1024 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder_a: 384 complexity_decoder_b: 512 [model.dlight] features: best details: good output_size: 256 [model.dfaker] output_size: 128 [model.dfl_h128] lowmem: False [model.dfl_sae] input_size: 128 architecture: df autoencoder_dims: 0 encoder_dims: 42 decoder_dims: 21 multiscale_decoder: False [model.realface] input_size: 64 output_size: 128 dense_nodes: 1536 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder: 512 [model.original] lowmem: False [trainer.original] preview_images: 14 mask_opacity: 30 mask_color: #ff0000 zoom_amount: 5 rotation_range: 10 shift_range: 5 flip_chance: 50 color_lightness: 30 color_ab: 8 color_clahe_chance: 50 color_clahe_max_size: 4 --------- gui.ini --------- [global] fullscreen: False tab: extract options_panel_width: 30 console_panel_height: 20 icon_size: 14 font: default font_size: 9 autosave_last_session: prompt timeout: 120 auto_load_model_stats: True --------- .faceswap --------- backend: nvidia --------- extract.ini --------- [global] allow_growth: False aligner_min_scale: 0.07 aligner_max_scale: 2.0 aligner_distance: 22.5 aligner_roll: 45.0 aligner_features: True filter_refeed: True save_filtered: False realign_refeeds: True filter_realign: True [align.fan] batch-size: 12 [mask.vgg_obstructed] batch-size: 2 [mask.vgg_clear] batch-size: 6 [mask.bisenet_fp] batch-size: 8 cpu: False weights: faceswap include_ears: False include_hair: False include_glasses: True [mask.custom] batch-size: 8 centering: face fill: False [mask.unet_dfl] batch-size: 8 [recognition.vgg_face2] batch-size: 16 cpu: False [detect.mtcnn] minsize: 20 scalefactor: 0.709 batch-size: 8 cpu: True threshold_1: 0.6 threshold_2: 0.7 threshold_3: 0.7 [detect.cv2_dnn] confidence: 50 [detect.s3fd] confidence: 70 batch-size: 4 --------- convert.ini --------- [writer.ffmpeg] container: mp4 codec: libx264 crf: 23 preset: medium tune: none profile: auto level: auto skip_mux: False [writer.pillow] format: png draw_transparent: False separate_mask: False optimize: False gif_interlace: True jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 tif_compression: tiff_deflate [writer.opencv] format: png draw_transparent: False separate_mask: False jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 [writer.gif] fps: 25 loop: 0 palettesize: 256 subrectangles: False [mask.mask_blend] type: normalized kernel_size: 3 passes: 4 threshold: 4 erosion: 0.0 erosion_top: 0.0 erosion_bottom: 0.0 erosion_left: 0.0 erosion_right: 0.0 [scaling.sharpen] method: none amount: 150 radius: 0.3 threshold: 5.0 [color.match_hist] threshold: 99.0 [color.manual_balance] colorspace: HSV balance_1: 0.0 balance_2: 0.0 balance_3: 0.0 contrast: 0.0 brightness: 0.0 [color.color_transfer] clip: True preserve_paper: True

And the trace log on my latest test (I ran this one for roughly an hour for only a dozen photos) is as follows:

Code: Select all

06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     logger          log_setup                      INFO     Log level set to: TRACE
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3303.5625]
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _configure_backend             DEBUG    Executing: extract. PID: 589694
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _set_environment_variables     DEBUG    Setting TF_RUN_EAGER_OP_AS_FUNCTION env var to False
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     tpu_cluster_resolver <module>                       DEBUG    Falling back to TensorFlow client; we recommended you install the Cloud TPU client directly with pip install cloud-tpu-client.
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/22/2023 16:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _test_for_tf_version           DEBUG    Installed Tensorflow Version: (2, 10)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _QueueManager
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _QueueManager
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extract: (args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7f7f72ffb370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/test/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extractor: (detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'], recognition: None, configfile: None, multiprocess: True, exclude_gpus: None, rotate_images: None, min_size: 0, normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'] recognition: None
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    flow: ['detect', 'align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3303.5625]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Card with most free VRAM: BiggestGPUInfo(card_id=0, device='NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', free=3303.5625, total=4096.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _get_vram_stats                DEBUG    {'count': 1, 'device': 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', 'vram_free': 3047, 'vram_total': 4096}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_detect                   DEBUG    Loading Detector: 's3fd'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Detect from S3Fd plugin...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (rotation: None, min_size: 0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (git_model_id: 11, model_filename: s3fd_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: detect.s3fd, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'confidence')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 70)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'batch-size')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 4)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_rotation_angles           DEBUG    Not setting rotation angles
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_align                    DEBUG    Loading Aligner: 'fan'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Align from Fan plugin...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (git_model_id: 13, model_filename: face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: align.fan, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'align.fan', option: 'batch-size')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 12)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing AlignedFilter: (feature_filter: True, min_scale: 0.07, max_scale: 2.0, distance: 22.5, roll, 45.0, save_output: False, disable: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized AlignedFilter: 
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ReAlign: (active: False, do_refeeds: True, do_filter: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized ReAlign
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_recognition              DEBUG    No recognition selected. Returning None
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'components'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Components plugin...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.components, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'extended'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Extended plugin...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.extended, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       VERBOSE  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU - 3047MB free of 4096MB
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    VRAM requirements: {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}. Plugins requiring VRAM: 2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    Total VRAM required: 4446.4
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       WARNING  Not enough free VRAM for parallel processing. Switching to serial
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 4112.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 4112.0, available: 3047. Single plugin has higher requirements than available or forcing single process: 'detect'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 3047. Adding phase 'align' to current phase: []
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 3047. Adding phase 'mask_0' to current phase: ['align']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 3047. Adding phase 'mask_1' to current phase: ['align', 'mask_0']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Total phases: 2, Phases: [['detect'], ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          DEBUG    requested_batchsizes: [4], batchsizes: [1], remaining vram: -1273.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          INFO     Reset batch sizes due to available VRAM: Detect: 1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_detect_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_detect_in')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_align_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_align_in')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_align_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_align_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _add_queues                    DEBUG    Queues: {'extract0_detect_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, 'extract0_align_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, 'extract0_mask_0_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>, 'extract0_mask_1_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>, 'extract0_mask_1_out': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5940>}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Extractor
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Filter: (threshold: 0.6, filter_files: None, nfilter_files: None extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f7f72f98970>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _validate_inputs               DEBUG    filter_files: [], nfilter_files: []
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Filter not selected. Exiting Filter
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         process                        INFO     Starting, this may take a while...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _Extract: (extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f7f72f98970>, args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7f7f72ffb370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/test/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False))
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Requested path: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Returning: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       INFO     Output Directory: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PipelineLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f7f72f98970>, aligned_filenames: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, fast_count: True, skip_list: None, count: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesLoader', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesLoader')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _check_for_video               DEBUG    Input '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' is_video: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_fps                       DEBUG    25.0
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Scanned Folder contains 12 files
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Scanned Folder Contents: [<DirEntry '01.JPG'>, <DirEntry '02.JPG'>, <DirEntry '03.JPG'>, <DirEntry '04.JPG'>, <DirEntry '05.JPG'>, <DirEntry '06.JPG'>, <DirEntry '07.jpg'>, <DirEntry '08.jpg'>, <DirEntry '09.jpg'>, <DirEntry '10.jpg'>, <DirEntry '11.jpg'>, <DirEntry '12.jpg'>]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Returning 12 images
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        DEBUG    count: 12
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        TRACE    filelist: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PipelineLoader
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (is_extract: True, input_is_video: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Alignments from Input Folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Setting Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _IO: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7f7f319021c0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._PickleSerializer object at 0x7f7f31902130>
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._CompressedSerializer object at 0x7f7f319021f0>
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    Getting location: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    File extension set from serializer: 'fsa'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Checking for legacy alignments file formats: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.json'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.p'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.pickle'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.yaml'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  VERBOSE  Alignments filepath: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _load                          DEBUG    No skipping selected. Returning empty dictionary
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _FileStructure
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _FileStructure: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _LandmarkRename
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _LandmarkRename: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _ListToNumpy
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _ListToNumpy: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _MaskCentering
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _MaskCentering: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _IdentityAndVideoMeta
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _IdentityAndVideoMeta: False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Thumbnails: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7f7f319021c0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Thumbnails
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _set_skip_list                 DEBUG    No frames to be skipped
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PostProcess
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _get_items                     DEBUG    Postprocess Items: {}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PostProcess
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _Extract
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'load')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_load', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_load'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_load'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_load'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Start
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_load': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, as_bytes: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_detect_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesSaver', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesSaver')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesSaver'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5910>,), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesSaver'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f31902fa0>
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching detect plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_detect_in, out_qname: extract0_align_in
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Detect: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>})
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing S3FD (Detect)...
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7f7f318f5a60>>
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd')
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling detect threads
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_input
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_predict, function: <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_predict
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>}
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_output
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled detect threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f319027c0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f319739a0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f31973b20>]
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: S3fd: (model_path: '/home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5', model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}}, allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, confidence: 0.7)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: S3fd (name: S3FD, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}},  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: S3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model_weights             VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: S3FD
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     attrs           __getitem__                    DEBUG    Creating converter from 3 to 5
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: S3fd
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized S3FD (Detect) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_input': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31902790>
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_predict': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_output': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched detect plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Detect
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['detect']'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f3181cbe0>
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f59d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:10 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:11 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:12 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:16 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:16 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], prediction: [[[226.15810910537064 220.0803290574151 342.83965615861183\n   352.43721474783 0.999998152256012]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], prediction: [[[226.15810910537064 220.0803290574151 342.83965615861183\n   352.43721474783 0.999998152256012]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[226.15810910537064, 220.0803290574151, 342.83965615861183,\n         352.43721474783, 0.999998152256012]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f58b0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 226, width: 117, top: 220, height: 132, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2119, width: 1097, top: 1059, height: 1238, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>], lrtb: [(2119, 3216, 1059, 2297)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31902790>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], prediction: [[[223.08202417517077 356.8794733617103 235.7184257357197\n   372.5964759537582 0.968472421169281]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], prediction: [[[223.08202417517077 356.8794733617103 235.7184257357197\n   372.5964759537582 0.968472421169281]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b640>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[223.08202417517077, 356.8794733617103, 235.7184257357197,\n         372.5964759537582, 0.968472421169281]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 223, width: 13, top: 357, height: 16, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2091, width: 122, top: 2344, height: 150, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>], lrtb: [(2091, 2213, 2344, 2494)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f3181cbe0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.92300211424586 241.48651955311243 235.22423429247033\n   304.0734855806702 0.9999618530273438]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.92300211424586 241.48651955311243 235.22423429247033\n   304.0734855806702 0.9999618530273438]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[182.92300211424586, 241.48651955311243, 235.22423429247033,\n         304.0734855806702, 0.9999618530273438]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215cc580>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 183, width: 52, top: 241, height: 63, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1716, width: 488, top: 1256, height: 591, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>], lrtb: [(1716, 2204, 1256, 1847)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f59d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.29229117305024 341.5380104644869 195.77100062389567\n   355.69466500251383 0.9718345403671265]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.29229117305024 341.5380104644869 195.77100062389567\n   355.69466500251383 0.9718345403671265]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[182.29229117305024, 341.5380104644869, 195.77100062389567,\n         355.69466500251383, 0.9718345403671265]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2158c640>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 182, width: 13, top: 342, height: 14, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1706, width: 122, top: 2203, height: 131, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>], lrtb: [(1706, 1828, 2203, 2334)])
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f58b0>
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 16:58:17 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], prediction: [[[155.1012448162546 265.3281647808812 179.5664745970954\n   293.7209809503772 0.9986062049865723]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], prediction: [[[155.1012448162546 265.3281647808812 179.5664745970954\n   293.7209809503772 0.9986062049865723]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31726c70>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[155.1012448162546, 265.3281647808812, 179.5664745970954,\n         293.7209809503772, 0.9986062049865723]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 155, width: 24, top: 265, height: 28, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1453, width: 225, top: 1481, height: 262, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>], lrtb: [(1453, 1678, 1481, 1743)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b640>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], prediction: [[[185.69086443304056 271.8247793278723 227.78473705567154\n   331.94980078686433 0.9997978210449219]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], prediction: [[[185.69086443304056 271.8247793278723 227.78473705567154\n   331.94980078686433 0.9997978210449219]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b670>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[185.69086443304056, 271.8247793278723, 227.78473705567154,\n         331.94980078686433, 0.9997978210449219]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 186, width: 42, top: 272, height: 60, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1744, width: 394, top: 1547, height: 562, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>], lrtb: [(1744, 2138, 1547, 2109)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215cc580>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[320.74652745380945 220.76110566567093 348.2958076134057\n   258.38950699181134 0.9995509386062622]\n  [256.1439709663391 230.12747168540955 264.05618476867676\n   239.962952375412 0.8078476190567017]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[320.74652745380945 220.76110566567093 348.2958076134057\n   258.38950699181134 0.9995509386062622]\n  [256.1439709663391 230.12747168540955 264.05618476867676\n   239.962952375412 0.8078476190567017]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[320.74652745380945, 220.76110566567093, 348.2958076134057,\n         258.38950699181134, 0.9995509386062622],\n        [256.1439709663391, 230.12747168540955, 264.05618476867676,\n         239.962952375412, 0.8078476190567017]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2108b820>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 321, width: 28, top: 221, height: 38, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 256, width: 8, top: 230, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1229, width: 143, top: 1127, height: 194, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 898, width: 41, top: 1173, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>], lrtb: [(1229, 1372, 1127, 1321), (898, 939, 1173, 1224)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2158c640>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[318.2822149826299 279.33319508853697 342.0838914320016\n   310.70246187971935 0.9974082112312317]\n  [472.3075586540597 261.0901410951515 480.65165075826803\n   272.03075547523554 0.9060477614402771]\n  [269.65096710808575 279.53181886672974 278.29270886071026\n   290.3018708229065 0.7539888024330139]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[318.2822149826299 279.33319508853697 342.0838914320016\n   310.70246187971935 0.9974082112312317]\n  [472.3075586540597 261.0901410951515 480.65165075826803\n   272.03075547523554 0.9060477614402771]\n  [269.65096710808575 279.53181886672974 278.29270886071026\n   290.3018708229065 0.7539888024330139]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210905e0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[318.2822149826299, 279.33319508853697, 342.0838914320016,\n         310.70246187971935, 0.9974082112312317],\n        [472.3075586540597, 261.0901410951515, 480.65165075826803,\n         272.03075547523554, 0.9060477614402771],\n        [269.65096710808575, 279.53181886672974, 278.29270886071026,\n         290.3018708229065, 0.7539888024330139]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 318, width: 24, top: 279, height: 31, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 472, width: 8, top: 261, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 270, width: 9, top: 280, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1214, width: 122, top: 1423, height: 158, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1999, width: 41, top: 1331, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 969, width: 46, top: 1428, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>], lrtb: [(1214, 1336, 1423, 1581), (1999, 2040, 1331, 1387), (969, 1015, 1428, 1484)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31726c70>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 3264x2448 to 640x480. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (480, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (0, 80))
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[315.143842200798 275.8875954233963 335.11428638028906\n   300.96033936244424 0.987601101398468]\n  [497.58451785322677 251.150197174338 507.6607590436172\n   263.99325203766017 0.9825126528739929]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[315.143842200798 275.8875954233963 335.11428638028906\n   300.96033936244424 0.987601101398468]\n  [497.58451785322677 251.150197174338 507.6607590436172\n   263.99325203766017 0.9825126528739929]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210bbd90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[315.143842200798, 275.8875954233963, 335.11428638028906,\n         300.96033936244424, 0.987601101398468],\n        [497.58451785322677, 251.150197174338, 507.6607590436172,\n         263.99325203766017, 0.9825126528739929]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Complete
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 315, width: 20, top: 276, height: 25, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 498, width: 10, top: 251, height: 13, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1198, width: 102, top: 1408, height: 128, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2132, width: 51, top: 1280, height: 66, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>], lrtb: [(1198, 1300, 1408, 1536), (2132, 2183, 1280, 1346)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b670>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 3264x2448 to 640x480. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (480, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (0, 80))
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[303.6961735171637 275.80389143762534 324.48977883147836\n   302.613100846743 0.9796551465988159]\n  [256.47258598704553 275.6646389944872 264.8601599854964\n   285.78320209288654 0.8556114435195923]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[303.6961735171637 275.80389143762534 324.48977883147836\n   302.613100846743 0.9796551465988159]\n  [256.47258598704553 275.6646389944872 264.8601599854964\n   285.78320209288654 0.8556114435195923]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5430>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[303.6961735171637, 275.80389143762534, 324.48977883147836,\n         302.613100846743, 0.9796551465988159],\n        [256.47258598704553, 275.6646389944872, 264.8601599854964,\n         285.78320209288654, 0.8556114435195923]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 304, width: 21, top: 276, height: 27, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 256, width: 8, top: 276, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1142, width: 107, top: 1408, height: 138, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 898, width: 41, top: 1408, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200ebac0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200eb1c0>], lrtb: [(1142, 1249, 1408, 1546), (898, 939, 1408, 1459)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200ebac0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200eb1c0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2108b820>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], prediction: [[[267.7809636107273 275.86274890021843 286.88543749933666\n   298.19667967385334 0.9940222501754761]\n  [297.9988822937012 267.025678396225 306.86359119415283\n   277.7865159511566 0.879886269569397]\n  [625.9196921736002 211.89982372522354 633.6903220564127\n   222.3676295876503 0.7346504330635071]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], prediction: [[[267.7809636107273 275.86274890021843 286.88543749933666\n   298.19667967385334 0.9940222501754761]\n  [297.9988822937012 267.025678396225 306.86359119415283\n   277.7865159511566 0.879886269569397]\n  [625.9196921736002 211.89982372522354 633.6903220564127\n   222.3676295876503 0.7346504330635071]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[267.7809636107273, 275.86274890021843, 286.88543749933666,\n         298.19667967385334, 0.9940222501754761],\n        [297.9988822937012, 267.025678396225, 306.86359119415283,\n         277.7865159511566, 0.879886269569397],\n        [625.9196921736002, 211.89982372522354, 633.6903220564127,\n         222.3676295876503, 0.7346504330635071]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 268, width: 19, top: 276, height: 22, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 298, width: 9, top: 267, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 626, width: 8, top: 212, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1367, width: 97, top: 1000, height: 112, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1520, width: 46, top: 954, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 3193, width: 41, top: 673, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6910>], lrtb: [(1367, 1464, 1000, 1112), (1520, 1566, 954, 1010), (3193, 3234, 673, 724)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6910>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210905e0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[285.13825938687944 259.44345339519094 306.34858140576466\n   284.9471041263077 0.9750571250915527]\n  [322.77125837049863 251.3138585782615 331.7087802832702\n   262.37704333593416 0.9507986307144165]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[285.13825938687944 259.44345339519094 306.34858140576466\n   284.9471041263077 0.9750571250915527]\n  [322.77125837049863 251.3138585782615 331.7087802832702\n   262.37704333593416 0.9507986307144165]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f31902d90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[285.13825938687944, 259.44345339519094, 306.34858140576466,\n         284.9471041263077, 0.9750571250915527],\n        [322.77125837049863, 251.3138585782615, 331.7087802832702,\n         262.37704333593416, 0.9507986307144165]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 285, width: 21, top: 259, height: 26, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 323, width: 9, top: 251, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1454, width: 107, top: 913, height: 133, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1647, width: 46, top: 872, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a25e0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a2970>], lrtb: [(1454, 1561, 913, 1046), (1647, 1693, 872, 928)])
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a25e0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a2970>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210bbd90>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ca0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f7f359fe790>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Switching to phase: ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _run_extraction                DEBUG    Reloading images
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'reload')
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_reload', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: ({'/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31902790>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f3181cbe0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f59d0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f58b0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b640>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215cc580>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2158c640>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31726c70>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b670>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2108b820>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210905e0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210bbd90>},), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_reload'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_reload'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_reload'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Start. Detected Faces Count: 12
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_reload': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching align plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader_0', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_align_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_0_in
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5910>,), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      set_input_size_and_centering   DEBUG    input_size: 256, centering: head
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Align: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>})
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f208cea00>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing FAN (Align)...
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_predict_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_predict_fan')
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7f7f318f5a60>>
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader_0': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_post_fan'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_post_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_post_fan')
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_post_fan'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling align threads
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_input, function: <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_input
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_predict, function: <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f200e5100>)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f200e5100>}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_predict
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_output, function: <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f200e5100>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f200e5100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>}
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_output
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled align threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f2111a820>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f200e5fa0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f200e5400>]
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: KSession (name: FAN, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: None,  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: KSession
06/22/2023 16:58:18 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model                     VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: FAN
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:19 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:20 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:21 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized FAN (Align) with batchsize of 12
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_input': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31902790>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_predict': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_output': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched align plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_0 plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_0_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_in
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>})
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Components (Mask)...
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_components')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_components'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_components')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_components'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bf960d0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bf960d0>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_input
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bf960d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8280>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bf960d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8280>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_predict
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8280>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8280>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_output
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f20047d90>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f1bbd8400>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f1bbd8430>]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     components      init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Components (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_components_input          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_input': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_components_predict        _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_predict': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_components_output         _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_output': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_0 plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_1 plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_1_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_out
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5940>})
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Extended (Mask)...
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_extended')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd89d0>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd89d0>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_input
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd89d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8e20>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd89d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8e20>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_predict
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8e20>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5940>)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f1bbd8e20>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5940>}
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_output
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f1bbd8460>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f1bbd8fa0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f7f1bbd8fd0>]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     extended        init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Extended (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_extended_input            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_input': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_extended_predict          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_predict': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     mask_extended_output           _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_output': 1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_1 plugin
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Mask, Align
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_mask_1_out: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f5940>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>, <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>, <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f3181cbe0>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f59d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215f58b0>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b640>
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:27 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f215cc580>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f7f2b8c7340>, <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5190>, <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f7f318f5370>]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2158c640>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f31726c70>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg, faces: 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2118b670>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg`, image shape: (2448, 3264, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>], is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Rolled over 1 faces of 2 to next batch for '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  ...\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]]\n\n [[2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  ...\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]]\n\n [[1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  ...\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  ...\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]]\n\n [[ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  ...\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]]\n\n [[1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  ...\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  ...\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]]\n\n [[2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  ...\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]]\n\n [[1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  ...\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  ...\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]]\n\n [[ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  ...\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]]\n\n [[1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  ...\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  ...\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]]\n\n [[2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  ...\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]]\n\n [[2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  ...\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  ...\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]]\n\n [[1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  ...\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]]\n\n [[1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  ...\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from _rollover: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg`, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200ebac0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200eb1c0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f2108b820>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg`, image shape: (2448, 3264, 3))
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6910>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210905e0>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg, faces: 3)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a25e0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a2970>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f7f210bbd90>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Complete
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f318f53d0>
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      DEBUG    EOF received
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200ebac0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200eb1c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a25e0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a2970>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  ...\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]]\n\n [[1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  ...\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]]\n\n [[ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  ...\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  ...\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]]\n\n [[1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  ...\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]]\n\n [[1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  ...\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  ...\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]]\n\n [[1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  ...\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]]\n\n [[ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  ...\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  ...\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]]\n\n [[1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  ...\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]]\n\n [[1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  ...\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  ...\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]]\n\n [[1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  ...\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]]\n\n [[ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  ...\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  ...\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]]\n\n [[1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  ...\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]]\n\n [[1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  ...\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/22/2023 16:58:28 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    (12, 68, 64, 64)
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200ebac0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200eb1c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f208c6910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a25e0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f211a2970>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=(8, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (8, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(8, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f208ce790>
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f7f200e5100>
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtain points from prediction
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2340.0762  1987.8334 ]\n  [2414.9158  2081.383  ]\n  [2508.4656  2156.2227 ]\n  ...\n  [2751.6948  1931.7036 ]\n  [2714.275   1969.1234 ]\n  [2695.565   2006.5433 ]]\n\n [[2087.705   2386.8333 ]\n  [2085.5256  2404.269  ]\n  [2083.3462  2419.5254 ]\n  ...\n  [2150.9102  2482.7307 ]\n  [2146.5513  2480.5513 ]\n  [2140.0127  2478.3716 ]]\n\n [[1704.948   1545.4237 ]\n  [1739.5312  1614.5903 ]\n  [1765.4688  1666.4653 ]\n  ...\n  [2076.7188  1709.6946 ]\n  [2059.4272  1718.3403 ]\n  [2033.4896  1726.9862 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2047.092   1367.4363 ]\n  [2035.4335  1379.8721 ]\n  [2036.2107  1379.8721 ]\n  ...\n  [2046.3148  1357.332  ]\n  [2047.092   1360.441  ]\n  [2047.092   1361.2183 ]]\n\n [[1011.2067  1434.1598 ]\n  [1012.8414  1433.3425 ]\n  [ 966.2548  1443.1501 ]\n  ...\n  [ 980.9664  1412.0925 ]\n  [ 978.51447 1412.0925 ]\n  [ 977.69714 1412.9098 ]]\n\n [[1192.79    1468.6191 ]\n  [1200.1619  1483.3628 ]\n  [1205.6907  1494.4204 ]\n  ...\n  [1268.351   1511.007  ]\n  [1264.665   1512.85   ]\n  [1259.1362  1512.85   ]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtained points from prediction: [[[2340.0762  1987.8334 ]\n  [2414.9158  2081.383  ]\n  [2508.4656  2156.2227 ]\n  ...\n  [2751.6948  1931.7036 ]\n  [2714.275   1969.1234 ]\n  [2695.565   2006.5433 ]]\n\n [[2087.705   2386.8333 ]\n  [2085.5256  2404.269  ]\n  [2083.3462  2419.5254 ]\n  ...\n  [2150.9102  2482.7307 ]\n  [2146.5513  2480.5513 ]\n  [2140.0127  2478.3716 ]]\n\n [[1704.948   1545.4237 ]\n  [1739.5312  1614.5903 ]\n  [1765.4688  1666.4653 ]\n  ...\n  [2076.7188  1709.6946 ]\n  [2059.4272  1718.3403 ]\n  [2033.4896  1726.9862 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2047.092   1367.4363 ]\n  [2035.4335  1379.8721 ]\n  [2036.2107  1379.8721 ]\n  ...\n  [2046.3148  1357.332  ]\n  [2047.092   1360.441  ]\n  [2047.092   1361.2183 ]]\n\n [[1011.2067  1434.1598 ]\n  [1012.8414  1433.3425 ]\n  [ 966.2548  1443.1501 ]\n  ...\n  [ 980.9664  1412.0925 ]\n  [ 978.51447 1412.0925 ]\n  [ 977.69714 1412.9098 ]]\n\n [[1192.79    1468.6191 ]\n  [1200.1619  1483.3628 ]\n  [1205.6907  1494.4204 ]\n  ...\n  [1268.351   1511.007  ]\n  [1264.665   1512.85   ]\n  [1259.1362  1512.85   ]]]
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligner         finalize                       TRACE    Item out: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f215d0160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21088250>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210feee0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2109d970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f210b56a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f2104d4f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067340>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f21067310>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f31902b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f7f200d5d00>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(12, 68, 2), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[[False False False False False False False False False False False False]])
06/22/2023 16:58:29 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligned_face    __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: AlignedFace (image shape: None, centering: 'face', size: 64, coverage_ratio: 1.0, dtype: None, is_aligned: False, is_legacy: False)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:53 am
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Re: Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by torzdf »

In the first instance, can you remove the globally installed Cuda/cuDNN and try again.

This is unlikely to fix the issue, but it is worth eliminating a potential conflict first.

My word is final

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Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:37 am

Re: Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by bluesilent9 »

I removed CUDA using the command:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get --purge remove "*cublas*" "cuda*" "nsight*"

Then I ran the extract process again during the night for just the 12 test photos. It still hangs and never finishes.

System output after the removal:

Code: Select all

============ System Information ============
backend:             nvidia
encoding:            UTF-8
git_branch:          Not Found
git_commits:         Not Found
gpu_cuda:            11.0
gpu_cudnn:           No global version found. Check Conda packages for Conda cuDNN
gpu_devices:         GPU_0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU
gpu_devices_active:  GPU_0
gpu_driver:          530.41.03
gpu_vram:            GPU_0: 4096MB (2779MB free)
os_machine:          x86_64
os_platform:         Linux-5.19.0-45-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
os_release:          5.19.0-45-generic
py_command:          /home/dave/faceswap/faceswap.py gui
py_conda_version:    conda 23.3.1
py_implementation:   CPython
py_version:          3.9.16
py_virtual_env:      True
sys_cores:           16
sys_processor:       x86_64
sys_ram:             Total: 15401MB, Available: 12565MB, Used: 2474MB, Free: 5738MB

=============== Pip Packages ===============
absl-py @ file:///croot/absl-py_1686852429912/work
charset-normalizer @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/charset-normalizer_1678108872112/work
cloudpickle @ file:///croot/cloudpickle_1683040006038/work
cycler @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/cycler_1637851556182/work
decorator @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/decorator_1643638310831/work
dm-tree @ file:///croot/dm-tree_1671027432897/work
fastcluster @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/fastcluster_1667858905653/work
idna @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/idna_1663625384323/work
imageio @ file:///croot/imageio_1687264943895/work
imageio-ffmpeg @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/imageio-ffmpeg_1673483481485/work
joblib @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/joblib_1663332044897/work
kiwisolver @ file:///croot/kiwisolver_1672387140495/work
matplotlib @ file:///croot/matplotlib-suite_1667356714455/work
mkl-random @ file:///work/mkl/mkl_random_1682950433854/work
numexpr @ file:///croot/numexpr_1683221822650/work
numpy @ file:///work/mkl/numpy_and_numpy_base_1682952636358/work
packaging @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/packaging_1681337016113/work
pexpect @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pexpect_1605563209008/work
platformdirs @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/platformdirs_1687097136512/work
pooch @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pooch_1679580333621/work
psutil @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/psutil_1656431268089/work
ptyprocess @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/ptyprocess_1609355006118/work/dist/ptyprocess-0.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
pyparsing @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/pyparsing_1661452539315/work
PySocks @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/pysocks_1661604839144/work
python-dateutil @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/python-dateutil_1626374649649/work
requests @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/requests_1684774241324/work
scikit-learn @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/scikit-learn_1685023709438/work
sip @ file:///tmp/abs_44cd77b_pu/croots/recipe/sip_1659012365470/work
six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work
tensorflow-probability @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/tensorflow-probability_1633017132682/work
threadpoolctl @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/threadpoolctl_1643647933166/work
toml @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/toml_1616166611790/work
tornado @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/tornado_1662061693373/work
tqdm @ file:///croot/tqdm_1679561862951/work
typing_extensions @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/typing_extensions_1685704949284/work

============== Conda Packages ==============
# packages in environment at /home/dave/miniconda3/envs/faceswap:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
absl-py                   1.4.0            py39h06a4308_0  
astunparse 1.6.3 pypi_0 pypi binutils_impl_linux-64 2.38 h2a08ee3_1
blas 1.0 mkl
brotli 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge brotli-bin 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge bzip2 1.0.8 h7b6447c_0
c-ares 1.19.0 h5eee18b_0
ca-certificates 2023.5.7 hbcca054_0 conda-forge cachetools 5.3.1 pypi_0 pypi certifi 2023.5.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge charset-normalizer 3.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge cloudpickle 2.2.1 py39h06a4308_0
cudatoolkit 11.2.2 hbe64b41_11 conda-forge cudnn h90431f1_0 conda-forge curl 7.88.1 h5eee18b_1
cycler 0.11.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dbus 1.13.18 hb2f20db_0
decorator 5.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dm-tree 0.1.7 py39h6a678d5_1
expat 2.4.9 h6a678d5_0
fastcluster 1.2.6 py39h4661b88_2 conda-forge ffmpeg 4.2.2 h20bf706_0
ffmpy 0.3.0 pypi_0 pypi flatbuffers 23.5.26 pypi_0 pypi fontconfig 2.14.1 h52c9d5c_1
fonttools 4.25.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
freetype 2.12.1 h4a9f257_0
gast 0.4.0 pypi_0 pypi gcc 12.1.0 h9ea6d83_10 conda-forge gcc_impl_linux-64 12.1.0 hea43390_17 conda-forge gdbm 1.18 hd4cb3f1_4
gettext 0.21.0 hf68c758_0
giflib 5.2.1 h5eee18b_3
git 2.40.1 pl5340h36fbf9e_1
glib 2.69.1 he621ea3_2
gmp 6.2.1 h58526e2_0 conda-forge gnutls 3.6.13 h85f3911_1 conda-forge google-auth 2.20.0 pypi_0 pypi google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.6 pypi_0 pypi google-pasta 0.2.0 pypi_0 pypi grpcio 1.54.2 pypi_0 pypi gst-plugins-base 1.14.1 h6a678d5_1
gstreamer 1.14.1 h5eee18b_1
h5py 3.9.0 pypi_0 pypi icu 58.2 he6710b0_3
idna 3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge imageio 2.31.1 py39h06a4308_0
imageio-ffmpeg 0.4.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge importlib-metadata 6.7.0 pypi_0 pypi intel-openmp 2023.1.0 hdb19cb5_46305
joblib 1.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge jpeg 9e h5eee18b_1
keras 2.10.0 pypi_0 pypi keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 pypi_0 pypi kernel-headers_linux-64 2.6.32 he073ed8_15 conda-forge kiwisolver 1.4.4 py39h6a678d5_0
krb5 1.20.1 h143b758_1
lame 3.100 h166bdaf_1003 conda-forge lcms2 2.12 h3be6417_0
ld_impl_linux-64 2.38 h1181459_1
lerc 3.0 h295c915_0
libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libbrotlidec 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libbrotlienc 1.0.9 h166bdaf_8 conda-forge libclang 16.0.0 pypi_0 pypi libcurl 7.88.1 h251f7ec_1
libdeflate 1.17 h5eee18b_0
libedit 3.1.20221030 h5eee18b_0
libev 4.33 h7f8727e_1
libevent 2.1.12 hdbd6064_1
libffi 3.4.4 h6a678d5_0
libgcc-devel_linux-64 12.1.0 h1ec3361_17 conda-forge libgcc-ng 13.1.0 he5830b7_0 conda-forge libgfortran-ng 13.1.0 h69a702a_0 conda-forge libgfortran5 13.1.0 h15d22d2_0 conda-forge libgomp 13.1.0 he5830b7_0 conda-forge libllvm10 10.0.1 hbcb73fb_5
libnghttp2 1.52.0 h2d74bed_1
libopus 1.3.1 h7f98852_1 conda-forge libpng 1.6.39 h5eee18b_0
libpq 12.15 h251f7ec_0
libsanitizer 12.1.0 ha89aaad_17 conda-forge libssh2 1.10.0 hdbd6064_2
libstdcxx-ng 13.1.0 hfd8a6a1_0 conda-forge libtiff 4.5.0 h6a678d5_2
libuuid 1.41.5 h5eee18b_0
libvpx 1.7.0 h439df22_0
libwebp 1.2.4 h11a3e52_1
libwebp-base 1.2.4 h5eee18b_1
libxcb 1.15 h7f8727e_0
libxkbcommon 1.0.1 hfa300c1_0
libxml2 2.9.14 h74e7548_0
libxslt 1.1.35 h4e12654_0
lz4-c 1.9.4 h6a678d5_0
markdown 3.4.3 pypi_0 pypi markupsafe 2.1.3 pypi_0 pypi matplotlib 3.5.3 py39h06a4308_0
matplotlib-base 3.5.3 py39hf590b9c_0
mkl 2023.1.0 h6d00ec8_46342
mkl-service 2.4.0 py39h5eee18b_1
mkl_fft 1.3.6 py39h417a72b_1
mkl_random 1.2.2 py39h417a72b_1
munkres 1.1.4 py_0
ncurses 6.4 h6a678d5_0
nettle 3.6 he412f7d_0 conda-forge nspr 4.35 h6a678d5_0
nss 3.89.1 h6a678d5_0
numexpr 2.8.4 py39hc78ab66_1
numpy 1.23.5 py39hf6e8229_1
numpy-base 1.23.5 py39h060ed82_1
nvidia-ml-py 11.525.112 pypi_0 pypi oauthlib 3.2.2 pypi_0 pypi opencv-python pypi_0 pypi openh264 2.1.1 h4ff587b_0
openssl 3.1.1 hd590300_1 conda-forge opt-einsum 3.3.0 pypi_0 pypi packaging 23.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge pcre 8.45 h295c915_0
pcre2 10.42 hebb0a14_0
perl 5.34.0 h5eee18b_2
pexpect 4.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
pillow 9.4.0 py39h6a678d5_0
pip 23.1.2 py39h06a4308_0
platformdirs 3.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge ply 3.11 py39h06a4308_0
pooch 1.7.0 pyha770c72_3 conda-forge protobuf 3.19.6 pypi_0 pypi psutil 5.9.0 py39h5eee18b_0
ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_2
pyasn1 0.5.0 pypi_0 pypi pyasn1-modules 0.3.0 pypi_0 pypi pyparsing 3.0.9 py39h06a4308_0
pyqt 5.15.7 py39h6a678d5_1
pyqt5-sip 12.11.0 py39h6a678d5_1
pysocks 1.7.1 pyha2e5f31_6 conda-forge python 3.9.16 h955ad1f_3
python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
python_abi 3.9 2_cp39 conda-forge qt-main 5.15.2 h327a75a_7
qt-webengine 5.15.9 hd2b0992_4
qtwebkit 5.212 h4eab89a_4
readline 8.2 h5eee18b_0
requests 2.31.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 pypi_0 pypi rsa 4.9 pypi_0 pypi scikit-learn 1.2.2 py39hc236052_2 conda-forge scipy 1.10.1 py39hf6e8229_1
setuptools 67.8.0 py39h06a4308_0
sip 6.6.2 py39h6a678d5_0
six 1.16.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
sqlite 3.41.2 h5eee18b_0
sysroot_linux-64 2.12 he073ed8_15 conda-forge tbb 2021.8.0 hdb19cb5_0
tensorboard 2.10.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-estimator 2.10.0 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-gpu 2.10.1 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.32.0 pypi_0 pypi tensorflow-probability 0.14.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
termcolor 2.3.0 pypi_0 pypi threadpoolctl 3.1.0 pyh8a188c0_0 conda-forge tk 8.6.12 h1ccaba5_0
toml 0.10.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tornado 6.2 py39h5eee18b_0
tqdm 4.65.0 py39hb070fc8_0
typing-extensions 4.6.3 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge typing_extensions 4.6.3 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge tzdata 2023c h04d1e81_0
urllib3 1.26.16 pypi_0 pypi werkzeug 2.3.6 pypi_0 pypi wheel 0.38.4 py39h06a4308_0
wrapt 1.15.0 pypi_0 pypi x264 1!157.20191217 h7b6447c_0
xz 5.4.2 h5eee18b_0
zipp 3.15.0 pypi_0 pypi zlib 1.2.13 h5eee18b_0
zstd 1.5.5 hc292b87_0 ================= Configs ================== --------- train.ini --------- [global] centering: face coverage: 87.5 icnr_init: False conv_aware_init: False optimizer: adam learning_rate: 5e-05 epsilon_exponent: -7 autoclip: False reflect_padding: False allow_growth: False mixed_precision: False nan_protection: True convert_batchsize: 16 [global.loss] loss_function: ssim loss_function_2: mse loss_weight_2: 100 loss_function_3: none loss_weight_3: 0 loss_function_4: none loss_weight_4: 0 mask_loss_function: mse eye_multiplier: 3 mouth_multiplier: 2 penalized_mask_loss: True mask_type: extended mask_blur_kernel: 3 mask_threshold: 4 learn_mask: False [model.villain] lowmem: False [model.phaze_a] output_size: 128 shared_fc: none enable_gblock: True split_fc: True split_gblock: False split_decoders: False enc_architecture: fs_original enc_scaling: 7 enc_load_weights: True bottleneck_type: dense bottleneck_norm: none bottleneck_size: 1024 bottleneck_in_encoder: True fc_depth: 1 fc_min_filters: 1024 fc_max_filters: 1024 fc_dimensions: 4 fc_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_dropout: 0.0 fc_upsampler: upsample2d fc_upsamples: 1 fc_upsample_filters: 512 fc_gblock_depth: 3 fc_gblock_min_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_max_nodes: 512 fc_gblock_filter_slope: -0.5 fc_gblock_dropout: 0.0 dec_upscale_method: subpixel dec_upscales_in_fc: 0 dec_norm: none dec_min_filters: 64 dec_max_filters: 512 dec_slope_mode: full dec_filter_slope: -0.45 dec_res_blocks: 1 dec_output_kernel: 5 dec_gaussian: True dec_skip_last_residual: True freeze_layers: keras_encoder load_layers: encoder fs_original_depth: 4 fs_original_min_filters: 128 fs_original_max_filters: 1024 fs_original_use_alt: False mobilenet_width: 1.0 mobilenet_depth: 1 mobilenet_dropout: 0.001 mobilenet_minimalistic: False [model.unbalanced] input_size: 128 lowmem: False nodes: 1024 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder_a: 384 complexity_decoder_b: 512 [model.dlight] features: best details: good output_size: 256 [model.dfaker] output_size: 128 [model.dfl_h128] lowmem: False [model.dfl_sae] input_size: 128 architecture: df autoencoder_dims: 0 encoder_dims: 42 decoder_dims: 21 multiscale_decoder: False [model.realface] input_size: 64 output_size: 128 dense_nodes: 1536 complexity_encoder: 128 complexity_decoder: 512 [model.original] lowmem: False [trainer.original] preview_images: 14 mask_opacity: 30 mask_color: #ff0000 zoom_amount: 5 rotation_range: 10 shift_range: 5 flip_chance: 50 color_lightness: 30 color_ab: 8 color_clahe_chance: 50 color_clahe_max_size: 4 --------- gui.ini --------- [global] fullscreen: False tab: extract options_panel_width: 30 console_panel_height: 20 icon_size: 14 font: default font_size: 9 autosave_last_session: prompt timeout: 120 auto_load_model_stats: True --------- .faceswap --------- backend: nvidia --------- extract.ini --------- [global] allow_growth: False aligner_min_scale: 0.07 aligner_max_scale: 2.0 aligner_distance: 22.5 aligner_roll: 45.0 aligner_features: True filter_refeed: True save_filtered: False realign_refeeds: True filter_realign: True [align.fan] batch-size: 12 [mask.vgg_obstructed] batch-size: 2 [mask.vgg_clear] batch-size: 6 [mask.bisenet_fp] batch-size: 8 cpu: False weights: faceswap include_ears: False include_hair: False include_glasses: True [mask.custom] batch-size: 8 centering: face fill: False [mask.unet_dfl] batch-size: 8 [recognition.vgg_face2] batch-size: 16 cpu: False [detect.mtcnn] minsize: 20 scalefactor: 0.709 batch-size: 8 cpu: True threshold_1: 0.6 threshold_2: 0.7 threshold_3: 0.7 [detect.cv2_dnn] confidence: 50 [detect.s3fd] confidence: 70 batch-size: 4 --------- convert.ini --------- [writer.ffmpeg] container: mp4 codec: libx264 crf: 23 preset: medium tune: none profile: auto level: auto skip_mux: False [writer.pillow] format: png draw_transparent: False separate_mask: False optimize: False gif_interlace: True jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 tif_compression: tiff_deflate [writer.opencv] format: png draw_transparent: False separate_mask: False jpg_quality: 75 png_compress_level: 3 [writer.gif] fps: 25 loop: 0 palettesize: 256 subrectangles: False [mask.mask_blend] type: normalized kernel_size: 3 passes: 4 threshold: 4 erosion: 0.0 erosion_top: 0.0 erosion_bottom: 0.0 erosion_left: 0.0 erosion_right: 0.0 [scaling.sharpen] method: none amount: 150 radius: 0.3 threshold: 5.0 [color.match_hist] threshold: 99.0 [color.manual_balance] colorspace: HSV balance_1: 0.0 balance_2: 0.0 balance_3: 0.0 contrast: 0.0 brightness: 0.0 [color.color_transfer] clip: True preserve_paper: True

Trace Log from Extraction run all night after CUDA removal:

Code: Select all

06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     logger          log_setup                      INFO     Log level set to: TRACE
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3113.125]
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _configure_backend             DEBUG    Executing: extract. PID: 615042
06/22/2023 20:58:03 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _set_environment_variables     DEBUG    Setting TF_RUN_EAGER_OP_AS_FUNCTION env var to False
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     tpu_cluster_resolver <module>                       DEBUG    Falling back to TensorFlow client; we recommended you install the Cloud TPU client directly with pip install cloud-tpu-client.
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/22/2023 20:58:04 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _test_for_tf_version           DEBUG    Installed Tensorflow Version: (2, 10)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _QueueManager
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _QueueManager
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extract: (args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7fc7876ea370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/work/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extractor: (detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'], recognition: None, configfile: None, multiprocess: True, exclude_gpus: None, rotate_images: None, min_size: 0, normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'] recognition: None
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    flow: ['detect', 'align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3113.125]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Card with most free VRAM: BiggestGPUInfo(card_id=0, device='NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', free=3113.125, total=4096.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _get_vram_stats                DEBUG    {'count': 1, 'device': 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', 'vram_free': 2857, 'vram_total': 4096}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_detect                   DEBUG    Loading Detector: 's3fd'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Detect from S3Fd plugin...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (rotation: None, min_size: 0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (git_model_id: 11, model_filename: s3fd_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: detect.s3fd, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'confidence')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 70)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'batch-size')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 4)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_rotation_angles           DEBUG    Not setting rotation angles
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_align                    DEBUG    Loading Aligner: 'fan'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Align from Fan plugin...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (git_model_id: 13, model_filename: face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: align.fan, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'align.fan', option: 'batch-size')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 12)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing AlignedFilter: (feature_filter: True, min_scale: 0.07, max_scale: 2.0, distance: 22.5, roll, 45.0, save_output: False, disable: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized AlignedFilter: 
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ReAlign: (active: False, do_refeeds: True, do_filter: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized ReAlign
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_recognition              DEBUG    No recognition selected. Returning None
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'components'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Components plugin...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.components, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'extended'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Extended plugin...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.extended, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       VERBOSE  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU - 2857MB free of 4096MB
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    VRAM requirements: {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}. Plugins requiring VRAM: 2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    Total VRAM required: 4446.4
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       WARNING  Not enough free VRAM for parallel processing. Switching to serial
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 4112.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 4112.0, available: 2857. Single plugin has higher requirements than available or forcing single process: 'detect'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2857. Adding phase 'align' to current phase: []
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2857. Adding phase 'mask_0' to current phase: ['align']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2857. Adding phase 'mask_1' to current phase: ['align', 'mask_0']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Total phases: 2, Phases: [['detect'], ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          DEBUG    requested_batchsizes: [4], batchsizes: [1], remaining vram: -1463.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          INFO     Reset batch sizes due to available VRAM: Detect: 1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_detect_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_detect_in')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_align_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_align_in')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_align_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_align_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _add_queues                    DEBUG    Queues: {'extract0_detect_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, 'extract0_align_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, 'extract0_mask_0_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>, 'extract0_mask_1_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>, 'extract0_mask_1_out': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775940>}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Extractor
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Filter: (threshold: 0.6, filter_files: None, nfilter_files: None extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7fc787687970>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _validate_inputs               DEBUG    filter_files: [], nfilter_files: []
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Filter not selected. Exiting Filter
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         process                        INFO     Starting, this may take a while...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _Extract: (extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7fc787687970>, args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7fc7876ea370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/work/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False))
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Requested path: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Returning: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       INFO     Output Directory: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PipelineLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7fc787687970>, aligned_filenames: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, fast_count: True, skip_list: None, count: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesLoader', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesLoader')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _check_for_video               DEBUG    Input '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' is_video: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_fps                       DEBUG    25.0
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Scanned Folder contains 12 files
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Scanned Folder Contents: [<DirEntry '01.JPG'>, <DirEntry '02.JPG'>, <DirEntry '03.JPG'>, <DirEntry '04.JPG'>, <DirEntry '05.JPG'>, <DirEntry '06.JPG'>, <DirEntry '07.jpg'>, <DirEntry '08.jpg'>, <DirEntry '09.jpg'>, <DirEntry '10.jpg'>, <DirEntry '11.jpg'>, <DirEntry '12.jpg'>]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg' to image list
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Returning 12 images
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        DEBUG    count: 12
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        TRACE    filelist: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PipelineLoader
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (is_extract: True, input_is_video: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Alignments from Input Folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Setting Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _IO: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7fc7427831c0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._PickleSerializer object at 0x7fc742783130>
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._CompressedSerializer object at 0x7fc7427831f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    Getting location: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    File extension set from serializer: 'fsa'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Checking for legacy alignments file formats: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.json'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.p'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.pickle'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.yaml'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  VERBOSE  Alignments filepath: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _load                          DEBUG    No skipping selected. Returning empty dictionary
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _FileStructure
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _FileStructure: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _LandmarkRename
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _LandmarkRename: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _ListToNumpy
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _ListToNumpy: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _MaskCentering
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _MaskCentering: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _IdentityAndVideoMeta
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _IdentityAndVideoMeta: False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Thumbnails: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7fc7427831c0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Thumbnails
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _set_skip_list                 DEBUG    No frames to be skipped
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PostProcess
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _get_items                     DEBUG    Postprocess Items: {}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PostProcess
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _Extract
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'load')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_load', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_load'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_load'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_load'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Start
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_load': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, as_bytes: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_detect_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesSaver', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesSaver')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesSaver'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775910>,), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesSaver'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc742783fa0>
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching detect plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_detect_in, out_qname: extract0_align_in
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7fc742775a60>>
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Detect: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>})
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing S3FD (Detect)...
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd')
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling detect threads
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_input
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_predict, function: <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_predict
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_output
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled detect threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc7427837c0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc7427f3a00>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc7427f3a30>]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: S3fd: (model_path: '/home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5', model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}}, allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, confidence: 0.7)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: S3fd (name: S3FD, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}},  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: S3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:05 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model_weights             VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: S3FD
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     attrs           __getitem__                    DEBUG    Creating converter from 3 to 5
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: S3fd
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized S3FD (Detect) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_input': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742783790>
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_predict': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_output': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched detect plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Detect
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['detect']'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742669fd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327616d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:06 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:07 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:08 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:09 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:10 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:11 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:11 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:12 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:12 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], prediction: [[[226.1566033605695 220.07967121662773 342.8391085237305\n   352.4387077512956 0.999998152256012]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], prediction: [[[226.1566033605695 220.07967121662773 342.8391085237305\n   352.4387077512956 0.999998152256012]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[226.1566033605695, 220.07967121662773, 342.8391085237305,\n         352.4387077512956, 0.999998152256012]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425cafa0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 226, width: 117, top: 220, height: 132, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2119, width: 1097, top: 1059, height: 1238, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>], lrtb: [(2119, 3216, 1059, 2297)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742783790>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], prediction: [[[223.08192597050044 356.87980063353774 235.71829194175598\n   372.59706782903794 0.9684633016586304]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], prediction: [[[223.08192597050044 356.87980063353774 235.71829194175598\n   372.59706782903794 0.9684633016586304]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[223.08192597050044, 356.87980063353774, 235.71829194175598,\n         372.59706782903794, 0.9684633016586304]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238bf40>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 223, width: 13, top: 357, height: 16, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2091, width: 122, top: 2344, height: 150, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>], lrtb: [(2091, 2213, 2344, 2494)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742669fd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.9225861096829 241.48640038672406 235.22442502783784\n   304.07318312017713 0.9999618530273438]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.9225861096829 241.48640038672406 235.22442502783784\n   304.07318312017713 0.9999618530273438]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[182.9225861096829, 241.48640038672406, 235.22442502783784,\n         304.07318312017713, 0.9999618530273438]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327cafd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 183, width: 52, top: 241, height: 63, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1716, width: 488, top: 1256, height: 591, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>], lrtb: [(1716, 2204, 1256, 1847)])
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327616d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 6000x4000 to 640x426. Scale=0.10666666666666667
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.10666666666666667, pad: (0, 107))
06/22/2023 20:58:13 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.29233982375922 341.53806201104834 195.77064212679585\n   355.69467813607855 0.971829891204834]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], prediction: [[[182.29233982375922 341.53806201104834 195.77064212679585\n   355.69467813607855 0.971829891204834]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73239e0d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[182.29233982375922, 341.53806201104834, 195.77064212679585,\n         355.69467813607855, 0.971829891204834]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 182, width: 13, top: 342, height: 14, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1706, width: 122, top: 2203, height: 131, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>], lrtb: [(1706, 1828, 2203, 2334)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425cafa0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], prediction: [[[155.10226343931234 265.32872809692543 179.56671554883013\n   293.720784469231 0.9986043572425842]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], prediction: [[[155.10226343931234 265.32872809692543 179.56671554883013\n   293.720784469231 0.9986043572425842]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238ba60>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[155.10226343931234, 265.32872809692543, 179.56671554883013,\n         293.720784469231, 0.9986043572425842]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 155, width: 24, top: 265, height: 28, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1453, width: 225, top: 1481, height: 262, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>], lrtb: [(1453, 1678, 1481, 1743)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238bf40>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], prediction: [[[185.69059739723468 271.82546475100867 227.78440031333125\n   331.95041866686296 0.9997978210449219]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], prediction: [[[185.69059739723468 271.82546475100867 227.78440031333125\n   331.95041866686296 0.9997978210449219]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[185.69059739723468, 271.82546475100867, 227.78440031333125,\n         331.95041866686296, 0.9997978210449219]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.10666666666666667], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425dc5b0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 186, width: 42, top: 272, height: 60, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1744, width: 394, top: 1547, height: 562, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>], lrtb: [(1744, 2138, 1547, 2109)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327cafd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[320.74588052078815 220.7609254431821 348.2957984032955\n   258.39016051501835 0.9995509386062622]\n  [256.1442542076111 230.12767779827118 264.0563621520996\n   239.96305358409882 0.8077893257141113]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[320.74588052078815 220.7609254431821 348.2957984032955\n   258.39016051501835 0.9995509386062622]\n  [256.1442542076111 230.12767779827118 264.0563621520996\n   239.96305358409882 0.8077893257141113]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[320.74588052078815, 220.7609254431821, 348.2957984032955,\n         258.39016051501835, 0.9995509386062622],\n        [256.1442542076111, 230.12767779827118, 264.0563621520996,\n         239.96305358409882, 0.8077893257141113]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fbfd00>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 321, width: 28, top: 221, height: 38, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 256, width: 8, top: 230, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1229, width: 143, top: 1127, height: 194, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 898, width: 41, top: 1173, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>], lrtb: [(1229, 1372, 1127, 1321), (898, 939, 1173, 1224)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73239e0d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2448x3264 to 480x640. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 480, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (80, 0))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[318.2820811525638 279.33344738255295 342.0839071882314\n   310.70196184134727 0.9974086880683899]\n  [472.30764585677184 261.0901339013235 480.6522454515902\n   272.0312776216643 0.9060384631156921]\n  [269.6508862487972 279.5313677787781 278.2927100174129\n   290.30153131484985 0.7539826035499573]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[318.2820811525638 279.33344738255295 342.0839071882314\n   310.70196184134727 0.9974086880683899]\n  [472.30764585677184 261.0901339013235 480.6522454515902\n   272.0312776216643 0.9060384631156921]\n  [269.6508862487972 279.5313677787781 278.2927100174129\n   290.30153131484985 0.7539826035499573]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[318.2820811525638, 279.33344738255295, 342.0839071882314,\n         310.70196184134727, 0.9974086880683899],\n        [472.30764585677184, 261.0901339013235, 480.6522454515902,\n         272.0312776216643, 0.9060384631156921],\n        [269.6508862487972, 279.5313677787781, 278.2927100174129,\n         290.30153131484985, 0.7539826035499573]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fa9f70>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 318, width: 24, top: 279, height: 31, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 472, width: 8, top: 261, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 270, width: 9, top: 280, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1214, width: 122, top: 1423, height: 158, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1999, width: 41, top: 1331, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 969, width: 46, top: 1428, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>], lrtb: [(1214, 1336, 1423, 1581), (1999, 2040, 1331, 1387), (969, 1015, 1428, 1484)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238ba60>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 3264x2448 to 640x480. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (480, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (0, 80))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[315.1436522742694 275.88771071172556 335.11404111653417\n   300.9607158295847 0.9875953793525696]\n  [497.58440888676404 251.1503593697772 507.660615284557\n   263.9931520960257 0.9825146198272705]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[315.1436522742694 275.88771071172556 335.11404111653417\n   300.9607158295847 0.9875953793525696]\n  [497.58440888676404 251.1503593697772 507.660615284557\n   263.9931520960257 0.9825146198272705]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[315.1436522742694, 275.88771071172556, 335.11404111653417,\n         300.9607158295847, 0.9875953793525696],\n        [497.58440888676404, 251.1503593697772, 507.660615284557,\n         263.9931520960257, 0.9825146198272705]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731f65df0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Complete
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 315, width: 20, top: 276, height: 25, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 498, width: 10, top: 251, height: 13, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1198, width: 102, top: 1408, height: 128, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 3264x2448 to 640x480. Scale=0.19607843137254902
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 2132, width: 51, top: 1280, height: 66, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>], lrtb: [(1198, 1300, 1408, 1536), (2132, 2183, 1280, 1346)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425dc5b0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (480, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.19607843137254902, pad: (0, 80))
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[303.696163882927 275.8041901829755 324.48938228725046\n   302.6128852896557 0.9796506762504578]\n  [256.4726469174662 275.66439058884777 264.86043175176775\n   285.78321693655306 0.855623722076416]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[303.696163882927 275.8041901829755 324.48938228725046\n   302.6128852896557 0.9796506762504578]\n  [256.4726469174662 275.66439058884777 264.86043175176775\n   285.78321693655306 0.855623722076416]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[303.696163882927, 275.8041901829755, 324.48938228725046,\n         302.6128852896557, 0.9796506762504578],\n        [256.4726469174662, 275.66439058884777, 264.86043175176775,\n         285.78321693655306, 0.855623722076416]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(80, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775430>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 304, width: 21, top: 276, height: 27, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 256, width: 8, top: 276, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1142, width: 107, top: 1408, height: 138, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 898, width: 41, top: 1408, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee8400>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee87c0>], lrtb: [(1142, 1249, 1408, 1546), (898, 939, 1408, 1459)])
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee8400>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee87c0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fbfd00>
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:14 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], prediction: [[[267.7810580059157 275.86260965506966 286.88571346153583\n   298.19670334962854 0.9940222501754761]\n  [297.99911400675774 267.0258764028549 306.86336705088615\n   277.7861989736557 0.8798949718475342]\n  [625.9199838191271 211.90006238222122 633.6903543025255\n   222.3672178387642 0.7347987294197083]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], prediction: [[[267.7810580059157 275.86260965506966 286.88571346153583\n   298.19670334962854 0.9940222501754761]\n  [297.99911400675774 267.0258764028549 306.86336705088615\n   277.7861989736557 0.8798949718475342]\n  [625.9199838191271 211.90006238222122 633.6903543025255\n   222.3672178387642 0.7347987294197083]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[267.7810580059157, 275.86260965506966, 286.88571346153583,\n         298.19670334962854, 0.9940222501754761],\n        [297.99911400675774, 267.0258764028549, 306.86336705088615,\n         277.7861989736557, 0.8798949718475342],\n        [625.9199838191271, 211.90006238222122, 633.6903543025255,\n         222.3672178387642, 0.7347987294197083]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 268, width: 19, top: 276, height: 22, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 298, width: 9, top: 267, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 626, width: 8, top: 212, height: 10, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [3]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1367, width: 97, top: 1000, height: 112, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1520, width: 46, top: 954, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 3193, width: 41, top: 673, height: 51, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87910>], lrtb: [(1367, 1464, 1000, 1112), (1520, 1566, 954, 1010), (3193, 3234, 673, 724)])
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87910>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fa9f70>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[285.1380777140144 259.44355589516493 306.3484609825568\n   284.946931343165 0.9750591516494751]\n  [322.77094693411976 251.31400093772285 331.7083734155913\n   262.37697204045367 0.9507814645767212]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[285.1380777140144 259.44355589516493 306.3484609825568\n   284.946931343165 0.9750591516494751]\n  [322.77094693411976 251.31400093772285 331.7083734155913\n   262.37697204045367 0.9507814645767212]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742783d90>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[285.1380777140144, 259.44355589516493, 306.3484609825568,\n         284.946931343165, 0.9750591516494751],\n        [322.77094693411976, 251.31400093772285, 331.7083734155913,\n         262.37697204045367, 0.9507814645767212]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.19607843137254902], pad=[(0, 80)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 285, width: 21, top: 259, height: 26, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 323, width: 9, top: 251, height: 11, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [2]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1454, width: 107, top: 913, height: 133, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1647, width: 46, top: 872, height: 56, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f4d040>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc73239e970>], lrtb: [(1454, 1561, 913, 1046), (1647, 1693, 872, 928)])
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f4d040>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc73239e970>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731f65df0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427754f0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7fc77e496790>]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Switching to phase: ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _run_extraction                DEBUG    Reloading images
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'reload')
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_reload', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: ({'/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742783790>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742669fd0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327616d0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425cafa0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238bf40>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327cafd0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73239e0d0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238ba60>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425dc5b0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fbfd00>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fa9f70>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731f65df0>},), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_reload'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_reload'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_reload'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Start. Detected Faces Count: 12
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_reload': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching align plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader_0', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_align_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_0_in
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775910>,), kwargs: {}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      set_input_size_and_centering   DEBUG    input_size: 256, centering: head
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Align: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>})
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc731f48fd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing FAN (Align)...
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_predict_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7fc742775a60>>
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader_0': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_predict_fan')
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_post_fan'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_post_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_post_fan')
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_post_fan'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling align threads
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_input, function: <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_input
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_predict, function: <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f4d2e0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f4d2e0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_predict
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_output, function: <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f4d2e0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f4d2e0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_output
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled align threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc7327ca670>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc74263e670>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc74263ef10>]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: KSession (name: FAN, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: None,  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: KSession
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model                     VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: FAN
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:15 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:16 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:17 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized FAN (Align) with batchsize of 12
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_input': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742783790>
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_predict': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_output': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched align plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_0 plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_0_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_in
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>})
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Components (Mask)...
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_components')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_components'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_components')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_components'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f647c0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f647c0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_input
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f647c0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5280>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f647c0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5280>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_predict
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5280>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5280>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_output
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc730f08e80>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc71fed5400>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc71fed5430>]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     components      init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Components (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_components_input          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_input': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_components_predict        _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_predict': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_components_output         _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_output': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_0 plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_1 plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_1_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_out
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775940>})
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Extended (Mask)...
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_extended')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed59d0>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_input', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed59d0>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_input
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed59d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5e20>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed59d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5e20>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_predict
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5e20>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775940>)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_output', thread_count: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc71fed5e20>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775940>}
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_output
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc71fed5460>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc71fed5fa0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7fc71fed5fd0>]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     extended        init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Extended (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_input'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_extended_input            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_input': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_extended_predict          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_predict': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_output'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     mask_extended_output           _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_output': 1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_1 plugin
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Align, Mask
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_mask_1_out: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc742775940>
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>, <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>, <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc742669fd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327616d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425cafa0>
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', (4000, 6000, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:22 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG`, image shape: (4000, 6000, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238bf40>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', image shape: (4000, 6000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7327cafd0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73239e0d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc73238ba60>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (3264, 2448, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg, faces: 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg`, image shape: (3264, 2448, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc7425dc5b0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg`, image shape: (2448, 3264, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>], is_aligned: False)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Rolled over 1 faces of 2 to next batch for '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  ...\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]\n  [2667.5     1529.44    2394.8718 ]]\n\n [[2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  ...\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]\n  [2152.      2401.       278.97437]]\n\n [[1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  ...\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]\n  [1960.      1480.58    1106.6666 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  ...\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]\n  [2019.5     1352.28      99.48718]]\n\n [[ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  ...\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]\n  [ 992.      1449.28     104.61539]]\n\n [[1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  ...\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]\n  [1249.      1456.64     235.89743]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  ...\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]\n  [1479.4191   341.359  ]]\n\n [[2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  ...\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]\n  [2013.6025  2262.6025 ]]\n\n [[1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  ...\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]\n  [1410.9896   931.5696 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  ...\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]\n  [1970.145   1302.925  ]]\n\n [[ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  ...\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]\n  [ 940.10095 1397.381  ]]\n\n [[1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  ...\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]\n  [1131.9728  1339.6128 ]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  ...\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]\n  [3864.936  2726.876 ]]\n\n [[2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  ...\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]\n  [2291.4873 2540.487 ]]\n\n [[2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  ...\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]\n  [2513.3335 2033.9133]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  ...\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]\n  [2069.2437 1402.0236]]\n\n [[1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  ...\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]\n  [1044.3077 1501.5876]]\n\n [[1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  ...\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]\n  [1366.9487 1574.5887]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from _rollover: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg`, faces: 1)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (3264, 2448, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee8400>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee87c0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fbfd00>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (2448, 3264, 3)]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg`, image shape: (2448, 3264, 3))
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87910>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731fa9f70>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg, faces: 3)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (2448, 3264, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f4d040>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc73239e970>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7fc731f65df0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Complete
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg, faces: 2)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7fc73c748340>, <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7fc742775190>, <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7fc742775370>]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7427753d0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      DEBUG    EOF received
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee8400>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee87c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f4d040>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc73239e970>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  ...\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]\n  [2157.5     1305.08     120.     ]]\n\n [[1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  ...\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]\n  [1195.5     1460.44     251.28206]]\n\n [[ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  ...\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]\n  [ 918.5     1427.38      94.35897]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  ...\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]\n  [3213.5      692.38      94.35897]]\n\n [[1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  ...\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]\n  [1507.5      963.54     246.15384]]\n\n [[1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  ...\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]\n  [1670.       893.28     104.61539]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  ...\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]\n  [2097.9688 1245.5487]]\n\n [[1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  ...\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]\n  [1070.8406 1335.7805]]\n\n [[ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  ...\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]\n  [ 871.6891 1380.5691]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  ...\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]\n  [3166.6892  645.5691]]\n\n [[1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  ...\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]\n  [1385.3846  841.4246]]\n\n [[1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  ...\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]\n  [1618.101   841.381 ]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  ...\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]\n  [2217.5     1365.08   ]]\n\n [[1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  ...\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]\n  [1321.1411  1586.081  ]]\n\n [[ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  ...\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]\n  [ 965.67944 1474.5596 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  ...\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]\n  [3260.6794   739.55945]]\n\n [[1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  ...\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]\n  [1630.5769  1086.617  ]]\n\n [[1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  ...\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]\n  [1722.3076   945.58777]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    (12, 68, 64, 64)
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3), (2448, 3264, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ed6f10>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee8400>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee87c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87760>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87070>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731e87910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f4d040>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc73239e970>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=(8, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (8, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(8, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc7425e13a0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7fc731f4d2e0>
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtain points from prediction
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[2340.0762  1987.8334 ]\n  [2414.9158  2081.383  ]\n  [2508.4656  2156.2227 ]\n  ...\n  [2751.6948  1931.7036 ]\n  [2714.275   1969.1234 ]\n  [2695.565   2006.5433 ]]\n\n [[2087.705   2386.8333 ]\n  [2085.5256  2404.269  ]\n  [2083.3462  2419.5254 ]\n  ...\n  [2150.9102  2482.7307 ]\n  [2146.5513  2480.5513 ]\n  [2140.0127  2478.3716 ]]\n\n [[1704.948   1545.4237 ]\n  [1739.5312  1614.5903 ]\n  [1765.4688  1666.4653 ]\n  ...\n  [2076.7188  1709.6946 ]\n  [2059.4272  1718.3403 ]\n  [2033.4896  1726.9862 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2047.092   1367.4363 ]\n  [2035.4335  1379.8721 ]\n  [2036.2107  1379.8721 ]\n  ...\n  [2046.3148  1357.332  ]\n  [2047.092   1360.441  ]\n  [2047.092   1361.2183 ]]\n\n [[1011.2067  1434.1598 ]\n  [1012.8414  1433.3425 ]\n  [ 966.2548  1443.1501 ]\n  ...\n  [ 980.9664  1412.0925 ]\n  [ 978.51447 1412.0925 ]\n  [ 977.69714 1412.9098 ]]\n\n [[1192.79    1468.6191 ]\n  [1200.1619  1483.3628 ]\n  [1205.6907  1494.4204 ]\n  ...\n  [1268.351   1511.007  ]\n  [1264.665   1512.85   ]\n  [1259.1362  1512.85   ]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtained points from prediction: [[[2340.0762  1987.8334 ]\n  [2414.9158  2081.383  ]\n  [2508.4656  2156.2227 ]\n  ...\n  [2751.6948  1931.7036 ]\n  [2714.275   1969.1234 ]\n  [2695.565   2006.5433 ]]\n\n [[2087.705   2386.8333 ]\n  [2085.5256  2404.269  ]\n  [2083.3462  2419.5254 ]\n  ...\n  [2150.9102  2482.7307 ]\n  [2146.5513  2480.5513 ]\n  [2140.0127  2478.3716 ]]\n\n [[1704.948   1545.4237 ]\n  [1739.5312  1614.5903 ]\n  [1765.4688  1666.4653 ]\n  ...\n  [2076.7188  1709.6946 ]\n  [2059.4272  1718.3403 ]\n  [2033.4896  1726.9862 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[2047.092   1367.4363 ]\n  [2035.4335  1379.8721 ]\n  [2036.2107  1379.8721 ]\n  ...\n  [2046.3148  1357.332  ]\n  [2047.092   1360.441  ]\n  [2047.092   1361.2183 ]]\n\n [[1011.2067  1434.1598 ]\n  [1012.8414  1433.3425 ]\n  [ 966.2548  1443.1501 ]\n  ...\n  [ 980.9664  1412.0925 ]\n  [ 978.51447 1412.0925 ]\n  [ 977.69714 1412.9098 ]]\n\n [[1192.79    1468.6191 ]\n  [1200.1619  1483.3628 ]\n  [1205.6907  1494.4204 ]\n  ...\n  [1268.351   1511.007  ]\n  [1264.665   1512.85   ]\n  [1259.1362  1512.85   ]]]
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligner         finalize                       TRACE    Item out: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (4000, 6000, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3), (3264, 2448, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fc3520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc7425dc130>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fbf7f0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731fa97c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f77640>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f0b6a0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22a90>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731f22520>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783bb0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc742783b20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7fc731ee1eb0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.JPG', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(12, 68, 2), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[[False False False False False False False False False False False False]])
06/22/2023 20:58:23 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligned_face    __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: AlignedFace (image shape: None, centering: 'face', size: 64, coverage_ratio: 1.0, dtype: None, is_aligned: False, is_legacy: False)
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Re: Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by torzdf »

Ok, most likely an image is hanging the process somewhere. Easiest way for me to diagnose is for you to zip up the images you are extracting from and PM me a link.

Also, the output of "Generate" showing the command you are running. Hopefully I'll be able to recreate + fix.

My word is final

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Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:37 am

Re: Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by bluesilent9 »

It's definitely not a particular image causing it to hang. I've used it against multiple different image sets, video files, etc of different people. Although it appears to only hang if it detects a face. I just ran another new test set with Trump JPG photos from Google Images (It hangs as well. Ran for 13 minutes, but appears to stop working after less than a minute, no faces or alignments created in the output folder).

I've uploaded a zip file of these images used to Google Drive which is available here: Trump Photos - Google Drive .

The generated command used for this latest test is as follows:

Code: Select all

 /home/dave/miniconda3/envs/faceswap/bin/python /home/dave/faceswap/faceswap.py extract -i /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test -o /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test -D s3fd -A fan -nm none -rf 0 -min 0 -l 0.6 -sz 512 -een 1 -si 0 -L TRACE

Trace Log for this latest test:

Code: Select all

06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     logger          log_setup                      INFO     Log level set to: TRACE
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3204.25]
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _configure_backend             DEBUG    Executing: extract. PID: 634512
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _set_environment_variables     DEBUG    Setting TF_RUN_EAGER_OP_AS_FUNCTION env var to False
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     tpu_cluster_resolver <module>                       DEBUG    Falling back to TensorFlow client; we recommended you install the Cloud TPU client directly with pip install cloud-tpu-client.
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 7 to 5
06/23/2023 14:27:48 MainProcess     MainThread                     __init__        <module>                       DEBUG    Creating converter from 5 to 7
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     launcher        _test_for_tf_version           DEBUG    Installed Tensorflow Version: (2, 10)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _QueueManager
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _QueueManager
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extract: (args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7f89a84aa370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/work/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Extractor: (detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'], recognition: None, configfile: None, multiprocess: True, exclude_gpus: None, rotate_images: None, min_size: 0, normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    detector: s3fd, aligner: fan, masker: ['components', 'extended'] recognition: None
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_flow                      DEBUG    flow: ['detect', 'align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing NvidiaStats
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initializing PyNVML for Nvidia GPU.
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Device count: 1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Devices: [0]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Handles found: 1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Driver: 530.41.03
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU Devices: ['NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM: [4096.0]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    GPU VRAM free: [3204.25]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Shutting down NVML
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Initialized NvidiaStats
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _log                           DEBUG    Active GPU Card with most free VRAM: BiggestGPUInfo(card_id=0, device='NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', free=3204.25, total=4096.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _get_vram_stats                DEBUG    {'count': 1, 'device': 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU', 'vram_free': 2948, 'vram_total': 4096}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_detect                   DEBUG    Loading Detector: 's3fd'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Detect from S3Fd plugin...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (rotation: None, min_size: 0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Detect: (git_model_id: 11, model_filename: s3fd_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: detect.s3fd, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'confidence')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 70)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', option: 'batch-size')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 4)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_rotation_angles           DEBUG    Not setting rotation angles
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_align                    DEBUG    Loading Aligner: 'fan'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Align from Fan plugin...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (normalize_method: None, re_feed: 0, re_align: False, disable_filter: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Align: (git_model_id: 13, model_filename: face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: align.fan, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'align.fan', option: 'batch-size')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'int'>, value: 12)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _model_exists                  TRACE    True
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           _get                           DEBUG    Model exists: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           model_path                     TRACE    /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing AlignedFilter: (feature_filter: True, min_scale: 0.07, max_scale: 2.0, distance: 22.5, roll, 45.0, save_output: False, disable: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized AlignedFilter: 
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ReAlign: (active: False, do_refeeds: True, do_filter: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized ReAlign
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     aligner         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_recognition              DEBUG    No recognition selected. Returning None
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'components'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Components plugin...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.components, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _load_mask                     DEBUG    Loading Masker: 'extended'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     plugin_loader   _import                        INFO     Loading Mask from Extended plugin...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (configfile: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Mask: (git_model_id: None, model_filename: None, exclude_gpus: None, configfile: None, instance: 0, )
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _get_config_file               DEBUG    Config File location: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_defaults                   DEBUG    Setting defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _config         set_globals                    DEBUG    Setting global config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'global', info: 'Options that apply to all extraction plugins')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'allow_growth', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Enable the Tensorflow GPU `allow_growth` configuration option. This option prevents Tensorflow from allocating all of the GPU VRAM at launch but can lead to higher VRAM fragmentation and slower performance. Should only be enabled if you are having problems running extraction.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_min_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.07', info: 'Filters out faces below this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is smaller than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually smaller than the frame tend to be misaligned images, except in extreme long-shots. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 1.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_max_scale', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '2.0', info: 'Filters out faces above this size. This is a multiplier of the minimum dimension of the frame (i.e. 1280x720 = 720). If the original face extract box is larger than the minimum dimension times this multiplier, it is considered a false positive and discarded. Faces which are found to be unusually larger than the frame tend to be misaligned images except in extreme close-ups. These can be usually be safely discarded.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.0, 10.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_distance', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '22.5', info: 'Filters out faces who's landmarks are above this distance from an 'average' face. Values above 15 tend to be fairly safe. Values above 10 will remove more false positives, but may also filter out some faces at extreme angles.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 45.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_roll', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '45.0', info: 'Filters out faces who's calculated roll is greater than zero +/- this value in degrees. Aligned faces should have a roll value close to zero. Values that are a significant distance from 0 degrees tend to be misaligned images. These can usually be safely disgarded.', rounding: '1', min_max: (0.0, 90.0), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'aligner_features', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Filters out faces where the lowest point of the aligned face's eye or eyebrow is lower than the highest point of the aligned face's mouth. Any faces where this occurs are misaligned and can be safely disgarded.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_refeed', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-feed' has been selected for extraction, then interim alignments will be filtered prior to averaging the final landmarks. This can help improve the final alignments by removing any obvious misaligns from the interim results, and may also help pick up difficult alignments. If disabled, then all re-feed results will be averaged.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'save_filtered', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'If enabled, saves any filtered out images into a sub-folder during the extraction process. If disabled, filtered faces are deleted. Note: The faces will always be filtered out of the alignments file, regardless of whether you keep the faces or not.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: filters)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'realign_refeeds', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then all re-feed iterations are re-aligned. If disabled, then only the final averaged output from re-feed will be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'global', title: 'filter_realign', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'If enabled, and 're-align' has been selected for extraction, then any alignments which would be filtered out will not be re-aligned.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: re-align)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'align']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: fan_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.align, plugin_type: align
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.align.fan_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'align.fan', info: 'FAN Aligner options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Best aligner.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'align.fan', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '12', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 4 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: align.fan
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'mask']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_obstructed_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_obstructed_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', info: 'VGG_Obstructed options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been specifically trained to recognize some facial obstructions (hands and eyeglasses). Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_obstructed', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '2', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_obstructed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_clear_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.vgg_clear_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.vgg_clear', info: 'VGG_Clear options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces clear of obstructions.\nProfile faces and obstructions may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.vgg_clear', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '6', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.vgg_clear
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: bisenet_fp_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.bisenet_fp_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.bisenet_fp', info: 'BiSeNet Face Parsing options.\nMask ported from https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'BiseNet mask still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this masker to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'weights', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'faceswap', info: 'The trained weights to use.\n\n	faceswap - Weights trained on wildly varied Faceswap extracted data to better handle varying conditions, obstructions, glasses and multiple targets within a single extracted image.\n	original - The original weights trained on the CelebAMask-HQ dataset.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['faceswap', 'original'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_ears', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include ears within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_hair', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether to include hair within the face mask.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.bisenet_fp', title: 'include_glasses', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'Whether to include glasses within the face mask.\n	For 'original' weights excluding glasses will mask out the lenses as well as the frames.\n	For 'faceswap' weights, the model has been trained to mask out lenses if eyes cannot be seen (i.e. dark sunglasses) or just the frames if the eyes can be seen. ', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.bisenet_fp
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: custom_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.custom_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.custom', info: 'Custom (dummy) Mask options..\nThe custom mask just fills a face patch with all 0's (masked out) or all 1's (masked in) for later manual editing. It does not use the GPU for creation.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'centering', datatype: '<class 'str'>', default: 'face', info: 'Whether to create a dummy mask with face or head centering.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: ['face', 'head'], gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.custom', title: 'fill', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'Whether the mask should be filled (True) in which case the custom mask will be created with the whole area masked in (i.e. you would need to manually edit out the background) or unfilled (False) in which case you would need to manually edit in the face.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: True, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.custom
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: unet_dfl_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.mask, plugin_type: mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.mask.unet_dfl_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'mask.unet_dfl', info: 'UNET_DFL options. Mask designed to provide smart segmentation of mostly frontal faces.\nThe mask model has been trained by community members. Insert more commentary on testing here. Profile faces may result in sub-par performance.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'mask.unet_dfl', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: mask.unet_dfl
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'recognition']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: vgg_face2_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.recognition, plugin_type: recognition
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.recognition.vgg_face2_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'recognition.vgg_face2', info: 'VGG Face 2 identity recognition.\nA Keras port of the model trained for VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08092)')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '16', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'recognition.vgg_face2', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'False', info: 'VGG Face2 still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this plugin to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: recognition.vgg_face2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           full_path_split                TRACE    path: /, allparts: ['/', 'plugins', 'extract', 'detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: mtcnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.mtcnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.mtcnn', info: 'MTCNN Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Uses fewer resources than other GPU detectors but can often return more false positives.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'minsize', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '20', info: 'The minimum size of a face (in pixels) to be accepted as a positive match.\nLower values use significantly more VRAM and will detect more false positives.', rounding: '10', min_max: (20, 1000), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'scalefactor', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.709', info: 'The scale factor for the image pyramid.', rounding: '3', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '8', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'cpu', datatype: '<class 'bool'>', default: 'True', info: 'MTCNN detector still runs fairly quickly on CPU on some setups. Enable CPU mode here to use the CPU for this detector to save some VRAM at a speed cost.', rounding: 'None', min_max: None, choices: None, gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_1', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.6', info: 'First stage threshold for face detection. This stage obtains face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_2', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Second stage threshold for face detection. This stage refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.mtcnn', title: 'threshold_3', datatype: '<class 'float'>', default: '0.7', info: 'Third stage threshold for face detection. This stage further refines face candidates.', rounding: '2', min_max: (0.1, 0.9), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: threshold)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.mtcnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: cv2_dnn_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.cv2_dnn_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.cv2_dnn', info: 'CV2 DNN Detector options.\nA CPU only extractor, is the least reliable, but uses least resources and runs fast on CPU. Use this if not using a GPU and time is important')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.cv2_dnn', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '50', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.cv2_dnn
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Adding defaults: (filename: s3fd_defaults.py, module_path: plugins.extract.detect, plugin_type: detect
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Importing defaults module: plugins.extract.detect.s3fd_defaults
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_section                    DEBUG    Add section: (title: 'detect.s3fd', info: 'S3FD Detector options.\nFast on GPU, slow on CPU. Can detect more faces and fewer false positives than other GPU detectors, but is a lot more resource intensive.')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'confidence', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '70', info: 'The confidence level at which the detector has succesfully found a face.\nHigher levels will be more discriminating, lower levels will have more false positives.', rounding: '5', min_max: (25, 100), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          add_item                       DEBUG    Add item: (section: 'detect.s3fd', title: 'batch-size', datatype: '<class 'int'>', default: '4', info: 'The batch size to use. To a point, higher batch sizes equal better performance, but setting it too high can harm performance.\n\n	Nvidia users: If the batchsize is set higher than the your GPU can accomodate then this will automatically be lowered.\n	AMD users: A batchsize of 8 requires about 2 GB vram.', rounding: '1', min_max: (1, 64), choices: [], gui_radio: False, fixed: True, group: settings)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_defaults_from_module     DEBUG    Added defaults: detect.s3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handling config: (section: mask.extended, configfile: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_exists                  DEBUG    Config file exists: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _load_config                   VERBOSE  Loading config: '/home/dave/faceswap/config/extract.ini'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validating config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_change           DEBUG    Default config has not changed
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checking config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _check_config_choices          DEBUG    Checked config choices
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _validate_config               DEBUG    Validated config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          _handle_config                 DEBUG    Handled config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: Config
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'allow_growth')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_min_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 0.07)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_max_scale')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 2.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_distance')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 22.5)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_roll')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'float'>, value: 45.0)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'aligner_features')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_refeed')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'save_filtered')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'realign_refeeds')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Getting config item: (section: 'global', option: 'filter_realign')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     config          get                            DEBUG    Returning item: (type: <class 'bool'>, value: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _get_model                     DEBUG    No model_filename specified. Returning None
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _base Mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Mask
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       VERBOSE  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU - 2948MB free of 4096MB
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    VRAM requirements: {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}. Plugins requiring VRAM: 2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _total_vram_required           DEBUG    Total VRAM required: 4446.4
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_parallel_processing       WARNING  Not enough free VRAM for parallel processing. Switching to serial
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 4112.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 4112.0, available: 2948. Single plugin has higher requirements than available or forcing single process: 'detect'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2948. Adding phase 'align' to current phase: []
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2948. Adding phase 'mask_0' to current phase: ['align']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Num plugins for phase: 1, scaling: 1.0, vram required: 2240.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Required: 2240.0, available: 2948. Adding phase 'mask_1' to current phase: ['align', 'mask_0']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_phases                    DEBUG    Total phases: 2, Phases: [['detect'], ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _parallel_scaling              TRACE    {0: 1.0, 1: 1.0, 2: 0.7, 3: 0.55, 4: 0.5, 5: 0.4}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _vram_per_phase                TRACE    {'detect': 4112, 'align': 2240, 'mask_0': 0, 'mask_1': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          DEBUG    requested_batchsizes: [4], batchsizes: [1], remaining vram: -1372.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _set_plugin_batchsize          INFO     Reset batch sizes due to available VRAM: Detect: 1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_detect_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_detect_in')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_detect_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_align_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_align_in')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_align_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_align_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_0_in')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_0_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_in')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_in'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'extract0_mask_1_out')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'extract0_mask_1_out'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _add_queues                    DEBUG    Queues: {'extract0_detect_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, 'extract0_align_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, 'extract0_mask_0_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>, 'extract0_mask_1_in': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>, 'extract0_mask_1_out': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535940>}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Extractor
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Filter: (threshold: 0.6, filter_files: None, nfilter_files: None extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f89a4bd8970>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _validate_inputs               DEBUG    filter_files: [], nfilter_files: []
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Filter not selected. Exiting Filter
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         process                        INFO     Starting, this may take a while...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _Extract: (extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f89a4bd8970>, args: Namespace(func=<bound method ScriptExecutor.execute_script of <lib.cli.launcher.ScriptExecutor object at 0x7f89a84aa370>>, exclude_gpus=None, configfile=None, loglevel='TRACE', logfile='/home/dave/Downloads/work/Log.log', redirect_gui=True, colab=False, input_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', output_dir='/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test', alignments_path=None, batch_mode=False, detector='s3fd', aligner='fan', masker=None, normalization='none', re_feed=0, re_align=False, rotate_images=None, identity=False, min_size=0, nfilter=None, filter=None, ref_threshold=0.6, size=512, extract_every_n=1, save_interval=0, debug_landmarks=False, singleprocess=False, skip_existing=False, skip_faces=False, skip_saving_faces=False))
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Requested path: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_folder                     DEBUG    Returning: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       INFO     Output Directory: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PipelineLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, extractor: <plugins.extract.pipeline.Extractor object at 0x7f89a4bd8970>, aligned_filenames: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, fast_count: True, skip_list: None, count: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesLoader: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesLoader', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesLoader')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _check_for_video               DEBUG    Input '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' is_video: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_fps                       DEBUG    25.0
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Scanned Folder contains 12 files
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Scanned Folder Contents: [<DirEntry '01.jpg'>, <DirEntry '02.jpg'>, <DirEntry '03.jpg'>, <DirEntry '04.jpg'>, <DirEntry '05.jpg'>, <DirEntry '06.jpg'>, <DirEntry '07.jpg'>, <DirEntry '08.jpg'>, <DirEntry '09.jpg'>, <DirEntry '10.jpg'>, <DirEntry '11.jpeg'>, <DirEntry '12.jpg'>]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                TRACE    Adding '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg' to image list
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     utils           get_image_paths                DEBUG    Returning 12 images
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        DEBUG    count: 12
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           _get_count_and_filelist        TRACE    filelist: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PipelineLoader
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (is_extract: True, input_is_video: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Alignments from Input Folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _set_folder_filename           DEBUG    Setting Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test' filename: 'alignments')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Alignments: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing _IO: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7f89635421c0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._PickleSerializer object at 0x7f8963542130>
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     serializer      get_serializer                 DEBUG    <lib.serializer._CompressedSerializer object at 0x7f89635421f0>
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    Getting location: (folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test', filename: 'alignments')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  DEBUG    File extension set from serializer: 'fsa'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Checking for legacy alignments file formats: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.json'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.p'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.pickle'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test_for_legacy               DEBUG    Legacy alignments file does not exist: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.yaml'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _get_location                  VERBOSE  Alignments filepath: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/alignments.fsa'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _load                          DEBUG    No skipping selected. Returning empty dictionary
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _FileStructure
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _FileStructure: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _LandmarkRename
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _LandmarkRename: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _ListToNumpy
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _ListToNumpy: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _MaskCentering
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _MaskCentering: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    checking _IdentityAndVideoMeta
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      _test                          DEBUG    legacy _IdentityAndVideoMeta: False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing Thumbnails: (alignments: <scripts.fsmedia.Alignments object at 0x7f89635421c0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Thumbnails
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     alignments      __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized Alignments
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _set_skip_list                 DEBUG    No frames to be skipped
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing PostProcess
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         _get_items                     DEBUG    Postprocess Items: {}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     fsmedia         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized PostProcess
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized _Extract
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'load')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_load', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_load'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_load'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_load'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Start
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_load': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, as_bytes: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_detect_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     image           __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing ImagesSaver: (path: /home/dave/Downloads/work/output_test, queue_size: 8, args: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'ImagesSaver', maxsize: 8, create_new: True)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'ImagesSaver')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'ImagesSaver'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535910>,), kwargs: {}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'ImagesSaver'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8963542fa0>
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching detect plugin
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_detect_in, out_qname: extract0_align_in
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Detect: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>})
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing S3FD (Detect)...
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_predict_s3fd')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_predict_s3fd'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7f8963535a60>>
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'detect0_post_s3fd')
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'detect0_post_s3fd'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling detect threads
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_input', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_input
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_predict, function: <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Detector._predict of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_predict
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: detect_s3fd_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'detect_s3fd_output', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>}
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: detect_s3fd_output
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled detect threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f89635427c0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f89635b39a0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f89635b39d0>]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing: S3fd: (model_path: '/home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5', model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}}, allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, confidence: 0.7)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: S3fd (name: S3FD, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/s3fd_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: {'custom_objects': {'L2Norm': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.L2Norm'>, 'SliceO2K': <class 'plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.SliceO2K'>}},  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: S3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', (1520, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', (1520, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:49 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', image shape: (1520, 1200, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', (1054, 1581, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', (1054, 1581, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', image shape: (1054, 1581, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', (699, 1024, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', (1669, 2500, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (1920, 1920, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model_weights             VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: S3FD
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     attrs           __getitem__                    DEBUG    Creating converter from 3 to 5
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (1949, 3000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (1359, 2039, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     s3fd            __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized: S3fd
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized S3FD (Detect) with batchsize of 1
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_input': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', image shape: (1520, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963542790>
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', (699, 1024, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', image shape: (699, 1024, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_predict': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'detect_s3fd_output': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched detect plugin
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Detect
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['detect']'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.42105263157894735
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1200x1520 to 505x640. Scale=0.42105263157894735
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', (1334, 2000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 505, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.42105263157894735, pad: (67, 0))
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', image shape: (1054, 1581, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963500730>
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.42105263157894735], pad=[(67, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.40480708412397215
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1581x1054 to 640x426. Scale=0.40480708412397215
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.40480708412397215, pad: (0, 107))
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', image shape: (699, 1024, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f896342a5b0>
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', (1669, 2500, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', image shape: (1669, 2500, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.625
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1024x699 to 640x436. Scale=0.625
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (436, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.625, pad: (0, 102))
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (1461, 2067, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:50 MainProcess     ImagesLoader                   image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:51 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:51 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:52 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:52 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:53 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:53 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:54 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:54 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:55 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:55 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:56 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:56 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'], prediction: [[[229.0792702824704 135.064992888449 395.1250504838839\n   360.63357332289223 0.9999933838844299]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'], prediction: [[[229.0792702824704 135.064992888449 395.1250504838839\n   360.63357332289223 0.9999933838844299]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.40480708412397215], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[229.0792702824704, 135.064992888449, 395.1250504838839,\n         360.63357332289223, 0.9999933838844299]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.42105263157894735], pad=[(67, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963377a90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 229, width: 166, top: 135, height: 226, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 385, width: 394, top: 321, height: 537, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>], lrtb: [(385, 779, 321, 858)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', image shape: (1520, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963542790>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1200x1200 to 640x640. Scale=0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.5333333333333333, pad: (0, 0))
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'], prediction: [[[214.0124683972587 156.52870800887268 308.161651066152\n   289.0743928992152 0.999995231628418]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'], prediction: [[[214.0124683972587 156.52870800887268 308.161651066152\n   289.0743928992152 0.999995231628418]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.625], pad=[(0, 102)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[214.0124683972587, 156.52870800887268, 308.161651066152,\n         289.0743928992152, 0.999995231628418]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.40480708412397215], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', image shape: (1669, 2500, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f73a0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (1920, 1920, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (1920, 1920, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 214, width: 94, top: 157, height: 133, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 529, width: 232, top: 124, height: 329, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>], lrtb: [(529, 761, 124, 453)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', image shape: (1054, 1581, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963500730>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.256
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2500x1669 to 640x427. Scale=0.256
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (427, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.256, pad: (0, 106))
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'], prediction: [[[363.0746400975594 141.47037135839267 456.92515946770476\n   273.8615114155072 0.9999995231628418]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'], prediction: [[[363.0746400975594 141.47037135839267 456.92515946770476\n   273.8615114155072 0.9999995231628418]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[ 78,  43,   0],\n        [ 78,  43,   0],\n        [ 78,  44,   1],\n        ...,\n        [129,   4,   0],\n        [128,   5,   0],\n        [128,   5,   0]],\n\n       [[ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 77,  42,   0],\n        [ 78,  43,   0],\n        ...,\n        [128,   4,   0],\n        [127,   4,   0],\n        [127,   5,   0]],\n\n       [[ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 77,  42,   0],\n        ...,\n        [130,   5,   1],\n        [129,   7,   1],\n        [130,   8,   2]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[ 79,  37,  35],\n        [ 87,  44,  42],\n        [ 83,  42,  41],\n        ...,\n        [ 22,  20,  20],\n        [ 21,  19,  19],\n        [ 21,  19,  19]],\n\n       [[ 74,  36,  33],\n        [ 82,  44,  42],\n        [ 83,  43,  41],\n        ...,\n        [ 23,  21,  21],\n        [ 22,  20,  20],\n        [ 18,  16,  16]],\n\n       [[ 66,  32,  28],\n        [ 67,  33,  29],\n        [ 72,  34,  32],\n        ...,\n        [ 25,  23,  23],\n        [ 24,  22,  22],\n        [ 15,  13,  13]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -73., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [  25., -113., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  24., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  26., -112., -122.],\n         [  25., -110., -122.],\n         [  26., -109., -121.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -25.,  -80.,  -88.],\n         [ -17.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -75.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.]],\n\n        [[ -30.,  -81.,  -90.],\n         [ -22.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -74.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -81.,  -96., -102.],\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -86., -101., -107.]],\n\n        [[ -38.,  -85.,  -95.],\n         [ -37.,  -84.,  -94.],\n         [ -32.,  -83.,  -91.],\n         ...,\n         [ -79.,  -94., -100.],\n         [ -80.,  -95., -101.],\n         [ -89., -104., -110.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f7910>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[363.0746400975594, 141.47037135839267, 456.92515946770476,\n         273.8615114155072, 0.9999995231628418]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.625], pad=[(0, 102)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (1949, 3000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (1949, 3000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 363, width: 94, top: 141, height: 132, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 581, width: 150, top: 62, height: 211, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>], lrtb: [(581, 731, 62, 273)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', image shape: (699, 1024, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f896342a5b0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1200x1200 to 640x640. Scale=0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.5333333333333333, pad: (0, 0))
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'], prediction: [[[213.0167223241305 83.70866862378828 394.1630602813898\n   337.7374077210785 1.0]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'], prediction: [[[213.0167223241305 83.70866862378828 394.1630602813898\n   337.7374077210785 1.0]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.256], pad=[(0, 106)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[ 78,  43,   0],\n        [ 78,  43,   0],\n        [ 78,  44,   1],\n        ...,\n        [129,   4,   0],\n        [128,   5,   0],\n        [128,   5,   0]],\n\n       [[ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 77,  42,   0],\n        [ 78,  43,   0],\n        ...,\n        [128,   4,   0],\n        [127,   4,   0],\n        [127,   5,   0]],\n\n       [[ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 79,  41,   0],\n        [ 77,  42,   0],\n        ...,\n        [130,   5,   1],\n        [129,   7,   1],\n        [130,   8,   2]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[ 79,  37,  35],\n        [ 87,  44,  42],\n        [ 83,  42,  41],\n        ...,\n        [ 22,  20,  20],\n        [ 21,  19,  19],\n        [ 21,  19,  19]],\n\n       [[ 74,  36,  33],\n        [ 82,  44,  42],\n        [ 83,  43,  41],\n        ...,\n        [ 23,  21,  21],\n        [ 22,  20,  20],\n        [ 18,  16,  16]],\n\n       [[ 66,  32,  28],\n        [ 67,  33,  29],\n        [ 72,  34,  32],\n        ...,\n        [ 25,  23,  23],\n        [ 24,  22,  22],\n        [ 15,  13,  13]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -73., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [  25., -113., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  24., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  26., -112., -122.],\n         [  25., -110., -122.],\n         [  26., -109., -121.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -25.,  -80.,  -88.],\n         [ -17.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -75.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.]],\n\n        [[ -30.,  -81.,  -90.],\n         [ -22.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -74.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -81.,  -96., -102.],\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -86., -101., -107.]],\n\n        [[ -38.,  -85.,  -95.],\n         [ -37.,  -84.,  -94.],\n         [ -32.,  -83.,  -91.],\n         ...,\n         [ -79.,  -94., -100.],\n         [ -80.,  -95., -101.],\n         [ -89., -104., -110.]]]]), prediction=array([[[213.0167223241305, 83.70866862378828, 394.1630602813898,\n         337.7374077210785, 1.0]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -73., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [  25., -113., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.],\n         [  24., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         [ -26.,  -74., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  24., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -113., -123.],\n         [  23., -112., -123.]],\n\n        [[ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -25.,  -76., -123.],\n         [ -27.,  -75., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [  26., -112., -122.],\n         [  25., -110., -122.],\n         [  26., -109., -121.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -25.,  -80.,  -88.],\n         [ -17.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -75.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.],\n         [ -83.,  -98., -104.]],\n\n        [[ -30.,  -81.,  -90.],\n         [ -22.,  -73.,  -81.],\n         [ -21.,  -74.,  -82.],\n         ...,\n         [ -81.,  -96., -102.],\n         [ -82.,  -97., -103.],\n         [ -86., -101., -107.]],\n\n        [[ -38.,  -85.,  -95.],\n         [ -37.,  -84.,  -94.],\n         [ -32.,  -83.,  -91.],\n         ...,\n         [ -79.,  -94., -100.],\n         [ -80.,  -95., -101.],\n         [ -89., -104., -110.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (1359, 2039, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (1920, 1920, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354fcd0>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 213, width: 181, top: 84, height: 254, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (1359, 2039, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 399, width: 339, top: 158, height: 476, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>], lrtb: [(399, 738, 158, 634)])
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963377a90>
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.3333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1920x1920 to 640x640. Scale=0.3333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.3333333333333333, pad: (0, 0))
06/23/2023 14:27:57 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], prediction: [[[258.77047478024684 247.29962612136575 365.17495559619346\n   381.63661746498195 1.0]\n  [20.570129659919516 331.4555862396528 184.26402679323337\n   543.5359540081078 0.9996982216835022]\n  [179.22268504046107 214.7527879618402 223.06717625162347\n   279.1853511768098 0.9989964962005615]\n  [410.67652644634836 178.1527689913474 435.187949388333\n   214.72893368768464 0.998949408531189]\n  [114.68607215162777 277.2510079637533 217.20579898724733\n   411.33504527637524 0.9976981282234192]\n  [264.0880430882526 161.56137229283985 287.5615622103196\n   190.0912084913993 0.9923076033592224]\n  [183.75494224040165 141.96191949496702 207.77880094924248\n   170.33301647686767 0.9917730689048767]\n  [6.516440295329383 204.02653820262896 38.723642232880295\n   254.24424493759895 0.9270424842834473]\n  [349.6206704317536 148.20570473711115 368.7971364755368\n   173.80536632599066 0.8408111929893494]\n  [83.1246207356453 289.53226774930954 205.7465232014656\n   445.1407119631767 0.8117973208427429]\n  [133.76321992431818 188.10019000055792 154.9084954184745\n   218.05222851027943 0.7830727696418762]\n  [53.54247957468032 174.19176590442657 71.0213595032692\n   194.85433495044708 0.7673386931419373]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], prediction: [[[258.77047478024684 247.29962612136575 365.17495559619346\n   381.63661746498195 1.0]\n  [20.570129659919516 331.4555862396528 184.26402679323337\n   543.5359540081078 0.9996982216835022]\n  [179.22268504046107 214.7527879618402 223.06717625162347\n   279.1853511768098 0.9989964962005615]\n  [410.67652644634836 178.1527689913474 435.187949388333\n   214.72893368768464 0.998949408531189]\n  [114.68607215162777 277.2510079637533 217.20579898724733\n   411.33504527637524 0.9976981282234192]\n  [264.0880430882526 161.56137229283985 287.5615622103196\n   190.0912084913993 0.9923076033592224]\n  [183.75494224040165 141.96191949496702 207.77880094924248\n   170.33301647686767 0.9917730689048767]\n  [6.516440295329383 204.02653820262896 38.723642232880295\n   254.24424493759895 0.9270424842834473]\n  [349.6206704317536 148.20570473711115 368.7971364755368\n   173.80536632599066 0.8408111929893494]\n  [83.1246207356453 289.53226774930954 205.7465232014656\n   445.1407119631767 0.8117973208427429]\n  [133.76321992431818 188.10019000055792 154.9084954184745\n   218.05222851027943 0.7830727696418762]\n  [53.54247957468032 174.19176590442657 71.0213595032692\n   194.85433495044708 0.7673386931419373]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       [[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       [[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[ 95,  83,  75],\n        [105,  93,  85],\n        [111,  99,  91],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]],\n\n       [[ 93,  83,  75],\n        [103,  93,  85],\n        [109, 100,  91],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]],\n\n       [[ 87,  78,  69],\n        [ 97,  88,  79],\n        [102,  94,  85],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[  -9.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [   1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   7.,  -18.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -11.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [  -1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   5.,  -17.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -17.,  -39.,  -54.],\n         [  -7.,  -29.,  -44.],\n         [  -2.,  -23.,  -38.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (1949, 3000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354f8b0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[258.77047478024684, 247.29962612136575, 365.17495559619346,\n         381.63661746498195, 1.0],\n        [20.570129659919516, 331.4555862396528, 184.26402679323337,\n         543.5359540081078, 0.9996982216835022],\n        [179.22268504046107, 214.7527879618402, 223.06717625162347,\n         279.1853511768098, 0.9989964962005615],\n        [410.67652644634836, 178.1527689913474, 435.187949388333,\n         214.72893368768464, 0.998949408531189],\n        [114.68607215162777, 277.2510079637533, 217.20579898724733,\n         411.33504527637524, 0.9976981282234192],\n        [264.0880430882526, 161.56137229283985, 287.5615622103196,\n         190.0912084913993, 0.9923076033592224],\n        [183.75494224040165, 141.96191949496702, 207.77880094924248,\n         170.33301647686767, 0.9917730689048767],\n        [6.516440295329383, 204.02653820262896, 38.723642232880295,\n         254.24424493759895, 0.9270424842834473],\n        [349.6206704317536, 148.20570473711115, 368.7971364755368,\n         173.80536632599066, 0.8408111929893494],\n        [83.1246207356453, 289.53226774930954, 205.7465232014656,\n         445.1407119631767, 0.8117973208427429],\n        [133.76321992431818, 188.10019000055792, 154.9084954184745,\n         218.05222851027943, 0.7830727696418762],\n        [53.54247957468032, 174.19176590442657, 71.0213595032692,\n         194.85433495044708, 0.7673386931419373]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.256], pad=[(0, 106)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 259, width: 106, top: 247, height: 134, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 21, width: 164, top: 331, height: 212, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 179, width: 44, top: 215, height: 64, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 411, width: 25, top: 178, height: 37, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 115, width: 103, top: 277, height: 134, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 264, width: 23, top: 162, height: 29, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 184, width: 24, top: 142, height: 28, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.21333333333333335
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 3000x1949 to 640x415. Scale=0.21333333333333335
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 7, width: 32, top: 204, height: 50, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 350, width: 19, top: 148, height: 26, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 83, width: 123, top: 290, height: 156, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 134, width: 21, top: 188, height: 30, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 54, width: 17, top: 174, height: 21, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [12]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [12]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1012, width: 414, top: 551, height: 523, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 82, width: 641, top: 879, height: 828, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 699, width: 172, top: 426, height: 250, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1605, width: 98, top: 281, height: 145, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 449, width: 402, top: 668, height: 523, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1031, width: 90, top: 219, height: 113, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 719, width: 94, top: 141, height: 109, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 27, width: 125, top: 383, height: 195, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1367, width: 74, top: 164, height: 102, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 324, width: 480, top: 719, height: 609, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 523, width: 82, top: 320, height: 117, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 211, width: 66, top: 266, height: 82, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>], lrtb: [(1012, 1426, 551, 1074), (82, 723, 879, 1707), (699, 871, 426, 676), (1605, 1703, 281, 426), (449, 851, 668, 1191), (1031, 1121, 219, 332), (719, 813, 141, 250), (27, 152, 383, 578), (1367, 1441, 164, 266), (324, 804, 719, 1328), (523, 605, 320, 437), (211, 277, 266, 348)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', image shape: (1669, 2500, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f73a0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (415, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.21333333333333335, pad: (0, 112))
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'], prediction: [[[381.9343212046804 106.30090073242438 479.02789722577097\n   224.34123979276504 0.9999990463256836]\n  [68.7224106567535 444.4400322850885 85.52882563393185\n   466.45901514256053 0.9744781255722046]\n  [573.7033513554723 574.712274405365 590.8339165370672\n   597.0441145472896 0.9444664716720581]\n  [174.77448800951242 504.6132159233093 189.39240507036448\n   521.5549788475037 0.888904333114624]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'], prediction: [[[381.9343212046804 106.30090073242438 479.02789722577097\n   224.34123979276504 0.9999990463256836]\n  [68.7224106567535 444.4400322850885 85.52882563393185\n   466.45901514256053 0.9744781255722046]\n  [573.7033513554723 574.712274405365 590.8339165370672\n   597.0441145472896 0.9444664716720581]\n  [174.77448800951242 504.6132159233093 189.39240507036448\n   521.5549788475037 0.888904333114624]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        ...,\n        [89, 10,  3],\n        [93, 14,  3],\n        [94, 15,  4]],\n\n       [[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        ...,\n        [90, 11,  3],\n        [94, 15,  4],\n        [95, 16,  6]],\n\n       [[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 12],\n        ...,\n        [90, 12,  5],\n        [94, 15,  4],\n        [95, 16,  7]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[53, 10,  7],\n        [50,  9,  7],\n        [57, 10,  8],\n        ...,\n        [54,  9,  6],\n        [54,  9,  6],\n        [54,  9,  6]],\n\n       [[49,  9,  7],\n        [52,  7,  5],\n        [57, 10,  8],\n        ...,\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6]],\n\n       [[49,  8,  6],\n        [55,  9,  8],\n        [55,  8,  6],\n        ...,\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -15., -107., -120.],\n         [ -11., -103., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -106., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -111.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -105., -118.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -116.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -51., -107., -116.],\n         [ -54., -108., -116.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -108., -116.],\n         [ -52., -110., -118.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -109., -117.],\n         [ -49., -108., -115.],\n         [ -49., -109., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.3333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (1359, 2039, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8953151670>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       [[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       [[  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        [  3,   1,   1],\n        ...,\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0],\n        [  2,   0,   0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[ 95,  83,  75],\n        [105,  93,  85],\n        [111,  99,  91],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]],\n\n       [[ 93,  83,  75],\n        [103,  93,  85],\n        [109, 100,  91],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]],\n\n       [[ 87,  78,  69],\n        [ 97,  88,  79],\n        [102,  94,  85],\n        ...,\n        [  9,   1,   2],\n        [ 10,   2,   3],\n        [ 10,   2,   3]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[  -9.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [   1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   7.,  -18.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -11.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [  -1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   5.,  -17.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -17.,  -39.,  -54.],\n         [  -7.,  -29.,  -44.],\n         [  -2.,  -23.,  -38.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]]]]), prediction=array([[[381.9343212046804, 106.30090073242438, 479.02789722577097,\n         224.34123979276504, 0.9999990463256836],\n        [68.7224106567535, 444.4400322850885, 85.52882563393185,\n         466.45901514256053, 0.9744781255722046],\n        [573.7033513554723, 574.712274405365, 590.8339165370672,\n         597.0441145472896, 0.9444664716720581],\n        [174.77448800951242, 504.6132159233093, 189.39240507036448,\n         521.5549788475037, 0.888904333114624]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         [-101., -116., -122.],\n         ...,\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.],\n         [-102., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[  -9.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [   1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   7.,  -18.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -11.,  -34.,  -48.],\n         [  -1.,  -24.,  -38.],\n         [   5.,  -17.,  -32.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]],\n\n        [[ -17.,  -39.,  -54.],\n         [  -7.,  -29.,  -44.],\n         [  -2.,  -23.,  -38.],\n         ...,\n         [ -95., -116., -121.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.],\n         [ -94., -115., -120.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', (1334, 2000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', image shape: (1334, 2000, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 382, width: 97, top: 106, height: 118, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 69, width: 17, top: 444, height: 22, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 574, width: 17, top: 575, height: 22, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 175, width: 15, top: 505, height: 17, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.3138793526238352
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2039x1359 to 640x426. Scale=0.3138793526238352
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [4]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [4]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 716, width: 182, top: 199, height: 221, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 129, width: 32, top: 832, height: 41, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1076, width: 32, top: 1078, height: 41, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 328, width: 28, top: 947, height: 32, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfa30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe50>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccffa0>], lrtb: [(716, 898, 199, 420), (129, 161, 832, 873), (1076, 1108, 1078, 1119), (328, 356, 947, 979)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfa30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe50>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccffa0>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f7910>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.3138793526238352, pad: (0, 107))
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[256.16841237193944 116.28035662684677 530.6227350919124\n   472.19765504085603 1.0]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], prediction: [[[256.16841237193944 116.28035662684677 530.6227350919124\n   472.19765504085603 1.0]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.21333333333333335], pad=[(0, 112)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        ...,\n        [89, 10,  3],\n        [93, 14,  3],\n        [94, 15,  4]],\n\n       [[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        ...,\n        [90, 11,  3],\n        [94, 15,  4],\n        [95, 16,  6]],\n\n       [[64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 14],\n        [64, 14, 12],\n        ...,\n        [90, 12,  5],\n        [94, 15,  4],\n        [95, 16,  7]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[53, 10,  7],\n        [50,  9,  7],\n        [57, 10,  8],\n        ...,\n        [54,  9,  6],\n        [54,  9,  6],\n        [54,  9,  6]],\n\n       [[49,  9,  7],\n        [52,  7,  5],\n        [57, 10,  8],\n        ...,\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6]],\n\n       [[49,  8,  6],\n        [55,  9,  8],\n        [55,  8,  6],\n        ...,\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6],\n        [55, 10,  6]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -15., -107., -120.],\n         [ -11., -103., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -106., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -111.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -105., -118.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -116.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -51., -107., -116.],\n         [ -54., -108., -116.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -108., -116.],\n         [ -52., -110., -118.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -109., -117.],\n         [ -49., -108., -115.],\n         [ -49., -109., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]]]]), prediction=array([[[256.16841237193944, 116.28035662684677, 530.6227350919124,\n         472.19765504085603, 1.0]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.3333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -15., -107., -120.],\n         [ -11., -103., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -106., -120.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -109.],\n         [ -40., -103., -111.],\n         ...,\n         [ -14., -105., -118.],\n         [ -10., -102., -119.],\n         [  -9., -101., -116.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -51., -107., -116.],\n         [ -54., -108., -116.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.],\n         [ -50., -108., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -108., -116.],\n         [ -52., -110., -118.],\n         [ -47., -107., -115.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]],\n\n        [[ -55., -109., -117.],\n         [ -49., -108., -115.],\n         [ -49., -109., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.],\n         [ -49., -107., -117.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d867f0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (1461, 2067, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (1461, 2067, 3), detected_faces: None, is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 256, width: 274, top: 116, height: 356, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 768, width: 822, top: 348, height: 1068, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ce2220>], lrtb: [(768, 1590, 348, 1416)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (1920, 1920, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ce2220>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354fcd0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 1200x1200 to 640x640. Scale=0.5333333333333333
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.5333333333333333, pad: (0, 0))
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[307.19790810808445 184.3196927415746 374.1873245415619\n   269.88404369431476 0.9999904632568359]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], prediction: [[[307.19790810808445 184.3196927415746 374.1873245415619\n   269.88404369431476 0.9999904632568359]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.3138793526238352], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', image shape: (1334, 2000, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d76940>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[307.19790810808445, 184.3196927415746, 374.1873245415619,\n         269.88404369431476, 0.9999904632568359]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.21333333333333335], pad=[(0, 112)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 307, width: 67, top: 184, height: 86, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1439, width: 314, top: 338, height: 403, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cf9f70>], lrtb: [(1439, 1753, 338, 741)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (1949, 3000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cf9f70>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354f8b0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.32
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2000x1334 to 640x426. Scale=0.32
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (426, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.32, pad: (0, 107))
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[242.48719435819223 210.01340103244124 371.2161427778687\n   373.6066304997891 1.0]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], prediction: [[[242.48719435819223 210.01340103244124 371.2161427778687\n   373.6066304997891 1.0]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5]],\n\n       [[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5]],\n\n       [[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  6,   7,   5],\n        [  6,   7,   5],\n        [  6,   7,   5]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [159, 168, 201],\n        [179, 189, 221],\n        [192, 202, 235]],\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [148, 157, 190],\n        [161, 170, 203],\n        [178, 187, 220]],\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [141, 150, 183],\n        [143, 152, 185],\n        [163, 172, 205]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  55.,   51.,   78.],\n         [  75.,   72.,   98.],\n         [  88.,   85.,  112.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  44.,   40.,   67.],\n         [  57.,   53.,   80.],\n         [  74.,   70.,   97.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  37.,   33.,   60.],\n         [  39.,   35.,   62.],\n         [  59.,   55.,   82.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (1461, 2067, 3), detected_faces: [], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d29910>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[242.48719435819223, 210.01340103244124, 371.2161427778687,\n         373.6066304997891, 1.0]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.3138793526238352], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     _load                          extract         _load                          DEBUG    Load Images: Complete
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'BGR' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 242, width: 129, top: 210, height: 164, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 771, width: 411, top: 328, height: 522, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c97160>], lrtb: [(771, 1182, 328, 850)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (1359, 2039, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c97160>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8953151670>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _set_scale                     TRACE    Detector scale: 0.3096274794388002
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resizing detection image from 2067x1461 to 640x452. Scale=0.3096274794388002
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _scale_image                   TRACE    Resized image shape: (452, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _pad_image                     TRACE    Padded image shape: (640, 640, 3)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _compile_detection_image       TRACE    compiled: (images shape: (640, 640, 3), scale: 0.3096274794388002, pad: (0, 94))
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 0, 'prediction': 0, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 0, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 0}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[311.137352234988 47.56819935835733 499.58947964491534\n   315.725448316699 1.0]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], prediction: [[[311.137352234988 47.56819935835733 499.58947964491534\n   315.725448316699 1.0]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.32], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535430>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5]],\n\n       [[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5],\n        [  4,   7,   5]],\n\n       [[  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        [  7,   7,   7],\n        ...,\n        [  6,   7,   5],\n        [  6,   7,   5],\n        [  6,   7,   5]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [159, 168, 201],\n        [179, 189, 221],\n        [192, 202, 235]],\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [148, 157, 190],\n        [161, 170, 203],\n        [178, 187, 220]],\n\n       [[  7,   8,   6],\n        [  7,   8,   6],\n        [  6,   6,   6],\n        ...,\n        [141, 150, 183],\n        [143, 152, 185],\n        [163, 172, 205]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=array([[[[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  55.,   51.,   78.],\n         [  75.,   72.,   98.],\n         [  88.,   85.,  112.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  44.,   40.,   67.],\n         [  57.,   53.,   80.],\n         [  74.,   70.,   97.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  37.,   33.,   60.],\n         [  39.,   35.,   62.],\n         [  59.,   55.,   82.]]]]), prediction=array([[[311.137352234988, 47.56819935835733, 499.58947964491534,\n         315.725448316699, 1.0]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.5333333333333333], pad=[(0, 0)], initial_feed=array([[[[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.],\n         [-100., -110., -118.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         [ -97., -110., -116.],\n         ...,\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.],\n         [ -98., -110., -118.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  55.,   51.,   78.],\n         [  75.,   72.,   98.],\n         [  88.,   85.,  112.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  44.,   40.,   67.],\n         [  57.,   53.,   80.],\n         [  74.,   70.,   97.]],\n\n        [[ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -97., -109., -117.],\n         [ -98., -111., -117.],\n         ...,\n         [  37.,   33.,   60.],\n         [  39.,   35.,   62.],\n         [  59.,   55.,   82.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           get_batch                      TRACE    EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_input              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 311, width: 188, top: 48, height: 268, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 583, width: 352, top: 90, height: 502, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952caea60>], lrtb: [(583, 935, 90, 592)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952caea60>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d867f0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'], prediction: [[[333.5937911505055 167.92212442400785 472.8023170296965\n   345.5934351076977 1.0]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'], prediction: [[[333.5937911505055 167.92212442400785 472.8023170296965\n   345.5934351076977 1.0]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([], dtype=float64), data=[], rotation_matrix=[], scale=[0.3096274794388002], pad=[(0, 94)], initial_feed=array([], dtype=float64)), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[333.5937911505055, 167.92212442400785, 472.8023170296965,\n         345.5934351076977, 1.0]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.32], pad=[(0, 107)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 334, width: 139, top: 168, height: 178, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [1]
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1044, width: 434, top: 191, height: 556, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c49c10>], lrtb: [(1044, 1478, 191, 747)])
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', image shape: (1334, 2000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c49c10>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d76940>
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:58 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    angle: 0, filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[529.5714521304444 378.56462230443844 620.8390214651284\n   497.44889539633726 0.9999995231628418]\n  [251.95305199941916 173.2434208155152 395.91604397903484\n   349.4710008510889 0.9999976754188538]\n  [0.19964656675497922 413.15357375997763 75.22412427112133\n   532.4961964484711 0.8206270933151245]]]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    Faces found for all images
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _predict                       TRACE    detect_prediction output: (filenames: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], prediction: [[[529.5714521304444 378.56462230443844 620.8390214651284\n   497.44889539633726 0.9999995231628418]\n  [251.95305199941916 173.2434208155152 395.91604397903484\n   349.4710008510889 0.9999976754188538]\n  [0.19964656675497922 413.15357375997763 75.22412427112133\n   532.4961964484711 0.8206270933151245]]], rotmat: [array([], dtype=float64)])
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963542d90>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_predict            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: DetectorBatch(image=[array([[[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       ...,\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]],\n\n       [[0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        ...,\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0],\n        [0, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8)], detected_faces=[], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]]), prediction=array([[[529.5714521304444, 378.56462230443844, 620.8390214651284,\n         497.44889539633726, 0.9999995231628418],\n        [251.95305199941916, 173.2434208155152, 395.91604397903484,\n         349.4710008510889, 0.9999976754188538],\n        [0.19964656675497922, 413.15357375997763, 75.22412427112133,\n         532.4961964484711, 0.8206270933151245]]], dtype=object), data=[], rotation_matrix=[array([], dtype=float64)], scale=[0.3096274794388002], pad=[(0, 94)], initial_feed=array([[[[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        ...,\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]],\n\n        [[-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         ...,\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.],\n         [-104., -117., -123.]]]])), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    Item out: {'image': 1, 'detected_faces': 0, 'filename': 1, 'feed': 1, 'prediction': 1, 'data': 0, 'rotation_matrix': 1, 'scale': 1, 'pad': 1, 'initial_feed': 1}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 530, width: 91, top: 379, height: 119, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 252, width: 144, top: 173, height: 176, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 0, width: 75, top: 413, height: 119, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Input sizes: [3]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _remove_zero_sized_faces       TRACE    Output sizes: [3]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 1712, width: 294, top: 920, height: 384, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 814, width: 465, top: 255, height: 568, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initializing DetectedFace: (image: None, left: 0, width: 242, top: 1030, height: 384, landmarks_xy: None, mask: None, filename: None)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             detected_face   __init__                       TRACE    Initialized DetectedFace
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             pipeline        add_detected_faces             TRACE    Adding detected faces for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. (faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168670>], lrtb: [(1712, 2006, 920, 1304), (814, 1279, 255, 823), (0, 242, 1030, 1414)])
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           finalize                       TRACE    final output: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (1461, 2067, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168670>], item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d29910>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ca0>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     detect_s3fd_output             _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        remove_image                   TRACE    Removing image for filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['detect']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.detect.s3fd.Detect object at 0x7f899f256790>]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'detect_s3fd_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    False
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Switching to phase: ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _run_extraction                DEBUG    Reloading images
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     extract         _threaded_redirector           DEBUG    Threading task: (Task: 'reload')
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: '_reload', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: ({'/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963542790>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963500730>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f896342a5b0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963377a90>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f73a0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f7910>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354fcd0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354f8b0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8953151670>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d867f0>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d76940>, '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg': <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d29910>},), kwargs: {}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: '_reload'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): '_reload'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: '_reload'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Start. Detected Faces Count: 12
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads '_reload': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        input_queue                    TRACE    extract0_align_in: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Initializing Load Generator
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching align plugin
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    TRACE    Setting thread
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'ImagesLoader_0', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_align_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_0_in
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (<lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535910>,), kwargs: {}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     processing      set_input_size_and_centering   DEBUG    input_size: 256, centering: head
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Align: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>})
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        image           _set_thread                    DEBUG    Set thread: <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8953588b80>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing FAN (Align)...
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_predict_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_predict_fan')
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_predict_fan'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'align0_post_fan'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'align0_post_fan', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       DEBUG    Load iterator: <bound method ImagesLoader._from_folder of <lib.image.ImagesLoader object at 0x7f8963535a60>>
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'align0_post_fan')
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'ImagesLoader_0': 1
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _from_folder                   DEBUG    Loading frames from folder: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'align0_post_fan'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling align threads
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_input, function: <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_input', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_input of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_input'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_input
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_predict, function: <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963377ee0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._predict of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963377ee0>}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_predict'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_predict
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: align_fan_output, function: <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963377ee0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'align_fan_output', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Aligner._process_output of <plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963377ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>}
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'align_fan_output'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: align_fan_output
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled align threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8953151580>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8963377bb0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8963377670>]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: KSession (name: FAN, model_path: /home/dave/faceswap/.fs_cache/face-alignment-network_2d4_keras_v2.h5, model_kwargs: None,  allow_growth: False, exclude_gpus: None, cpu_mode: False)
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         __init__                       TRACE    Initialized: KSession
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     MainThread                     session         load_model                     VERBOSE  Initializing plugin model: FAN
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', (1520, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', (1520, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg`, image shape: (1520, 1200, 3))
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', (1054, 1581, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', (1054, 1581, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg`, image shape: (1054, 1581, 3))
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', (699, 1024, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', (1669, 2500, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (1920, 1920, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (1949, 3000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (1359, 2039, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:27:59 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', (1334, 2000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized FAN (Align) with batchsize of 12
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_input': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', image shape: (1520, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963542790>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', (699, 1024, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Requested image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg`, image shape: (699, 1024, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_predict': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'align_fan_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'align_fan_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'align_fan_output': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched align plugin
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_0 plugin
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_0_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_in
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>})
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Components (Mask)...
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_components')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_components'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_components'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_components', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_components')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_components'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8952c9b460>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_input', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535ee0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8952c9b460>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_input
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8952c9b460>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897400>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8952c9b460>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897400>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_predict
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_components_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897400>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_components_output', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897400>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_components_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_components_output
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8951e945e0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8951897580>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f89518975b0>]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     components      init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Components (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_components_input          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_input': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_components_predict        _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_predict': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_components_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_components_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_components_output         _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_components_output': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_0 plugin
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launching mask_1 plugin
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    in_qname: extract0_mask_1_in, out_qname: extract0_mask_1_out
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     DEBUG    initialize Mask: (args: (), kwargs: {'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535940>})
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initializing Extended (Mask)...
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_predict_extended')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_predict_extended'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager getting: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager adding: (name: 'mask0_post_extended', maxsize: 1, create_new: False)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   add_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager added: (name: 'mask0_post_extended')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     queue_manager   get_queue                      DEBUG    QueueManager got: 'mask0_post_extended'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiling mask threads
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_input, function: <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897b50>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_input', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_input of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535100>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897b50>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_input
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_predict, function: <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897b50>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897fa0>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_predict', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Masker._predict of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897b50>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897fa0>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_predict
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Adding thread: (name: mask_extended_output, function: <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, in_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897fa0>, out_queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535940>)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initializing MultiThread: (target: 'mask_extended_output', thread_count: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       TRACE    args: (), kwargs: {'function': <bound method Extractor._process_output of <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>>, 'in_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8951897fa0>, 'out_queue': <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535940>}
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  __init__                       DEBUG    Initialized MultiThread: 'mask_extended_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _add_thread                    DEBUG    Added thread: mask_extended_output
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           _compile_threads               DEBUG    Compiled mask threads: [<lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f89518975e0>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8951889160>, <lib.multithreading.MultiThread object at 0x7f8951889190>]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     extended        init_model                     DEBUG    No mask model to initialize
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     _base           initialize                     INFO     Initialized Extended (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_input'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_extended_input            _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_input')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_input': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_predict'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_extended_predict          _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_predict')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_predict': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread(s): 'mask_extended_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Starting thread 1 of 1: 'mask_extended_output'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     mask_extended_output           _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    threading: (function: '_process_output')
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     multithreading  start                          DEBUG    Started all threads 'mask_extended_output': 1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _launch_plugin                 DEBUG    Launched mask_1 plugin
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        phase_text                     TRACE    Mask, Align
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        passes                         TRACE    2
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        detected_faces                 DEBUG    Running Detection. Phase: '['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        final_pass                     TRACE    True
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _final_phase                   TRACE    mask_1
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _output_queue                  TRACE    extract0_mask_1_out: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963535940>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _current_phase                 TRACE    ['align', 'mask_0', 'mask_1']
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     MainThread                     pipeline        _active_plugins                TRACE    Active plugins: [<plugins.extract.align.fan.Align object at 0x7f895d4f8340>, <plugins.extract.mask.components.Mask object at 0x7f8963535190>, <plugins.extract.mask.extended.Mask object at 0x7f8963535370>]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', image shape: (1054, 1581, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963500730>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg`, image shape: (1200, 1200, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', image shape: (699, 1024, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f896342a5b0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', (1669, 2500, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg`, image shape: (1669, 2500, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8963377a90>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg`, image shape: (1200, 1200, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', image shape: (1669, 2500, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f73a0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', (1920, 1920, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg, faces: 12)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg`, image shape: (1920, 1920, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           read_image                     TRACE    Loaded image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'. Success: True
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting to queue: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (1461, 2067, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     ImagesLoader_0                 image           _process                       TRACE    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        __init__                       TRACE    Initializing ExtractMedia: (filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', image shape: (1669, 2500, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>], is_aligned: False)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Rolled over 4 faces of 12 to next batch for '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(1520, 1200, 3), (1054, 1581, 3), (699, 1024, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[ 582.       525.06     954.87177]\n  [ 582.       525.06     954.87177]\n  [ 582.       525.06     954.87177]\n  ...\n  [ 582.       525.06     954.87177]\n  [ 582.       525.06     954.87177]\n  [ 582.       525.06     954.87177]]\n\n [[ 645.       249.02     575.38464]\n  [ 645.       249.02     575.38464]\n  [ 645.       249.02     575.38464]\n  ...\n  [ 645.       249.02     575.38464]\n  [ 645.       249.02     575.38464]\n  [ 645.       249.02     575.38464]]\n\n [[ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]\n  [ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]\n  [ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]\n  ...\n  [ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]\n  [ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]\n  [ 656.       142.18     370.2564 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1076.       261.94     208.20512]\n  [1076.       261.94     208.20512]\n  [1076.       261.94     208.20512]\n  ...\n  [1076.       261.94     208.20512]\n  [1076.       261.94     208.20512]\n  [1076.       261.94     208.20512]]\n\n [[ 766.       182.42     208.20512]\n  [ 766.       182.42     208.20512]\n  [ 766.       182.42     208.20512]\n  ...\n  [ 766.       182.42     208.20512]\n  [ 766.       182.42     208.20512]\n  [ 766.       182.42     208.20512]]\n\n [[  89.5      457.1      328.20514]\n  [  89.5      457.1      328.20514]\n  [  89.5      457.1      328.20514]\n  ...\n  [  89.5      457.1      328.20514]\n  [  89.5      457.1      328.20514]\n  [  89.5      457.1      328.20514]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[108.29408   51.354084]\n  [108.29408   51.354084]\n  [108.29408   51.354084]\n  ...\n  [108.29408   51.354084]\n  [108.29408   51.354084]\n  [108.29408   51.354084]]\n\n [[359.55527  -36.42472 ]\n  [359.55527  -36.42472 ]\n  [359.55527  -36.42472 ]\n  ...\n  [359.55527  -36.42472 ]\n  [359.55527  -36.42472 ]\n  [359.55527  -36.42472 ]]\n\n [[472.3181   -41.501896]\n  [472.3181   -41.501896]\n  [472.3181   -41.501896]\n  ...\n  [472.3181   -41.501896]\n  [472.3181   -41.501896]\n  [472.3181   -41.501896]]\n\n ...\n\n [[972.71075  158.65074 ]\n  [972.71075  158.65074 ]\n  [972.71075  158.65074 ]\n  ...\n  [972.71075  158.65074 ]\n  [972.71075  158.65074 ]\n  [972.71075  158.65074 ]]\n\n [[662.71075   79.13074 ]\n  [662.71075   79.13074 ]\n  [662.71075   79.13074 ]\n  ...\n  [662.71075   79.13074 ]\n  [662.71075   79.13074 ]\n  [662.71075   79.13074 ]]\n\n [[-73.32052  294.27948 ]\n  [-73.32052  294.27948 ]\n  [-73.32052  294.27948 ]\n  ...\n  [-73.32052  294.27948 ]\n  [-73.32052  294.27948 ]\n  [-73.32052  294.27948 ]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1059.4359  1002.49585]\n  [1059.4359  1002.49585]\n  [1059.4359  1002.49585]\n  ...\n  [1059.4359  1002.49585]\n  [1059.4359  1002.49585]\n  [1059.4359  1002.49585]]\n\n [[ 932.6923   536.71234]\n  [ 932.6923   536.71234]\n  [ 932.6923   536.71234]\n  ...\n  [ 932.6923   536.71234]\n  [ 932.6923   536.71234]\n  [ 932.6923   536.71234]]\n\n [[ 841.1282   327.3082 ]\n  [ 841.1282   327.3082 ]\n  [ 841.1282   327.3082 ]\n  ...\n  [ 841.1282   327.3082 ]\n  [ 841.1282   327.3082 ]\n  [ 841.1282   327.3082 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1180.1025   366.04254]\n  [1180.1025   366.04254]\n  [1180.1025   366.04254]\n  ...\n  [1180.1025   366.04254]\n  [1180.1025   366.04254]\n  [1180.1025   366.04254]]\n\n [[ 870.1026   286.52255]\n  [ 870.1026   286.52255]\n  [ 870.1026   286.52255]\n  ...\n  [ 870.1026   286.52255]\n  [ 870.1026   286.52255]\n  [ 870.1026   286.52255]]\n\n [[ 253.60257  621.2026 ]\n  [ 253.60257  621.2026 ]\n  [ 253.60257  621.2026 ]\n  ...\n  [ 253.60257  621.2026 ]\n  [ 253.60257  621.2026 ]\n  [ 253.60257  621.2026 ]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from _rollover: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg`, faces: 4)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(1520, 1200, 3), (1054, 1581, 3), (699, 1024, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfa30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe50>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccffa0>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f89531f7910>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg, faces: 4)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', (1949, 3000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg`, image shape: (1949, 3000, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', image shape: (1920, 1920, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ce2220>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354fcd0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', (1359, 2039, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg`, image shape: (1359, 2039, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', image shape: (1949, 3000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cf9f70>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f895354f8b0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', (1200, 1200, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg`, image shape: (1200, 1200, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', image shape: (1359, 2039, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c97160>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8953151670>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', (1334, 2000, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg`, image shape: (1334, 2000, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg', image shape: (1200, 1200, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952caea60>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d867f0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Yielding: ['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', (1461, 2067, 3)]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        TRACE    Reloading image: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        pipeline        set_image                      TRACE    Reapplying image: (filename: `/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg`, image shape: (1461, 2067, 3))
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1920, 1920, 3), (1949, 3000, 3), (1359, 2039, 3), (1200, 1200, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfa30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe50>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccffa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ce2220>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cf9f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c97160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952caea60>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[1404.       202.76     180.51282]\n  [1404.       202.76     180.51282]\n  [1404.       202.76     180.51282]\n  ...\n  [1404.       202.76     180.51282]\n  [1404.       202.76     180.51282]\n  [1404.       202.76     180.51282]]\n\n [[ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]\n  [ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]\n  [ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]\n  ...\n  [ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]\n  [ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]\n  [ 564.       950.42    1116.9231 ]]\n\n [[ 564.       364.46     204.10257]\n  [ 564.       364.46     204.10257]\n  [ 564.       364.46     204.10257]\n  ...\n  [ 564.       364.46     204.10257]\n  [ 564.       364.46     204.10257]\n  [ 564.       364.46     204.10257]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1596.       491.14     735.38464]\n  [1596.       491.14     735.38464]\n  [1596.       491.14     735.38464]\n  ...\n  [1596.       491.14     735.38464]\n  [1596.       491.14     735.38464]\n  [1596.       491.14     735.38464]]\n\n [[ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]\n  [ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]\n  [ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]\n  ...\n  [ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]\n  [ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]\n  [ 976.5      526.36     956.9231 ]]\n\n [[ 759.       280.76     875.89746]\n  [ 759.       280.76     875.89746]\n  [ 759.       280.76     875.89746]\n  ...\n  [ 759.       280.76     875.89746]\n  [ 759.       280.76     875.89746]\n  [ 759.       280.76     875.89746]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1314.4487    113.20872 ]\n  [1314.4487    113.20872 ]\n  [1314.4487    113.20872 ]\n  ...\n  [1314.4487    113.20872 ]\n  [1314.4487    113.20872 ]\n  [1314.4487    113.20872 ]]\n\n [[   9.901433  396.3214  ]\n  [   9.901433  396.3214  ]\n  [   9.901433  396.3214  ]\n  ...\n  [   9.901433  396.3214  ]\n  [   9.901433  396.3214  ]\n  [   9.901433  396.3214  ]]\n\n [[ 462.746     263.20596 ]\n  [ 462.746     263.20596 ]\n  [ 462.746     263.20596 ]\n  ...\n  [ 462.746     263.20596 ]\n  [ 462.746     263.20596 ]\n  [ 462.746     263.20596 ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1231.1802    126.32029 ]\n  [1231.1802    126.32029 ]\n  [1231.1802    126.32029 ]\n  ...\n  [1231.1802    126.32029 ]\n  [1231.1802    126.32029 ]\n  [1231.1802    126.32029 ]]\n\n [[ 501.77643    51.636417]\n  [ 501.77643    51.636417]\n  [ 501.77643    51.636417]\n  ...\n  [ 501.77643    51.636417]\n  [ 501.77643    51.636417]\n  [ 501.77643    51.636417]]\n\n [[ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]\n  [ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]\n  [ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]\n  ...\n  [ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]\n  [ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]\n  [ 324.47275  -153.76724 ]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1494.2565   293.01642]\n  [1494.2565   293.01642]\n  [1494.2565   293.01642]\n  ...\n  [1494.2565   293.01642]\n  [1494.2565   293.01642]\n  [1494.2565   293.01642]]\n\n [[1122.4615  1508.8816 ]\n  [1122.4615  1508.8816 ]\n  [1122.4615  1508.8816 ]\n  ...\n  [1122.4615  1508.8816 ]\n  [1122.4615  1508.8816 ]\n  [1122.4615  1508.8816 ]]\n\n [[ 666.0513   466.51126]\n  [ 666.0513   466.51126]\n  [ 666.0513   466.51126]\n  ...\n  [ 666.0513   466.51126]\n  [ 666.0513   466.51126]\n  [ 666.0513   466.51126]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1963.6923   858.83234]\n  [1963.6923   858.83234]\n  [1963.6923   858.83234]\n  ...\n  [1963.6923   858.83234]\n  [1963.6923   858.83234]\n  [1963.6923   858.83234]]\n\n [[1454.9615  1004.82153]\n  [1454.9615  1004.82153]\n  [1454.9615  1004.82153]\n  ...\n  [1454.9615  1004.82153]\n  [1454.9615  1004.82153]\n  [1454.9615  1004.82153]]\n\n [[1196.9487   718.70874]\n  [1196.9487   718.70874]\n  [1196.9487   718.70874]\n  ...\n  [1196.9487   718.70874]\n  [1196.9487   718.70874]\n  [1196.9487   718.70874]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', image shape: (1334, 2000, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c49c10>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d76940>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg, faces: 1)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           TRACE    Got EOF
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           load                           DEBUG    Closing Load Generator
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Received Close
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joining Thread: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        multithreading  join                           DEBUG    Joined all Threads: 'ImagesLoader_0'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        image           close                          DEBUG    Closed
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    filename: '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', image shape: (1461, 2067, 3), detected_faces: [<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168670>], queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>, item: <plugins.extract.pipeline.ExtractMedia object at 0x7f8952d29910>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           rollover_collector             TRACE    Getting from queue: (filename: /home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg, faces: 3)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     _reload                        extract         _reload                        DEBUG    Reload Images: Complete
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                pipeline        get_image_copy                 TRACE    Requested color format 'RGB' for frame '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: EOF, queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89635353d0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      DEBUG    EOF received
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                aligner         get_batch                      TRACE    Returning batch: AlignerBatch(batch_id=3, image=[(1334, 2000, 3), (1461, 2067, 3), (1461, 2067, 3), (1461, 2067, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c49c10>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168970>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168910>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8953168670>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/11.jpeg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/12.jpg'], feed=(0,), prediction=(0,), data=[], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[])
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligning faces around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculating center and scale
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             get_center_scale               TRACE    Calculated center and scale: [[[1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.       402.28    1015.38464]\n  [1261.     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06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropping images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  -101.44598 ]\n  [ 757.27405  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06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   909.9723 ]\n  [1768.6924   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06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             crop                           TRACE    Cropped images
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                fan             process_input                  TRACE    Aligned image around center
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    (12, 68, 64, 64)
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=2, image=[(1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1920, 1920, 3), (1949, 3000, 3), (1359, 2039, 3), (1200, 1200, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f40>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1af0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1700>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d34fa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfa30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccfe50>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ccffa0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952ce2220>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cf9f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952c97160>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952caea60>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/06.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/07.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/08.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/09.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/10.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(0,), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f89535888e0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_input                _base           _thread_process                DEBUG    Putting EOF
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               _base           _get_item                      TRACE    item: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(1520, 1200, 3), (1054, 1581, 3), (699, 1024, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(0,), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[]), queue: <lib.queue_manager.EventQueue object at 0x7f8963377ee0>
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_predict              fan             predict                        TRACE    Predicting Landmarks
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtain points from prediction
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transforming Points
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             transform                      TRACE    Transformed Points: [[[ 354.472      513.8701   ]\n  [ 354.472      581.0095   ]\n  [ 369.39185    633.229    ]\n  ...\n  [ 637.94946    737.6682   ]\n  [ 615.5697     737.6682   ]\n  [ 585.73       737.6682   ]]\n\n [[ 516.887      264.75317  ]\n  [ 525.8774     300.71472  ]\n  [ 530.37256    332.1811   ]\n  ...\n  [ 710.1803     368.14258  ]\n  [ 701.18994    372.63782  ]\n  [ 687.70435    372.63782  ]]\n\n [[ 567.77484    149.41156  ]\n  [ 573.5601     175.44522  ]\n  [ 579.34534    195.69362  ]\n  ...\n  [ 666.1242     218.83463  ]\n  [ 660.3389     221.72726  ]\n  [ 651.6611     221.72726  ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1029.6418     252.99368  ]\n  [1088.1996     233.47446  ]\n  [1120.7316     309.92477  ]\n  ...\n  [1044.2812     173.29016  ]\n  [1042.6547     173.29016  ]\n  [1041.0281     186.30298  ]]\n\n [[ 714.762      175.10028  ]\n  [ 812.3582     217.39197  ]\n  [ 817.23804    214.13873  ]\n  ...\n  [ 770.0665      92.143555 ]\n  [ 776.57294     92.143555 ]\n  [ 737.5345      93.77016  ]]\n\n [[  -4.0897446  437.86923  ]\n  [   8.730766   460.94617  ]\n  [   3.602562   463.51025  ]\n  ...\n  [  57.448715   317.3564   ]\n  [   8.730766   378.89487  ]\n  [  67.705124   348.12564  ]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               fan             get_pts_from_predict           TRACE    Obtained points from prediction: [[[ 354.472      513.8701   ]\n  [ 354.472      581.0095   ]\n  [ 369.39185    633.229    ]\n  ...\n  [ 637.94946    737.6682   ]\n  [ 615.5697     737.6682   ]\n  [ 585.73       737.6682   ]]\n\n [[ 516.887      264.75317  ]\n  [ 525.8774     300.71472  ]\n  [ 530.37256    332.1811   ]\n  ...\n  [ 710.1803     368.14258  ]\n  [ 701.18994    372.63782  ]\n  [ 687.70435    372.63782  ]]\n\n [[ 567.77484    149.41156  ]\n  [ 573.5601     175.44522  ]\n  [ 579.34534    195.69362  ]\n  ...\n  [ 666.1242     218.83463  ]\n  [ 660.3389     221.72726  ]\n  [ 651.6611     221.72726  ]]\n\n ...\n\n [[1029.6418     252.99368  ]\n  [1088.1996     233.47446  ]\n  [1120.7316     309.92477  ]\n  ...\n  [1044.2812     173.29016  ]\n  [1042.6547     173.29016  ]\n  [1041.0281     186.30298  ]]\n\n [[ 714.762      175.10028  ]\n  [ 812.3582     217.39197  ]\n  [ 817.23804    214.13873  ]\n  ...\n  [ 770.0665      92.143555 ]\n  [ 776.57294     92.143555 ]\n  [ 737.5345      93.77016  ]]\n\n [[  -4.0897446  437.86923  ]\n  [   8.730766   460.94617  ]\n  [   3.602562   463.51025  ]\n  ...\n  [  57.448715   317.3564   ]\n  [   8.730766   378.89487  ]\n  [  67.705124   348.12564  ]]]
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               detected_face   add_landmarks_xy               TRACE    landmarks shape: '(68, 2)'
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligner         finalize                       TRACE    Item out: AlignerBatch(batch_id=1, image=[(1520, 1200, 3), (1054, 1581, 3), (699, 1024, 3), (1200, 1200, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3), (1669, 2500, 3)], detected_faces=[<lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f89531f7cd0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d071c0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d7de80>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952d6dbe0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d30>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1d60>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1df0>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1e20>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1f70>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cca100>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1880>, <lib.align.detected_face.DetectedFace object at 0x7f8952cc1fa0>], filename=['/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/01.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/02.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/03.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/04.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg', '/home/dave/Downloads/work/input_test/05.jpg'], feed=(12, 256, 256, 3), prediction=(1, 12, 68, 64, 64), data=[{'center_scale': (12, 68, 3)}], landmarks=(12, 68, 2), refeeds=[(12, 256, 256, 3)], second_pass=False, second_pass_masks=[[False False False False False False False False False False False False]])
06/23/2023 14:28:06 MainProcess     align_fan_output               aligned_face    __init__                       TRACE    Initializing: AlignedFace (image shape: None, centering: 'face', size: 64, coverage_ratio: 1.0, dtype: None, is_aligned: False, is_legacy: False)
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Re: Extraction Hangs Linux

Post by torzdf »

Ok, well the issue is, sadly, not reproducible.

This is using your exact face set, with your exact extract command, run on Fedora 38. Also tested confirmed working on Debian 12 under XFCE.

Code: Select all

06/23/2023 06:50:27 INFO     Initialized FAN (Align) with batchsize of 12
06/23/2023 06:50:27 INFO     Initializing Components (Mask)...
06/23/2023 06:50:27 INFO     Initialized Components (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/23/2023 06:50:27 INFO     Initializing Extended (Mask)...
06/23/2023 06:50:27 INFO     Initialized Extended (Mask) with batchsize of 1
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Writing alignments to: '/mnt/Data/fstest/test/input_test/alignments.fsa'                                                                                                                                         
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     -------------------------
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Images found:        12
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Faces detected:      15
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     -------------------------
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Note:
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Multiple faces were detected in one or more pictures.
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Double check your results.
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     -------------------------
06/23/2023 06:50:29 INFO     Process Succesfully Completed. Shutting Down...

I also tried artificially forcing 2 passes to mimic your GPU behaviour on a 4GB card, same result. Completed as expected.

What is basically happening is somewhere in the process an image is getting stuck, and this is locking up all of the queues. It doesn't appear to be a specific error, as this would raise and exit, it's just getting stuck.

At this point, I'm at a bit of a loss, as I don't see anything explicit that may be causing this. The only potential issue I can see is that there is still a global Cuda installed, although it has now downgraded from 11.5 to 11.0 since your first system output. I honestly am not sure that removing this conflict would fix the issue, as Cuda conflicts tend to result in the GPU not being used, whereas in your case it appears to be running through detect + align before getting stuck, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

My word is final
