Training only B side

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Training only B side

Post by jode »

Maybe stupid question but is it possible to train only B side? I often use same B side to different A sides. Hoping I could make B side "ready" for next project and then just load weights to make training faster. Is it possible with Phaze-A trainer?

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Re: Training only B side

Post by MaxHunter »

The short answer is, no.

What you can do, if you use Phaze A, is freeze the B side, and reuse the weights. As you continually re-use the weights in theory it should take less time to train.

The model needs both sides to build properly.

Last edited by MaxHunter on Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Training only B side

Post by torzdf »

Absolutely you can do this, to an extent. It will save time for the next training, but not completely eliminate.

You would

  • create a new model in Phaze-A, same structure as the initial model.
  • In the "load weights" section, load in weights for every part of the model that are "shared", "both" or "B" only
  • Freeze the same weights as you selected for "load weights"
  • In the main training window, "Load Weights" from the model that has the B data you want to keep
  • Start training

The A side should start to catch up pretty quickly with the B-Side (you can train higher batch-size too, as less of the model is training).
Once you are happy that the A has got as far as it is going to get, unfreeze the whole model to let the rest of it adapt to the new data.

My word is final
