Blurry faces

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Blurry faces

Post by bigboss88 »

I've extracted some faces from a number of photos but the extracted faces are a tad bit blurry when I open the images. Extracted faces from video less so. Is this because the resolution of the photos was too low? I used maximum image size in the extract settings, idk if that makes a difference?

Any idea how to extract more clear faces? Or doesn't this really matter?

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Re: Blurry faces

Post by torzdf »

I'm not sure what this means:

I used maximum image size

Either way, you want a mix of images, tending towards higher quality.

Ultimately if a face does not take up much of the image that you are extracting from and/or the original image is fairly low resolution, then the extracted face will be more blurry, as it needs to be enlarged to the correct size for the extraction.

If you haven't already, then you should read the extract guide which helps explain the settings, what you should set them to and when you need to change them:

My word is final
